Nov 20, 2024
09:46 AM
throwing my name in the "me too" hat! UHD Alex Mini footage in a 1080 seq. EDIT: I had my global FX muted somehow. Not sure if this is a solution for others or not.
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Jul 25, 2024
11:37 AM
1 Upvote
Summarize the problem you're seeing e.g. the program has crashed or won't import. I have a timeline that is using a text-based editing transcript. However, trying to rename the speakers on the source clips is not staying. I tried opening the project with the source clip to see if that helped but changing the speaker name just reverts back to "speaker" so I am trying to create a static transcript on my timeline just to get it all working and it's not processing at all. Steps describing how to encounter the bug. Turn on "Automatically transcribe clips" in settings so all imported clips get transcribed Edit a sequence using media from several projects in a project dedicated to timelines Create an edit-based transcript so all the source clips' text populates as the transcript for the edited sequence Go to the source clip to rename the speaker on one of the clips and notice it does not stick Go back to the edited sequence and try to generate a static transcript - it doesn't work Notice that trying to use "in and out" points to dictate where to transcribe the sequence, notice the option to transcribve disappears completely. What should have happened? Source clips should have been able to be saved with the new speaker names and the edited sequence should have overrided the text-based editing transcript and created a new transcript based on the clips in the timeline with a whole new analysis. Even copy/pasting the timeline to a new clean timeline with no transcript attached to it will not transcribe. What actually happened? Source clips speaker names revert back to "speaker" and the timeline does not even start to process the new static transcript Do you have any third-party plug-ins or panels installed (even if they aren't being used when you encounter the bug)? Several. Attached screen shots for reference: Please include your hardware specs and the exact name and version of your operating system. Mac Studio Apple M2 Ultra Memory: 192 GB macOS: 14.5 (23F79) Premiere Pro 24.5.0 (Build 57)
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Jul 10, 2024
10:31 PM
Man. This is lightyears better than the pitch shift option build into the speed ramp function itself. WHY? Thank you for this. It's almost too easy a solution yet here I am thanking you 4.5 years later. ha!
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Jul 10, 2024
04:54 PM
Y'all rock. Thanks!
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Jul 10, 2024
04:53 PM
All good! "Frustration" is a strong word but I am excited for the wrinkle to be ironed out for sure!
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Jul 10, 2024
01:14 PM
All good. Glad it's not just me!
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Jul 10, 2024
01:07 PM
1 Upvote
When I first open a Premiere Production, the panel is as big as it is. what's nice is it remembers what folders I had twirled down, etc. The issue is I default to having the Date Modified column as the sort so my latest projects are at the top of the folder. If I have more projects in the folder than show in the panel, it only seems to sort the VISIBLE projects. If I expand the panel, it re-sorts so I can see my latest project up top, but it seems like this should just sort everything in the folders whether they're visible or not, no? Steps describing how to encounter the bug. 1. Have a Premiere Production that has enough projects in a folder to go below the bottom of the panel at launch 2. Be sure to sort the production panel by Date Modified with the latest project up top and the folder twirled open 3. Close and re-open production so all that's open is the Production Panel with the folder twirled down and the Date Modified column sorted. (further context here: https://youtu.be/vb1MsN1Yi14) 4. Notice that the top-most project in the folder is (likely) not the latest. To confirm, expand the panel and see the projects re-sort based on what's visible in the panel What should have happened? The projects should be sorted by Date Modified regardless of whether they're visible in the panel or not What actually happened? The panel is only sorting visible projects in the panel Do you have any third-party plug-ins or panels installed (even if they aren't being used when you encounter the bug)? Several. Attached screen shots for reference: Effect pluigins Extension Panels Please include your hardware specs and the exact name and version of your operating system. Included in my signature.
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May 31, 2024
07:46 PM
1 Upvote
When I go to upload the active sequence into a folder 2 subfolders down from the root of a project on frame, the upload goes fine, it's added to the version stack fine, but the asset does not update appropriately without clicking the reload icon which kicks me back to the root of the project Steps describing how to encounter the bug. 1. Navigate to the subfolder for the active sequence to upload 2. upload active sequence using a custom media encoder setting which includes a watermark and timecode burn-in 3. let the encode complete, the upload complete, and the cut be added to the version stack 4. notice the version stack does not show the new cut. 5. opening the latest cut in the frame.io panel does not show the new cut nor is it in the version stack 6. go to app.frame.io to see that the latest cut is in fact there and at the top of the versions stack 7. refresh the frame.io panel and get kicked back to the root of the project 8. navigate to the subfolder with the cut and see that the latest cut is in fact there and at the top of the versions stack What should have happened? The latest cut should have been added and available in the version stack without having to refresh the panel What actually happened? The cut is added to the version stack and available on app.frame.io but not in the panel without refreshing Do you have any third-party plug-ins or panels installed (even if they aren't being used when you encounter the bug)? FX Factory and Maxon plugins and the following panels: Please include your hardware specs and the exact name and version of your operating system. In my signature below:
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May 23, 2024
10:00 AM
It would be nice to be able to drag any timeline I made over an unopened project and it would not only open the project for me, it would move the timeline there. Workflow in practice: drag all my dailies into a bin, string it out onto a timeline, drag that timeline over an unopened (or opened) STRINGOUTS project in my production panel (not an open project tab) and the project file would open and place the timeline in there. And this could work for smaller stuff like if I am being lazy and throw a bunch of SFX, Music, titles, caption presets, stock clips, etc. and I can easily just drag those elements over to the appropriate projects listen in the production panel without having to stack my tabs or find those open projects. UPDATE - IF the project is already open, this functions as requested. Would love the option to do this with closed projects, too.
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Apr 29, 2024
03:42 PM
1 Upvote
When working with the Review panel open to the comments list, if I reply, it doesn't show up for me until I leave the asset and go back into it manually. 1. Open the Review Panel 2. Open an asset on frame.io that has a comment on it 3. Reply to the comment What should have happened is my comment is shown in context. It certainly does on frame.io itself. It just doesn't show up unless I leave the asset in the review panel and then re-load the same asset. Only then will my comment show up. This has been happening for at least a year. Not sure it has ever worked but for sure it's been an issue for me for about a year. We have SubMachine, Excalibur, MotionBro, Red Giant Universe, Magic Bullet Colorista, Batch Rename, Pluraleyes, and LucidLink installed. I have 2 systems I use that both have this issue. The system specs are included here: 2019 MacPro: 2021 MacBook Pro:
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Apr 29, 2024
03:23 PM
Just refreshed Creative Cloud and updated to 24.5.0 BETA (Build 25) on my 2019 MacPro running macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) and still had a macOS crash when throwing about 20 clips into the Enhance feature.
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Apr 15, 2024
03:56 PM
1 Upvote
My theory is this is an intel mac issue. I have never been able to recreate this issue on an M series mac.
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Apr 15, 2024
03:56 PM
1 Upvote
My theory is this is an intel mac issue. I have never been able to recreate this issue on an M series mac.
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Apr 09, 2024
10:46 AM
I'll mess around with it today! I started using a different workflow for this function but i would love to be able to go back to this! I'll follow up once I try again -------------- *David Parke* (He.Him.His)
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Dec 05, 2023
10:37 PM
Been looking for this and an actual functional reverse match frame since switching back to premiere as my day to day. Miss these features from avid a lot.
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Sep 17, 2023
11:50 AM
I’d be open to “copy” if it were appended to the front of the name and not the end, but yeah, I’m with ya. If I have a version number on the end of the seq name, add one to that. After effects can do it. -------------- David Parke (He.Him.His) Post Producer // Persefoni 310.739.7242 // LinkedIn: davidparke -------------- NOTICE This email and all attachments are confidential, may be legally privileged, and are intended solely for the individual or entity to whom the email is addressed. However, mistakes sometimes happen in addressing emails. If you believe that you are not an intended recipient, please stop reading immediately. Do not copy, forward, or relay on the contents in any way. Notify the sender and/or Persefoni AI Inc. and then delete or destroy any copy of this email and its attachments. Sender reserves and asserts all rights to confidentiality, including all privileges that may apply.
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May 26, 2023
03:28 PM
1 Upvote
I never thought to use that before! I had 15 exports from a project but had no idea which production or project I used to make the edit. I imported 15 exports I had and went one by one. They all kept opening in VLC for me until ONE of them finally gave me an error telling me the project was missing but at LEAST I had a project name. I know this thread is 6 years old but THANK YOU for it!
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Feb 20, 2023
09:04 AM
Good call. Mine are in the Creative Cloud Files folder which I have on an external drive. I feel like this is a relatively *new* issue compared to how long I have used this file structure but good to know there's a reason behind it.
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Feb 06, 2023
08:16 PM
what I wouldnt give for some favorite projects... and the ability to search across an entire production
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Feb 03, 2023
12:21 AM
Right there with you. M1 Max MBP runs pretty much as expected. My pretty well-equipped 2019 MacPro is just so unreliable. Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 23.1.0 (Build 86) Operating system - macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49) System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: CPU - 3.2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W GPU and Driver Version - AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB RAM - 160 GB 2933 MHz DDR4 Hard Drive (and, if external, how the drive is connected: USB 3, Thunderbolt, etc.). - OWC Gemini connected via TB3 cable. UPDATE: I found that having too many panels open in conjunction with having a timeline template that included a legacy track effect seemed to be the culprits. I turned off some unnecessary panels and removed the legacy track effect and the timeline started being more responsive. UPDATE 2: Panels was not the solve. I was pulling my hair out again within a day or so. What's been working for the last hour or so was I realized I had swapped TB cables between my OWC RAID and my Studio Display - so my display was running off the OWC RAID's TB port as a daisy chain and not off the tower's GFX card. So far so good - both the RAID and displays are plugged into the tower and I have had minimal issues. Will set a reminder to report back if anything changes or if this, in fact, was the solve. Interested in OP's signal flow and if that might be an issue? UPDATE 3: Rolling back to 23.0 was the "solve" for this although it seems off that the latest 22.x version and the betas all have this same issue for me. Will update as I go UPDATE 4: I worked on my M1 Max all summer without issue (the MacPro 2019 just keeps my room TOO hot). Came back to the MacPro now that temps have fallen and my summer went to well, I had forgotten that it wasn't just the heat I was using the M1 Max for! Well, 3 days into working back on the MacPro, I decided to do a complete wipe of the system. Clean installed the OS and then just the bare necessities. So far so good! Not the solve most want to hear, I am sure, but unless this thing starts slowing to a crawl sometime soon, I had an INCREDIBLE day ACTUALLY working on this thing.
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Feb 03, 2023
12:18 AM
I am on a well equipped 2019 MacPro and have been experiencing similar issues. I thought it was my storage drive for a bit but it doesn't seem to be as my M1 Max has no problem with it. Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 23.1.0 (Build 86) Operating system - macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49) System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: CPU - 3.2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W GPU and Driver Version - AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB RAM - 160 GB 2933 MHz DDR4 Hard Drive (and, if external, how the drive is connected: USB 3, Thunderbolt, etc.). - OWC Gemini connected via TB3 cable. UPDATE: What's been working for the last hour or so: I realized I had swapped TB cables between my OWC RAID and my Studio Display - so my display was running off the OWC RAID's TB port as a daisy chain and not off the tower's GFX card. So far so good - both the RAID and displays are plugged into the tower and I have had minimal issues. Will set a reminder to report back if anything changes or if this, in fact, was the solve. Interested in OP's signal flow and if that might be an issue?
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Feb 03, 2023
12:14 AM
UPDATE 2: I noticed that since I cannot open a standalone source clip in a timeline view, I have been using the Audio Clip Mixer to solo the tracks I want to hear. Then I shuttle using JKL but I am doing it with the mixer panel active, not the source monitor. This seems to be setting either phantom or invisible audio-only in points when I set them. These seem to override any in-point I have set on the source monitor when I wanna do an option-drag replacement. To confirm, I loaded a clip into the source, activated the audio clip mixer panel, set an in and an out point, and did not see these reflected on the source monitor. However, if I use the "jump to in" or "jump to out" keyboard shortcut, sure enough, the playhead on the source monitor moves to the places I hit in and out while the audio clip mixer panel was active. These are independent of any in and outs I already have on the source monitor. If I activate the source monitor and hit "go to in" or "go to out," it jumps to the visible in and out marks and ignores the phantom marks.
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Feb 02, 2023
11:08 PM
UPDATE: I noticed that in this particular instance, since I had "Show Duplpicate Frame Markers" set to "on," Premiere was ignoring the in-point I had set on the source side and was using some other point of another instance of that same file within my timeline. First, I match-framed to the later instance of the clip and revealed that clip in the project to confirm that it was the same piece of media I was using earlier. It was. I cleared the in and out points and tried option dragging with none set. It was now replacing the clip using the start of the clip as the head of the replaced instance. I then set my in-point again on this match-framed version of the clip and voila, I was able to get the expected result. Not the workaround I was hoping for but hoping this helps someone else and I am either told what I was doing wrong in the first place or have found a bug worth squashing.
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Feb 02, 2023
11:02 PM
1 Upvote
Issue - Most times, I can set and in-point on a clip in the source monitor, option-drag that source clip to a clip on the timeline to replace it, and have it replace starting at the in-point set in the source monitor. When it doesn't work, it's baffling and frustrating. Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 23.1.0 (Build 86) Operating system - macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49) System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: CPU - 3.2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W GPU and Driver Version - AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB RAM - 160 GB 2933 MHz DDR4 Hard Drive (and, if external, how the drive is connected: USB 3, Thunderbolt, etc.). - OWC Gemini connected via TB3 cable. Video format: Wrapper type: MXF OP1a (type: SingleItem SinglePackage MultiTrack Stream Internal) File generated by: CANON, EOS C70 (1.00) AVC Unconstrained Workflow details: Looking to replace a clip in the timeline with a clip with an in-point set in the source monitor and have that new clip take on all the attributes of the clip it replaced. Steps to reproduce - open a clip in the source monitor find where you want to start it set an in point find a clip in the timeline you want to replace hold down option and click and hold on the clip in the source monitor drag that clip over the clip you want to replace on the timeline. it will highlight when your mouse is over the clip let go of the mouse button Expected result - the clip in the timeline should now be the clip from the source monitor with the start of the clip being the in-point set on the source monitor and all attributes like size and position and color, etc. should be now applied to the new clip in its place. Actual result - new clip that replaced the old starts at some random time.
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Feb 02, 2023
08:30 PM
SECOND UPDATE: moving a project from a folder within a folder to the trash causes a similar issue - the project seems to stay in the folder yet the macOS Finder shows that the project was indeed moved to the trash.
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Feb 02, 2023
08:26 PM
UPDATE:This also happens if I take a production out of the trash. Hoever, I noticed that this is a folder WITHIN a folder that causes this. Moving a project out of the trash onto the root of the production or a single folder in does not cause this issue. Only when I try to import or move a project to a folder within a folder does this happen.
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Feb 02, 2023
08:20 PM
Issue - I have been having issues with the "Add Project To Production..." function where the project will get added, but it doesn't show up without using the search tool or closing and reopening the production. Adobe Premiere Pro version number: 23.1.0 (Build 86) Operating system - macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49) System Info: CPU, GPU, RAM, HD: CPU - 3.2 GHz 16-Core Intel Xeon W GPU and Driver Version - AMD Radeon Pro W5700X 16 GB RAM - 160 GB 2933 MHz DDR4 Hard Drive (and, if external, how the drive is connected: USB 3, Thunderbolt, etc.). - OWC Gemini connected via TB3 cable. Video format: Wrapper type: MXF OP1a (type: SingleItem SinglePackage MultiTrack Stream Internal) File generated by: CANON, EOS C70 (1.00) AVC Unconstrained Workflow details: I had some projects from another production I wanted to bring into this one. I have a folder for imported projects on the root of my production. I right-click the folder, choose "Add Project to Production...", import the project, progress panel confirms a good copy, but the folder doesn't show the imported project. If I use the search tool at the top of the Production panel, it shows as a result (in the expected folder). If I close the Production a re-open it, it shows up no problem. Steps to reproduce - open production add folder on root of production right-click folder choose "Add Project to Production..." navigate to project from another production that you want to import click ok Expected result - imported project should appear in the folder I right-clicked. Even if it were outside the folder that would be fine, but not great. Actual result - the project was imported but does not appear without a search or reopening of the production.
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Feb 02, 2023
07:58 PM
I keep my camera masters in their own respective projects, my stringouts in another, and my current cuts in another. If I inherit or take over a project, or some media goes offline for whatever reason between opening the current cut, I'll get the relink dialog box - totally fine. If I relink everything in the timeline, but want to match-frame and reveal the clip in it's source project, everything in my current timeline from that source media project goes offline and needs to be relinked again. Conversely, and my current workflow at the moment (but becomes unruly when I have 20 different source media projects for some productions and need to double-check them all) is to open all the source projects, be sure all the media is linked, and THEN open my current cut. Only then does the media seem to remember to stay linked. re: proxies, if I move my proxies to another drive, I have to detach and re-attach all proxies in order to never get the proxy relink dialog box again. relinking proxies should act as solidly as relinking media - once I relink it, it should remain there. The current Premiere experience requires me to detatch and reattach.
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