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‎Nov 13, 2024
08:10 AM
1 Upvote
The "Left Alt + Space bar" shortcut suggested by Sivv.Ai, worked fine for me as long as I don't quit PS (thank you!). I'm on Win 11 64 bits / Photoshop 26.0.0 and an Azerty keyboard if that can help. I don't know why / how the shortcut works but I was then able to use the "Esc" / "Backspace" / "Delete" again while making my selection with the polygonal lasso tool. Precisions in order to make this fix work: - When doing the shortcut, a submenu pops (the one that normally appears when you click the little top left PS icon on Windows). Then, you need to press Esc to leave that submenu. And then the fix works. - It didn't work when I did the shortcut while making a selection with the polygonal lasso tool. - If you are in the middle of a selection and then can't leave it, you just need to double-click anywhere on the document to auto-close the selection and thendeselect (Ctrl + D), so you can try the "Left Alt + Space bar" shortcut. - It didn't work when my focus was active on the main menu bar. To know if you are currently in that state, check the items of the main menu : if they have one letter underlined, this is it. It's an accessibility feature enabled when pressing "Left Alt" once. Just press "Left Alt" (again) to disable that accessibility mode (main menu item should not have any letter underlined). - If I quit PS and relaunch, I will have to redo the shortcut because the polygonal lasso tool bug has come back. I hope it will work for you as well. By the way, I also tried the following method, suggested by Sivv.Ai as well: "decide a start point on the image, then hold the shift key, click the start point with the polygonal lasso tool, release the shift key", but it worked (weirdly) only once, and then didn't work anymore.
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‎Oct 27, 2023
07:11 AM
1 Upvote
Bonjour à toutes et tous, Je ne sais pas chez vous mais j'obtiens le message "Lire ce fichier sur un appareil mobile" dès l'ouverture d'un fichier PDF, au démarrage d'Acrobat, mais aussi plusieurs fois pendant la même session. Ça en devient vraiment ridicule... et pénible. J'ai cherché dans les paramètres s'il y a un moyen de m'en débarrasser mais je n'ai pas trouvé. J'ai cherché en ligne également... et rien. Quelqu'un d'autre rencontre-t-il ce "problème" ? Qu'est-ce qui déclenche l'apparition de ce message (peut-être Acrobat détecte-t-il certains attributs du fichier PDF que j'ouvre) ? Avez-vous réussi à vous en débarrasser ? Merci d'avance pour vos réponse
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