ElPi ngas
ElPi ngas
‎Apr 05, 2024
11:06 AM
Edit= I had multiple tabs and I replied to the wrong one. Still this answer may help someone googling "Photoshop video playback delays first frame of the loop" Anyways. Forward 2024, I had the same problem as you with a video timeline (though I was using it for making frame-by-frame animation). I was about to make a post with a screen capture counting the frames of my animation through After Effects. The first frame was almost double the lenght of the framerate (at 10fps the first frame lasted 150ms instead of 100ms and all the others correctly played back at 100ms each one). Thankfully I managed to figure it out by myself: Uncheck "Allow frame skipping" and it will loop correctly. Hope this helps people that unsuccessfully googles an answer for this issue
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‎Nov 09, 2023
09:09 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for this. Once again, the community has to patch in adobe's slack
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‎Jun 24, 2023
01:44 PM
Necro but the scripts Mashy provided only works the first time I click on the script and then stop working. Also, how's not a default feature to be able to add shortcuts to Actions in 2023?????
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‎Jun 02, 2023
11:31 AM
Yea. This new tool feels amazing, but with being highly restricted as it is now, I don't see myself being able to give some serious use for it other than "wow" factor for showing my friends and colleagues. Right now I'm trying to make "sci fi soldier turned back" or "back of a sci fi soldier" and it doesn't allow me. But has no problem with the "sci fi soldier". So the problem is with "back" and most parts of the body. They are trying to avoid people using to make fake E R 0t I C images or whatever but blocking parts of the body is an overreach and removes the usefullness of the feature. Edit: what? Why is ero itc blocked in the forums? Who runs this place?
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‎Jan 06, 2023
11:44 AM
Thank you for coming back. But see that you are using a standard English layout. I should've tested the standard UK one to remove all doubt, but the thing is, many of us can't use just one keyboard layout since we speak more than one language (and swaping between different layouts it's a pain because you have to learn multiple layouts in your muscle memory). That's beacuse I reffered to the US international (it could be UK international for that purpose) thing is it has a lot of tildes useful for other languages.
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‎Jan 06, 2023
11:05 AM
You can edit your own keyboard layout in Windows with this ancient software https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=102134 You can edit the one you are currently using and set the U+007e character as a secondary input on any key you want. I'll stop wasting my time with this since it seems I posted on english forums and no one seems to either use the erase function or use a layout other than US QWERTY.
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‎Jan 06, 2023
10:56 AM
What keyboard layout are you using? (assuming you are on windows). On windows, I tested these layouts pressing the "key above the tab" US International (`) key + shift does the (~) symbol but since it's a dead key (it waits for other key before inputing the ~) it doesnt work in photoshop. US Spanish Variation (') key + shift does the (·) symbol. So, that's a no-go from the start. In US QWERTY , where it works, the key above the tab produces (`) symbol + shift does the (~). So it seems the shortcut it's linked very precisely to a key that has the (~) symbol as a secondary character (probably only with shift, but haven't tested with other modificators). Working keyboard layout configuration (US QWERTY): Not working configuration even though it has the ~ character (US INTERNATIONAL): So, again. The only solution on Windows to have the ease of use that the people using US QWERTY have, being able to erase holding just one key is to go through the hassle of making your own custom keyboard layout. Cheers
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‎Jan 06, 2023
10:23 AM
Thanks, it's a workaround, but not a solution. Since you waste 2 toggle-actions: First shortcut sets brush to Clear and doesnt put it back when released, thus needing wasting another remap key to make it back to Normal. My workaround was making an effing custom windows keyboard layout (In my case, customized English US International keyboard) to have the "~" key in the same key as US QWERTY does. Thing is, we wouldn't need these annoying workarounds (and really time consuming, because It took me an hour+ to find out how to customize and load custom keyboards on windows 10, and even then I had with trial and error see how to configure it for photoshop to even recognize the "~") if they just set this shortcut on the shortcut menu as it should be.
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‎Dec 13, 2022
07:59 AM
Currently (it's been years by now!) the only way to erase while using the brush is to hold the ~ ("tilde" in english) key. If you don't have a keyboard layout that supports that symbol, you are f'd. I know posting in these forums is useless for trying to push for changes in any adobe product, but it would be quite nice if Adobe considers the huge user base that doesn't uses an enlgish layout by simply puting this feature available for customization in the keyboard shortcuts section. Windows 10 x64 Gigabyte Aero 15 Photoshop 24.0.1 The only solution I can think of right now as a really cancerous workaround is (at least on windows) customize whatever keyboard layout you are using for it to have somewhere the ~ key as the main symbol. I'll have to resort to that for now.
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‎Apr 11, 2022
07:04 AM
OS Windows 10 64bits Version 21H2, by the way
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‎Apr 11, 2022
07:03 AM
Hi Trevor, @Trevor.Dennis The problem is mostly that the OS (i use windows but apparently according to some people on this thread also happens on Mac) won't scale Photoshop cursor even if enabling scaling from the display options in Windows. You can have all the ugly crosshairs you want, but if you are working on a 4k display and the cursor is 1 pixel thick, you will lose track of it over some colors/textures. This would be easily fixed if in photoshop would be a feature to add custom cursors or change the thickness of the cursors like the brush or the ones that are 1 pixel line shapes. As you'll see in the pics attached (the only way to show how it actually looks is taking a photo of the monitor) the cursor have only 2 states: White (when the image below reaches certain threshold of darkness) and Dark (1px black and 1px white for clear content). The cursor is really difficult to see on that surface, FURTHERMORE , something I can't show in photos is that is really hard to track in my 60hz panel (pantone calibrated and all that fancy stuff) when you move the cursor over the problematic colors. That's the worst part in my case: the movement is the easiest way to lose track of it. Again, if one simply could thicken the cursor's lines a couple of pixels extra this DECADES LONG issue would be probably solved.
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‎Mar 14, 2022
09:05 AM
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‎Jan 13, 2022
08:58 AM
1 Upvote
1 year later and this havent been adressed. [removed by moderator] adobe
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‎Jan 06, 2022
04:31 PM
HOLY F.. ITs been 10 years now
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‎Nov 23, 2021
08:57 AM
Hi. Lastest drivers. I dont want the crosshair. Also, how the drivers has anything to do with how Aa selects its cursor? This is only happening to me in Aa, no problems in Ps or Ai
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