New Here
New Here
‎Feb 21, 2025
09:03 AM
I have also been asking this question for several weeks, same non answer. Is it not possible to get a response from an actual Adobe employee/designer? As stated, the "new" retro look is too Adobe-centric. Do they ever test these changes with actual users?
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‎Feb 12, 2025
09:23 PM
Let's give it another go here. I see your screenshots. You have a person and an album icon at the lower right under the photos. In my situation, when i'm viewing sorted by import batch, neither icon shows UNLESS I double clik and enlarge each individual photo, in which case they do. And again, when sorted in the import batch option, in my previous version 2022, an icon would appear regardless of image size. The reason this is problematic is that if I import 50 images that need to be assigned to 6 albums, after I assign some of them, it's difficult to see at a glance how many more await being assigned. Simply put, it was easier and more user-friendly in the previous version. And the second "gripe" I have is that the albums and folders, when listed down the left side of the screens are double-spaced and the icons lack the previous color; in short it looks 1950-ish, like a rough draft, or Adobe went all retro. I've been assuming this was a glitch in the installation, but I did convert the old file; now I'm starting to think this was just intentional by Adobe-maybe just a cost cutting move or something. When I raised the issue with their tech support, I sent them several screenshot, the fellow took a long time, then said he had to escalate it upwards, and that someone more senior would get back to me in a couple days. When that communication arrived, it simply said my case was closed. No mention of any resolution, just closed. The arrogance was striking. Not your problem, I'm just venting. Bill S.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
02:32 PM
No, what I am saying is that NO icon is showing under the photo. I'm not saying they are in black and white. That was a different question referring to the list of albums listed down the left side of the screen; those names used to have a colored icon next to them, now it is black and white. It's like Adobe went all retro in the design.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
01:45 PM
In PSE 2022 after I imported photos and assigned them to a folder, a green icon appeared under each photo. This is no longer happening in PSE 2025. Is there an option to make this happen? It made it much easier to see which photos were assigned when importing a batch of unrelated images. Is this just a change in PSE 2025? I'd prefer it the way it used to be.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
01:38 PM
In PSE2022 I had green and yellow icons next to each album or folder, and they were all single space and compact. Now in pse 2025 all the icons are b/w and they are all double-spaced. Is there a way to put this back to the way it used to look?
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