‎Feb 11, 2025
12:56 AM
That's great @Chuck Uebele – thanks for correcting my code!
@TiagoRocha – Please mark Chuck's reply as a correct answer if works for you (it did for me).
P.S. There appears to be a duplicate artboardGuides function code block which can be removed.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
03:31 PM
Can't we just crop a single image that we have in our document?
Using the layer mask is not ideal, because if I then want to resize the image, it includes the space taken by the mask (unless I'm missing something?)
Why is it that Adobe hasn't included a tool or shortcut just for this? Any idea? This seems to be such a basic thing a lot of us use, that's why I can't really wrap my head around why it isn't possible.
By @TiagoRocha
There may be a translation issue when you use the term "image" – the context really means "layer" and "crop" is really "mask".
Only Adobe can answer "why"... I suspect that this has to do with non-destructive editing. The methods previously mentioned are destructive.
Smart objects can achieve a non-destructive workflow and allow you to resize the layer to the cropped area without the overall bounding area of the original layer's pixel content being transformed.
1) Add a Layer Mask to the raster layer content
2) Convert the raster layer to a Smart Object
Now when you transform, the masked area is used, not the entire layer bounding area.
If you need to revert to the original layer's raster content:
1) Edit the Smart Object
2) Delete the layer mask
3) Image > Reveal All
4) Close and save the Smart Object .psb file
All of these steps are easily recorded into an action or script.
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‎Jun 24, 2024
12:36 PM
I didn't even look at the script. I got anxiety just thinking about it!
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‎Apr 12, 2024
01:35 PM
Yes, that is the best way.
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‎Nov 29, 2023
07:54 AM
My bad. I thought you created it. Anyway, that script worked like a charm, so thank you for sharing!
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‎Oct 31, 2023
10:04 AM
After long long time strugling: maybe something with special characters/ spaces in file name or destination. - change Destination folder - change File Name Prefix.
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‎Oct 25, 2023
11:44 PM
1 Upvote
Hi all,
We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.1, which incorporates the resolution for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 25.1, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
02:20 AM
im was also facing the same issue, got a solution for that which works for me. go to file,automate,batch, choose your folder for the action to applied and than choose your action to apply and add destination folder and add overide action that will work
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‎Jul 26, 2023
06:50 AM
"Finicky" is being very diplomatic. If a type layer has been transformed (and for this scenario, let's assume it is a single line of type with one paragraph style applied to the entire line), the style should have a plus because...the type no longer is conforming to the specifications of the style. But not so! Note in the image attached that the duplicated layer, scaled at 200%, does not reflect that it has been changed in the Paragraph Styles. Why not? If this were InDesign, I could redefine the style, or duplicate it and redefine the copy and keep the original. And to make matters worse, if you accidentally redefine a style, you cannot undo that...the new style options persist even if you go backward in the history. In my opinion, the point at which a typical PS user is using styles, is to make a systematic guide for applying those styles to future alterations to the document. For example, if you're setting up a layered PSD file so that another team member can faithfully apply those styles for, say, an image with new wording over an image for the web, etc. Therefore, when you remove overrides, it should revert to the original style that was created...not be a moving target which makes the existence of paragraph styles almost useless.
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‎Dec 27, 2022
10:37 PM
It's working, thanks
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‎Nov 11, 2022
04:06 PM
thank you. It's been a nightmare with this app. I had all my CDs I LOVE my CS4 and then Adobe screwed everything up. I even gave up my printing and editing because it wasn't the same as my CD. I'm at the age now when I don't really need it but I guess it helps to open up a jpeg. :-((((
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‎Jul 06, 2022
12:33 PM
Solution: 1) Duplicate both shapes: 2) Select the 2 at the bottom: 3) Select this option: 4) Select the 2 top shapes: 5) Select this option: 6) To convert the top layer (the intersection) into an individual shape, select that layer and go here: 7) There you go (moved the intersection to the side so you can see it):
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‎Jun 29, 2022
09:56 AM
No problem. I don't use Illustrator or InDesign, but now everything is clear (my panel was not tall enough, so I couldn't see the extra options to link corners and all that)
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‎Jun 29, 2022
08:03 AM
Hi Myra, Thank you for the suggestion. I also thought that was a good alternative, but after testing, it's not. For example, if you move a layer up or down, all comps will reflect that order. The same if you delete a layer. Another test was adding a LUT to a layer. After saving different comps and changing the LUT for each, the latest LUT was also reflected on all comps. I'm sure there are probably other disadvantages to comps over snapshots and the method I just described, but these are the ones I tested and I believe those are big ones compared to principle of snapshots. I would assume that for particular cases, comps are useful, but I don't see them replacing snapshots. I just really think Photoshop could have that option where people could save the snapshots inside the file. Let the user decide if they want a huge file or not. Not all projects are super heavy to begin with anyway.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
01:55 AM
Thank you for the clear explanation, Dave. It makes sense now 🙂
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‎Jun 21, 2022
01:03 AM
Let's say I have this image: And that I have this reference color: Now if I pick a pixel from the image with the eye dropper it will give me a color, right? Let's say that I pick a color from the sky and I get this: Now I would like Photoshop to grab the values of the first blue, compare them to the values of the second blue and then modify all colors in the image based on that difference. In this case with this image of the beach, there would be some crazy colors, but this is just an example. When I posted my original post, I was working with a vector image where that color change wasn't relevant at all. I just wanted the blue to match a blue I have as my brand's color.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 19, 2022
11:11 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 19, 2022
11:11 PM
1 Upvote
I was not sure if the image is RGB (in which case the three Channels would already be identical) or CMYK (in which case the four channels might have different content).
To make a »Screen« Layer work properly in such a scenario all the composite channels should be identical (and contain full black).
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‎Jun 17, 2022
02:32 PM
Def a bug with the OS. It happens every now and then, but fine after a restart. This is not what I expect from apple.
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‎Jun 04, 2022
02:52 AM
Thank you again for your time and help! This last code isn't as valuable to me as the other ones, because when I'm using this feature, it's more of a way for me to know the ratio of a particular section, not to really crop it. If I had the ability to press a button and make it automatically create the preset, that would be an improvement, but cropping it right away is not the intention... I know that on my request I wrongfully mentioned the Apply Crop button, but now looking back, it doesn't make sense that I mentioned that (at least not for my original intention for this feature). Maybe other users will find it useful though, knowing the ratio before cropping something? 🙂 Anyway, when I tried it, I got an error, after it was able to crop it successfully: Again, thanks for your help. I totally understand that something as complex as this would require a lot of extra work and to me, the first 2 scripts are already a HUGE help, because I was struggling with this on a regular basis and this will save me a lot of time, so THANKS!  
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‎May 13, 2022
12:38 PM
So my question still remains:
Is it possible to use CC offline?
No, of course not. Online services require an internet connection. It's in the system requirements. That goes for file sync, CC storage, Adobe Fonts, Libraries, Behance, Portfolio, Spark, updates, notifications, etc...
https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/system-requirements.html You can use Photoshop offline when needed but online services like Libraries won't be accessible until you resume your internet connection.
Hope that helps.
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‎May 09, 2022
01:06 PM
Thanks for clarifying. It didn't seem the same, that's why I thought it was a mistake. Appreciate it!
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‎May 09, 2022
12:31 PM
@J453 Thank you for the suggestion. I ended up rebooting and here's what I noticed: when I tried to run it again, it didn't work. I was using Spolight to find the app and decided to see what was happening and I guess the issue is that Spotlight was grabbing another copy of Creative Cloud from a different volume I have on the same disk with another macOS installed and plenty of apps, including Creative Cloud. My guess is that it was loading that version and not the one from the main disk I walways boot from. Hope it makes sense. Anyway, it's now working and I see the files again. 🙂 I appreciate your time and help!
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‎May 09, 2022
08:18 AM
Not a user of Libraries, so I'm sorry if this is an obvious question/answer... I have a vector element inside my Libraries and when I right click it and choose Edit, it says I need to install Illustrator. Thing is, I'm not using Illustrator as my vector editor. Is it possible to change this to another editor?  
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‎Oct 25, 2023
11:44 PM
1 Upvote
Hi all,
We are happy to announce the release of Photoshop version 25.1, which incorporates the resolution for this particular problem. To see the list of all fixed issues, click here
To update Photoshop to 25.1, click "Update" in the Creative Cloud desktop app next to Photoshop. More detailed instructions for updating
Let us know if the update resolves the problem for those affected, and share your feedback.
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‎May 02, 2022
07:58 AM
You wrote:
I think I found how to set it up as the default (using the File > New... > Advanced section, I was able to change it to sRGB and it seems that it stays as the default).
Part of this is due to your color settings hence the new video. Part of this is about other doucments you may open or edit, and again, that's part of the color settings: ensuring you always end up with sRGB and are informed when you are not editing sRGB documents, when documents are untagged, what the untagged documents assumption is etc.
The new dialog is sticky and you can make you own defaults too. There are also several ways you can view the current color space of all open documents (info palette if so set, document lable, if so set etc). Outlined in the video.
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‎Apr 25, 2022
06:20 AM
@Kukurykus Oh I see what you mean. Thanks. My questions before your reply were not related to that though. All I wanted to know if that particular script was supposed to run inside xtools (because I was/am assuming that that is an app?) or if I could run it by itself (which I then tested and realized it can) and also, if that script can be changed to bypass the window where it asks where to save the backuped actions, because I want my actions to always backup to a specific folder, so being asked where the destination is, is just an extra step that I would like to bypass, if possible.
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‎Apr 21, 2022
02:12 PM
1 Upvote
@J453Yes, that was the issue. Thank you so much for the tip 🙂
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‎Apr 14, 2022
07:20 AM
1 Upvote
Well, it's just a matter of habit that will probably change from now on. And to be honest, the whole process of saving actions is a very cumbersome process. The fact that you can't just save a single action, but need to save the whole set, or that you can't save all sets at once, but you have to save them one at a time, makes the process less "friendly" and I believe maybe that's the reason why I don't do it whenever I create a new action. But again, maybe that mindset will change from now on...?
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‎Apr 10, 2022
04:29 AM
1 Upvote
It's undocummented indeed, so I had no idea it's possible until I found out in your code a true parameter. I was like what? Why anyone would put it in? Now we know the true parameter is default, so parentheses can be left empty, but with the other goal the false parameter is surely needed. It's a bit odd because normally 'no parameter' used is like false was put in, not true 😕
Aside of the above, at Apr 09, 2022 I presented a code I thought up myself many years ago before I start scripting in Photoshop. It let you exchange background with foreground colour without using ActionManager code, also without storing and later retrievieng original values.
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