Raphael - Hotcakes Media
New Here
Raphael - Hotcakes Media
New Here
‎Oct 16, 2023
09:01 PM
I'm trying to contact support to ask why and for suggested workarounds (other than the old fashioned backup all your presets, actions, keyboard shortcuts, etc. etc.) To my surprise, I only discovered this feature today. For years using Photoshop on multiple devices was a real barrier because of missing actions, keyboard shortcuts, and other presets which may have been updated on my main desktop but not on my laptop for example. Today, I was wishing Adobe would have some sort of preset syncing solution and I feel stupid after searching and discovering that the feature had been available for a while now! But to my dismay, it was recently removed! Adobe's explanation on their site says something about it being "not directly aligned with Adobe’s goal of supporting creative collaboration". What? But doesn't it help a paid user use Photoshop across multiple devices? I'll update if I hear anything new.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
04:03 PM
Thanks for responding Cory (I hope I clicked on the right "Reply" button!) Wouldn't have been intentional if it was but I just had a look and "Use Legacy New Document Interface" is not checked.
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‎Jun 21, 2022
01:37 AM
Not sure the best way to express this, and I believe it's a bug because in previous months, I did not experience this problem. I even did a recent update today and the issue still exists. Reproducing the issue: I draw a Marquee selection around a section of an existing file/image, copy it, then Ctrl+N for a new file. Under the default YOUR RECENT ITEMS tab, Clipboard is selected by default. I hit ENTER and it Creates a new canvas for me to paste my copied image from. But recently, instead of the current Clipboard's dimensions, it seems to be retaining the previous Clipboard dimensions so as a result, I get a canvas with different dimensions and when I paste, it gets clipped or there are margins due to size mismatch. A temporary workaround is to select a different preset, then select Clipboard again and then I will see the details on the right match the Clipboard dimensions. I've attached a screenshot showing how the Preset Details don't match the Clipboard dimensions. Is anyone else experiencing this or doesn't anyone else use Ctrl+N new file like I do? This didn't happen till a couple of weeks ago.
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