Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 21, 2024
11:25 AM
it's doing the same thing for me, even when going through the "remove distractions" function. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/remove-distractions-people-is-replacing-people-with-poultry-and-other-people/m-p/14985105?search-action-id=631630894672&search-result-uid=14985105
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‎Nov 18, 2024
11:26 AM
Does Adobe have a secure upload site. I'm reluctant to upload raw files to a public forum. This looks like a another example of generative fill getting "creative". I can almost underwtsmd when it replaces one object with a similar one, but this should be happening to the point where it is replacing a distraction with another distraction. Is there a way to report this directly to Adobe?
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‎Nov 16, 2024
11:42 AM
I was testing the remove distractions - people function. These screenshots show the selection of people to be removed, which is correct, followed by several examples of what the Adobe servers think should be there instead of the people selected. Remove people selected all the people in this shot, and I de-selected the two religious figures in the foreground. In one case a person has been replaced by an object that would also be identified as a person. Maybe we should give Adobe some credit for creativity or a warped sense of humour, but these replacements are way out of any possible context I can think of. It's as if their AI was hallucinating. They shouldn't be consuming my credits to come up with these results! I get better results with generative AI off. I'm not using AI enough to run out of credits this month, but results like this should not be chargeable. Windows 11, Photoshop 26.0.0              
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‎Oct 18, 2024
06:26 PM
Download from camera in the latest version does exactly that, in fact it offers several date formats for the folder names. I've done this a few times from my Nikon camera. The iPhone download is not as reliable, missing some images entirely, with one iPhone photo tagged with the wrong date and a camera that I never used. Windows 11 native photo import from the iPhone is even worse. I'll probably have better luck with an old MacBook I can use. I'm finishes with this thread, but Adobe needs to support download from ssds like the one I can attach to my iPhone.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
11:46 AM
I'll try to explain this one more time. Download from camera will automatically create one folder per day, which helps manage my photo collection. I would like to have this scheme consistent across my entire collection, going back over 10 years and 5 different cameras. Bridge rename will not automatically create this folder structure. I would need to create each folder and run the rename process for each day in which the photos were taken. all this work is already being done in the download from camera logic. If I copy my photos to an external USB drive I can then use the download functon, but only if bridge sees that location as a "camera". Some USB drives will work, but the SSD that I would use for pro-res video recording is not seen as a "camera" device. if Adobe loosened their definiton of a camera, this function could help combine and organize images from multiple sources.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
10:06 AM
I've tried files on my local ssd as well as the external ssd I would use for pro-res video recording with my iPhone. I can't figure out what makes a drive become a camera, but that external ssd should qualify. I was hoping to use the photo downloader to take years of image files from 5 different cameras and move them to the same directory scheme I'm using when downloading new work. I found a suggestion to use batch rename, but that won't create the new target directories.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
03:36 PM
I know how to create folders and move files, and I could automate the process of creating folders and moving or copying files to match the "get photos from camera" process. I don't like the restrictions bridge puts on devices that are considered "cameras" and was hoping for a better solution.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
09:51 AM
I'm running Windows 11. I don't think I'm making things too complicated. Bridge can create a new folder structure that is better organized than my decade plus old collection of files. This new structure will make it easier to deal with the files going forward, but this can only be accomplished if the files are coming from an external source. I even tried an exfat formatted external drive and bridge does not recognize it on the device list. That drive is the one I would use if I was recovering pro-res video on my iPhone.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
09:10 AM
I'm trying to use bridge to organize my photos. Download from camera works well and I need to bring my old files into the same folder scheme (one folder per day in this case). The only way I've found to do this is to copy the files to a USB memory stick (or card) and run "get photos from camera" using the memory card. Is there a better way to do this?
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‎Oct 17, 2024
07:54 AM
1 Upvote
I'm trying to use bridge 2025, windows 11. When I open the program it immediately starts downloading from an undisclosed location. The last time I looked at bridge (several months ago) this did not happen. It shouldn't have been accessing OneDrive since I'm not using it for document or photo storage.
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‎Mar 11, 2022
07:25 AM
I have a Surface Pro 4 and a new Dell XPS17 Laptop. I would like to use the surface as a remote screen for the XPS. That would let me use the Surface pen for editing instead of a mouse.
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