Alex Buisse
Alex Buisse
‎Feb 13, 2025
06:49 AM
Thank you so much, that did it! You just saved me hours and hours of tedious work.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
10:50 AM
Hi René, I am trying to avoid using "Expand Appearance", as it is non-reversible. The text occasionally changes when I update the file, and if appearance is expanded, I then have issues with things not being centered anymore. I like the Appearance/Outline solution to generate the circles, and was hoping to find a solution to update the fill color without changing anything else.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
06:32 AM
Hi, I have a collection of items in Illustrator which are a short text surrounded by a color circle. The circle is created via an outline shape in the appearance panel, see below. I have been trying to write a script that can change the fill color but can't seem to access that property. I retrieve the object, a TextFrame, and can access the text color via obj.textRange.fillColor, but can't seem to find how to change the fill color. The documentation didn't seem to provide any methods to access the appearance properties either. I found an old message recommending the OnegaiSDK plug-in to access these, but it doesn't seem to function with CC 2025 anymore (hasn't been maintained since 2019 apparently). Thanks for any ideas!
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‎Jul 25, 2022
12:12 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestion. Resaving didn't do much, but I resized the image down in 1000px increments, starting at 33,000px wide. It suddenly worked as I got below 25,000px. Not too sure why, but I'll take it.
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‎Jul 24, 2022
03:46 PM
That's what I have been trying to figure out, and I honestly have no idea. This is the first time I have tried to save this particular file to PDF, but I have done other with even larger base files without any issues...
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‎Jul 24, 2022
03:22 PM
Thanks for your answer. The file goes to an A0 print at 400ppi, so the base image needs to be of a really large resolution. I have dozens of those files, some with even larger files, and have never had issues saving as PDF before. The file contains some type and a large number of paths. If I delete the base layer, though, it saves the PDF with all the other elements in seconds.
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‎Jul 24, 2022
03:06 PM
Hi, I am using Illustrator CC on macOS, everything up to date. When I try to save a large .ai file as a PDF, I get a progress bar saying "Reading EPS File" and a spinning wheel, and the process never completes. I eventually have to force kill Illustrator. If I try to save as EPS, I get an error message "Can't save the illustration. Can't print the illustration". I deleted every layer until it would agree to save, and it seems to be the base image it doesn't like, a ~100MB JPG file. I tried resizing it to see if Illustrator liked that better but the result is the same. I searched for similar issues and some people reported issues with fonts and with OOBE but no solution worked. I also restarted computer, Illustrator and Creative Cloud, without any luck. I am honestly at a loss of how to export my file for printing. Any suggestion would be extremely welcome.
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‎Jun 08, 2022
08:43 AM
Thank you so much! I don't know what I did differently, but your version has the numbers perfectly aligned with The Sans. This will make things so much faster for future files!
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‎Jun 08, 2022
07:39 AM
I am using The Sans in Bold.
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‎Jun 08, 2022
12:03 AM
Thanks very much, that is definitely a different solution. I however am struggling with centering the text exactly. As far as I can tell, my only option if going down that road would be to use the paragraph tools to center the text horizontally and vertically, but the end result looks pretty crooked, at least with that font. Any idea on whether that's fixable?
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‎Jun 07, 2022
08:46 AM
Thank you! I will try it shortly.
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‎Jun 07, 2022
08:45 AM
Thanks. I am the creator. The main issue is that the font has uneven height for different characters, so when I change the type (which I have to do for all numbers >n when I insert a new label n), they all get out of alignment. But if there is a way to keep them aligned, that would make me very happy. This is the final result, in case that makes a difference: Mont Blanc Lines.
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‎Jun 06, 2022
09:18 AM
Thank you, that should work. It's a bit dirty/hacky but will cut the amount of time I need to manually run the action by orders of magnitude!
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‎Jun 05, 2022
08:27 PM
Thanks for your answer. Each sub-layer (might be an object, I am not sure) is a group made of a type element and a shape. A number inside a colored circle. The action simply ungroups, aligns them to each other vertically and horizontally, and re-groups them. The action: A sample of the layers panel
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‎Jun 04, 2022
08:20 PM
Hi, I have an Illustrator file with a layer containing 300 sub-layers. I need to perform an action on each and every one of those. I have created an action with a key binding, which does speed things up, but it still requires a ton of time to do manually. Is there a way to apply the action to each of the sub-layers? Alternatively, is there a way to tell the action "select the next sub-layer" and to ask Illustrator "run this action 300 times"? Thanks!
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