New Here
New Here
‎Jul 10, 2024
08:50 AM
Hi folks, I use Lightroom CC and Lightroom Web to host an image archive for my company. The higer-ups at my company tend to use the web version while I use CC due to the increased functionality. I am sorting by capture date from earliest to latest, and on the CC version, it shows correctly. However. on the web version, it is insanely out of order. It starts with a few photos from 1979, then goes to 1974, then to 1976, etc. etc. - it is all over the place. how can I fix this?
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‎Jan 04, 2023
06:02 AM
This is sort of ridiculous. I would love to use Lightroom Classic to bulk rename files, but I have been waiting (since the beginning of November) for Lightroom Classic to sync all of my photos (164,000+); currently, only 63,000 have been synced, so maybe by December of 2023 I can finally use Lightroom Classic! Adobe needs to fix this before I work with my entire organization to move away from Adobe.
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