Oregon Katie
Community Beginner
Oregon Katie
Community Beginner
‎Feb 29, 2024
07:45 PM
Sadly, it is still not showing up even when I search. I really don't understand! It's not in my deleted folder still either. Where did it go? I still have the JPGs I exported from it but not the original Fresco file anywhere.
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‎Feb 26, 2024
06:44 AM
Hi again. Just to reiterate, I still have not found my missing file in any deleted tabs or on the cloud. My question is NOT resolved. It is still missing. Is there a search function in Adobe Fresco or on the cloud? If not, that would be very helpful right now!
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‎Feb 19, 2024
07:45 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the ideas. I checked my deleted tab both on my iPad and on the cloud, and it is not showing up in either place. I looked through all my folders in both locations and cannot find it there either. I remember the file name -- is there a way to search my cloud or files on Fresco by name, just in case I missed it? But so far, it appears to just have mysteriously disappeared. Very frightening to me!
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‎Feb 18, 2024
03:40 PM
I recently opened a file in Fresco and then quickly closed it again remembering that I needed to copy a layer from another file. Went and copied that layer and then when I came back, the first file was completely missing. All I did was open it and then close it again, and POOF it was gone! I can't find it on in my Cloud documents either! I had a document go missing a few months ago too, but that one I CAN see on my Cloud documents (although still not inside Fresco). What happened? How can I get my file back? It was an important one. Also, I'm scared of this happening again.
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‎Feb 18, 2024
03:31 PM
Hi! This is happening to me too! At first it was just one file -- a very important one but thankfully I'd already sent the project to the publisher and still had the version I'd exported to Illustrator. This one went missing last fall and at the time when Creative Cloud was still active I could see the Fresco generated file there but not on my actual iPad Fresco app. Very frustrating. I should have followed up but just moved on with my life. Then it happened again two days ago. I opened an older Fresco file to edit it. It opened fine, but then I remembered that I needed to copy a layer from another Fresco file so I closed it right away, went to the other file, hit copy and then went back to find the recently opened file and it had disappeared!!!!! It didn't show up in my "recents" OR in the folder it had previously been stored in. I can't check to confirm that it still exists via the Creative Cloud because that isn't working anymore. I'm freaking out. I use Fresco exclusively for my illustration work. I need to know that my files are secure and that I can always go back and edit. Where are they stored on my iPad? If they go missing, can I restore them from somewhere else and reimport them? Someone please help! Thank you!
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‎Feb 15, 2023
09:04 AM
1 Upvote
I do rest my hand on the screen but I have the settings set so that only the apple pencil should draw so that shouldn't really be an issue. And again, no problems in Procreate (or in Illustrator either!). Zsolt -- you have this issue too!?!?! Is it just with Fresco? Just hearing that someone else has it feels like a start toward finding a solution. How do you address it? I generally just undo until the dots go away then restart my iPad and keep drawing. Restarting the iPad does seem to help somewhat, but since the dots are so random it's hard to know what's really helping. I did manage to illustrate an entire book using Fresco, so clearly I'm making it work. But I also had to embrace imperfection in my line quality. I could never truly trust my line to track my Apple pencil perfectly -- even when there weren't random dots, there'd be weird squiggles thrown in that didn't relate to my hand motion at all. These somewhat go away with stabilizing but I have to turn it really high and then ... my drawing doesn't really look like what I want it to either! Why do I keep using Fresco, you might ask? Especially when Procreate is so much more reliable? I do really love being able to do vector drawings that look like normal drawings. That's mainly what I do. And I love the seamless integration to Illustrator. So I stick with it, but I would LOVE to find a way to fix these glitches. That would make it incredibly amazing.
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‎Feb 12, 2023
11:28 AM
Thank you, I will experiment with that. As I told the other commenter, the problem is very random and unpredictable so not immediately easy to test! I suppose I was hoping someone else on here would have had a similar problem and recognize what I'm desribing. Next time it happens I'm going to snag a screenshot so I can share that too. It's VERY random. Dots and sometimes straight lines get thrown ALL over the document.
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‎Feb 12, 2023
11:23 AM
I haven't tried this yet. I don't have any similar issues working in Procreate (at all!) however, so it seems like the issue is somehow with Fresco ... the challenge is also that the random dots come unexpectedly. I can have many work sessions without them, so it's a little hard to test it easily.
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‎Nov 20, 2022
07:54 AM
I have a problem in Fresco where my Apple pencil will sporadically throw out LOTS of random dots, random straight lines or extra curves in my lines. I have to stop and "undo" all the extra unwanted material. Sometimes this happens so much that it makes it hard to actually work, and I have a challenge controlling my lines with the extra little curves when that is happening.
I don't have this issue in Procreate, so it seems to be unique to Fresco.
Things I have tried:
Replacing my Apple pencil tip (worked to some degree one time when that really was the problem)
Restarting Fresco or my iPad (sometimes seems to help reduce the extra info for awhile!)
I am using a Paperlike screen protector if that's relevant (but no pencil tip covers).
This is my #1 complaint about Fresco. Otherwise, I love this app and primarily use the vector brushes for my illustration work. (I do also have this problem when I am sketching with the regular brushes too.)
Anybody else struggled with this? Any suggestions or fixes?
[Renamed by Mod]
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