Mar 06, 2025
06:02 PM
Communicate directly with Adobe Premiere Pro Video Product team! Just saw an announcement on YouTube of an Adobe Live stream scheduled for 3/7/2025 at 9:30am PDT. It is titled "Meet the Adobe Video Product Team, Behind the Scenes & Beyond, with Kylee Pema and Francis Crossman". This would be a great time to hear directly from Adobe and give your direct feedback about the user interface font size problem and anything else you wish to give feedback about. FYI - If you aren't familiar with YouTube Live Streams, they are announced in advance, but usually the recorded version is kept online afterwards for viewing if you can't attend in real time. YouTube has a comments feature where you can post your comments and feedback. In my experience, feedback is best given during the live stream, but you can also post comments to the recorded video if watch it later as a replay. YMMV how the participants or host of the live stream and video process comments, but definitely worth participating if you want to elevate the frustration with Adobe Premiere Pro user interface font size problems. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/kVoCEcsS9ZI?si=0EBXCKbCZ5QCElXl (Hopefully the mods will not delete the link, but if they do, for whatever reason, search YouTube for "Adobe Live" channel to find it.)
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Feb 21, 2025
03:42 PM
Send this by snail mail / FedEx, etc. to the CEO and VP of Products at Adobe Need to elevate this "out of band" to get any attention. Also suggest contacting your favorite press and media that write about Adobe. Nothing in the press at all about this. I bet some bad press / pr will suddenly elicit some public statements from executives, not in-the-trenches product people that seem to not care?
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Jan 30, 2025
10:52 AM
"A better solution may be to exchange your current monitor for a 65" OLED TV" Probably not. This is a bit OT, but there are a lot of technical reasons that TV screens, even high-quality OLED or LCD/Quantum Dot panels, are not as suitable as computer monitors. For casual use, sure, but definitely not for high-precision work such as video or photo editing, and color grading.
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Jan 29, 2025
01:54 PM
1 Upvote
In large, corporate environments, top-down from the CEO always works magic where the bureaucracy rank-and-file get overruled. I suggest PR efforts, writing/emailing/calling the CEO, the press and media, and stock analysts/influencers, and anything other than clicking an "upvote" is more useful than passively assuming this feedback is being taken seriously to change priorities.
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Jan 29, 2025
12:47 PM
I'm sorry, but this has got to be the most insane defense of Adobe's lack of a heavily requested feature I've ever heard. I am not dumbing down my screen, which I use for many other tasks also, just to workaround an Adobe software problem. Also, on a Mac, 5K retina resolution is amazingly clear and I can never go back to a lower resolution, blurry monitor - for anything.
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Nov 02, 2024
05:26 PM
Attacking those of us suffering from the lack of Adobe's concern or interest in it's customer needs doesn't really serve any purpose. Perhaps channel your energy in a more positive way?
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Oct 22, 2024
09:30 PM
@Kevin-Monahan "Help is on the way, it's just going to take some time" Some scope to comments like this would add credibility instead of incredulity. Are you talking weeks, months, years, or decades? (Obviously, a roadmap with actual dates is something that only corporate or major Hollywood studios can probably extract in NDA briefings by waving their wallets and screaming at VP or SVP of sales, but at least some realistic estimate - say less then 6 months or longer than a year, might be a lot more believable than the continued "trust us, we know you want it and we are working on something".)
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Oct 22, 2024
07:17 PM
Totally agree. The only thing worse than Adobe not fixing the font problem, is actually removing the workaround and putting an inferior temporary scaffold in its place with no user-facing benefit. I guess nobody is paying attention to Sonos and how they have lost millions of dollars and had to delay two major new product launches because they "upgraded" their flagship app by dropping features and making existing functionality buggy and unreliable all in the name of "progress".
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Oct 21, 2024
10:59 PM
Rome wasn't built in a day, and legacy code for font handling and scaling isn't as sexy as building the latest AI demo, but I think this "ask" been going on for years and years. It looks bad when the only progress is backward - the removal of the workaround hack that many of us have painfully found and been using in our production setups. (I'm not being specific on the hope that the editor gods don't once again delete all reference to this). Please PUT THIS BACK until you are able on your dev timeline, to replace it with something better. That would be a reasonable compromise of listening to your customers as this is obviously a very big pain point. P.S. I see a follow-up response from Adobe that a new "Spectrum UI" is being used and that prevents an easy roll-back. I know you aren't dev, but how the heck can such a dramatic usability change be made without fully accomodating previous capability? One seriously has to question the process for QA, customer input, and feedback given this issue has been listed as a "suggestion" for many years, yet is ignored with only vague "we hear you, but do nothing" responses? Would it help the collective "you", if all of us customers were to telephone, fax, FedEx, or otherwise elevate our concerns by contacting the Office of the CEO / President? I only ask because with other companies, this has made a difference when the executive suite, which is often oblivious, becomes aware of the real-world issues and then miraculously liberates engineering talent, and more importantly budget, to accelerate addressing the issue. IMHO, top-down always works faster than bottom-up?
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Oct 17, 2024
12:23 PM
(Please provide a way to) change the (UI) to a size that sight-impaired, older users are able to see.
Mod note: Edited for content. Kindly abide by Adobe Community Guidelines. Treat community members, including Adobe employees, with courtesy. I have I have branched and moved your feature request to the Ideas forum. I will merge it with another post with the same issue.
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Sep 24, 2024
12:26 PM
Thanks! At the risk of being pedantic and repetitive, the challenge in using 'project manager' to archive a project is the way it doesn't preserve physical folder structures on the file system but more crucially, it doesn't actually handle all assets properly. Specifically, it will not copy all assets for included After Effects projects that are in the Premiere Pro project and used via dynamic link. Some of the assets used are missing in the copied project.
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Sep 23, 2024
02:27 PM
One final note - when i get the missing media and try to re-link, most of the time now I am able to relink to the existing asset and rarely getting the "mismatched media" error I was getting earlier. so this problem is annoying, but seems to be non-fatal so far?
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Sep 23, 2024
02:25 PM
I already have "include preview files" turned off. I tried making a new project and importing the existing one and I still get the error. Note that sometimes the error is gone, but after a few iterations of using project manager, the error shows up again. It often lists the missing media/asset showing and older path where it used to be located. I have since figured out that Premiere Pro keeps a history of older file locations (presumably as a 'hint' to try and automatically relink missing media). Is there an official way to cleanse the project file all the old history file locations? Maybe that would help. Quite a while ago I posted a feedback/enhancement suggestion. Excuse if I repeat it here briefly, but since I have your attention.... What I really would like is for project manager (or a similar new command) for "archive entire project" that will collect all the files and assets of a project and duplicate/copy everything into a new file system disk folder so I have a single folder I can archive and move offline with full confidence it has everything used by the project. I realize for large projects this could result in huge disk space needed, but I have not found any simple way to create a complete backup of a project using project manager or other current methods. Bonus if this "archive project" would replicate the bin structure as nested physical folders instead of consolidating everything into one physical folder the way "project manager" currently works, but I can live without this nicety if i could just get a single folder with everything for a project inside it.
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Sep 22, 2024
10:58 PM
I wonder what Adobe whats to achieve with their stock collection? I realize they have never promised a specific review turnaround time, but 8 weeks going on infinity is simply sending the message they don't care and don't really want submissions. I think if Adobe wants to be professional and keep building their stock service, they should commit to a review time and add the resources to achieve it. If AI submissions are slamming them, then some strategy needs to be implemented to handle it. (I won't tell them what to do, that's for Adobe to figure out and since the whole stock review pipeline is opaque to us, we really don't have any info to make any kind of informed feedback/suggestion anyway.) I hear a lot of chatter in general (not from Adobe), that AI is killing the stock business. If so, just tell us and we can move on.
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Sep 22, 2024
04:12 PM
1 Upvote
Copying a project using Adobe Premiere Pro Version 24.6.1 (Build 2) Open existing project File > Project Manager ... > Sequence > (I select all sequences as I want to make a complete archive/backup of the project) Resulting Project > Collect files and copy to new location Options > (no objections enabled) Destination Path > Local external SSD Drive I get multiple errors during the copy and logged in the Event window: Yellow warning, date/time, Clip could not be copied because it is offline: "blah.mov" Some lines are for "blah.mp4" or "blah.wav" (all errors are for video or audio media files) When I inspect the output folder on disk, all these "missing" files are actually there When I open the copied project, I don't get any media or offline errors from Premiere Pro This is my pruned/minimal project that I use as a template. It is around 1.5 GB of disk space. As I use this project, and build it up during an actual edit, after I copy it again with project manager at a later time, and then open the copied project, I get "offline media errors". When I try to relink the media, I always get errors "this media is of the wrong type". When getting that error, if I select "cancel" in the relink dialog (NOT the "offline" button), the the project file continues to work apparently without any problem. I am concerned whether my project file has become corrupt, this a benign bug in project manager only, or something serious I should be worrying about?
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Apr 10, 2024
10:44 AM
After I launch Premiere Pro, I open projects by navigating in the macOS Finder to the folder that contains the project file (blah.prproj) and double-clicking to open it. Works fine. However, when I close the project (Premiere Pro > File > Close Project ) leaving Premiere Pro itself running, and then go to another project file using Finder again and double-clicking on the .prproj file, I end up with a ghost "intro" window. After I do this multiple times, I have a lot of ghost intro windows and I have to completely exit Premiere Pro to get rid of them. Not the most critical thing, but very annoying and always fearful that maybe a project will get corrupted or something worse since "something seems wrong". FWIW, I juggle multiple projects across multiple smaller SSD drives and checkpoint projects during the day using "Premiere Pro > File > Project Manager ... " to different folders/drives, so the only way I trust opening the right version/location of a project is by using double-click from the Finder/disk level. (TMI, but since Adobe doesn't allow setting larger default fonts, when I use the "Premiere Pro > Open Project ..." method I can't navigate the tiny modal file/folder picker very well because everything is in very tiny fonts and thus I prefer using the actual macOS Finder to navigate first then double-click)
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Mar 13, 2024
06:36 PM
1 Upvote
Trying out the new AI enhanced speech in Premiere Pro. I'm a bit confused - after I press the button for Enhanced speech, and adjust the mix slider from the default 7 to my own choice (btw, why can't it simply be a 0% to 100% scale, instead of an arbitrary numeric scale), Do I still fine-tune it with the additional sliders that have always existed for repair, clarity, denoise, etc? Does enhance speech also do a loudness match, or should I still do that, if desired? Does adjusting any of the existing "essential audio" sliders disable everything that enhance speech just did, or does it fine-tune it further? When I continue to edit the clip (tightening cuts, etc.) Premiere will suddenly start re-procesing the enhanced speech again. Is there a way to "bake in" the audio processing so it doesn't keep regenerating, but preserve the ability to fine tune it further? I'm thinking of the classic workflow with Premiere Pro bouncing audio out to Audition and bringing it back with "render and replace" but it keeps shadow or side-car files so you can round-trip again to Audition later if desired. I wish enhance speech would work with the same kind of nondestructive, but optimized workflow (I hope this kinda makes sense?)
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Feb 22, 2024
12:26 PM
So the latest update has removed file syncing to creative cloud. No problem, we have been notified well in advance, and I, and probably many others, have never used Creative Cloud file syncing for anything with Premiere Pro. But oops! Now I find that a feature I do use a lot, the "profile sync", to keep my Premiere Pro settings synchronized between several editing stations I use (Macs - two desktops and a laptop) is no longer available at all. Ok, Adobe, can you give us another straightforward easy UI method for syncing profiles? Many of the other apps I use support a choice of DropBox or Apple iCloud for doing that. I get there are reasons you wouldn't want to be tied into those 3rd party products, so how about a specialized Adobe Cloud Sync hidden behind-the-scenes just for configuration profiles? Or maybe a menu command to export or import profile settings to a file on the desktop? (Speaking of, in the meantime, can someone point me to where I should dig through the tons of nested configuration folders for Adobe and save/restore a profile configuration file that won't corrupt or crash my system?)
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Feb 13, 2024
12:49 PM
Slider in the Essential Sound > Enhance Speech > Mix amount goes from 1.0 to 10.0 When viewed in Effects Control Panel > Audio > Enhance Speech > Mix Amount slider it is reported as 0.0% to 1.0% First: I assume this is a bug and should be shown as 0.0% to 100% Second: Why the artificial scale of 0 to 10.0 in Essential Sound > Enhance Speech? Everyone understands percentage scale from 0 to 100%, and the convention of Dry/Wet mix for many audio effects is well understand industry convention. Edit: Jason Levine just called this out on his latest Adobe Livestream, so I guess I'm not too far off the mark saying this doesn't make sense!
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Mar 28, 2023
10:32 PM
(For completeness, I tried Option-clicking on the cloud icon in the upper right hand corner of Lightroom but it did not show me the problematic photo. I tried exiting Lightroom, then manually editing the catalog file on my system (right click > show package contents, etc. etc) deleting catalog files, then restarting Lightroom. These are the "tricks" described on old posts here. None of these worked. But this is interesting - I didn't know about the web version of Lightroom. I logged in as you suggested, and in the left-hand section found “Sync Issues” and expanded to see the message “Sync has not finished for file ‘SPO_0248-Enhanced.dng’. Open lightroom on XXXXXX to continue syncing. Added on 7/1/19.” I didn't see a way to view that photo in the web interface, so I opened Lightroom on my computer and now it doesn't show any sync errors. I went back to Lightroom web version, refreshed the browser, and it still shows the sync error. Maybe a cache issue? Should I do anything further or can I assume the problem is repaired?
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Mar 27, 2023
01:11 PM
I "appreciate" the branding police correcting my product reference from "Lightroom CC" to "Lightroom", now any chance of bothering to actually help me with my problem!!!
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Mar 26, 2023
07:00 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having this problem on one of my computer - an iMac, running Lightroom CC. One picture is never syncing out of over 65,000. I've tried all the tricks described here in old and recent threads including Option-click on the cloud icon but when I click on View it does not show anything for the stubborn photo that isn't syncing. I've tried exiting and deleting the catalog, completely uninstalling and re-installing Lightroom CC. I see in the various threads suggestions this is an old and fixed problem, that the threads are out of date, and to start a new thread if I have the problem, so I am doing that.
Please help!
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Feb 06, 2023
04:44 PM
Yes, good reminder that Project Manager has it's quirks. In addition to not handling Adobe After Effects linked assets properly, it flattens the physical disk structure tree to a single folder. I can deal with the flattened folder, although not ideal, because at least the bin hierarchy inside the project is maintained. For AE, I'm not using a lot of assets right now, so I render them out to a ProRes file and import that back into the project. A hack, but easier to deal with than not being able to use Project Manager at all. For other video assets that I want to keep in the project, like rendered exports or footage unused that I deem part of the project, I create a dummy timeline sequence and drag all those video assets onto the timeline. A workaround, but that makes them actively used/referenced, so if I click the "exclude unused assets" option in Project Manager, intentionally or by mistake, I know it is only omitting actual unused assets I don't need or care about; not assets I don't have in a clip or timeline but want to keep with the project. FWIW, What I really want is a foolproof "archive project" command that would create a single folder with everything in it pulls in all externally linked media and assets and creates a fully standalone project that can be moved/stored/archived anywhere. I know, in many cases, the automatic re-link can handle simple moves of the project files to a different place in the physical folder hierarchy (or a different top level drive), it is still not a true archive that can be fully trusted to be opened at a future time without any issue. How I got burned and lost assets: I copied/moved a project to a plug-in SSD drive. Opened and worked on the project and it was fine. But months later, when I plugged the SSD into another computer, only then I found out (by the missing media/relink dialogue) that it was still pointing to another drive for some assets. But that path and assets is not available or accessible so the assets are gone from the project.
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Feb 06, 2023
01:49 PM
1 Upvote
I use Project Manager to consolidate/copy all the project files to a new folder in preparation for offline archiving/storage. For this use, I want a complete duplicate of the entire project. In the project manager dialog box, it presents a list of every sequence in the project with a checkbox. I can't use "Cmd + A" to select all the sequences and have to enable the check one-by-one. With a project that has a lot of sequences, that takes time and can be error-prone if I don't double-check to make sure I haven't missed any of the sequences. A "copy all" option or the ability the use select all (CMD + A on a Mac) to toggle all the checkboxes on would be very helpful. Is there a way to do this now that I am overlooking or unaware of?
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Feb 06, 2023
01:44 PM
Self-inflicted, I clicked on "offline all media" by mistake when re-linking a media file. Now, when Premiere Pro opens the project, it doesn't prompt to re-link all the offline media. Is there a way to tell Premiere Pro to prompt to re-link all offline media? Instead of manually going through the entire project, selecting a media file, right-clicking, and then "relink media..." one by one on everything in the project?
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Mar 18, 2022
09:06 PM
Update: I've some additional reboots and fiddling and not sure what changed, but I've gotten it to respond to font size changes. Looks like at least size 18 font is starting to make it reasonable on the screen Thanks!
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Mar 18, 2022
06:11 PM
First and foremost, I appreciate receiving this feedback directly addressing the issue. Second, As I hope you understand, changing the operating system scaling modes to address this issue is a terrible workaround. Destroying the display of all my other apps and system utilities just to try and wrangle Adobe apps to being more readable, is not a workable solution either. Third, I appreciate the hints (and warnings) about mucking around with database debug settings. I have tried this procedure in the past, and now am grateful that I can verify or change settings also via the text file in the preferences directory and not just the magical key sequences which I have already used. Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't work for me either. At this point, I realize I am violating the "prime directive" by indirectly asking for some support on a non-supported option. I am simple passing the following along as feedback assuming more data is always better. I have never found the font size change to work on Adobe Audition. The procedure that I have used with Adobe Premiere Pro does not work with Audition. I have now verified the underlying text file has the changed values and the Audition version matches the Premiere version. Having just completed a completely bare metal reload of my iMac to macOS Monterey (for various reasons not relating to Adobe apps), I now find neither app - Premiere Pro nor Audition are acting upon the font size change settings. Obviously, from my perspective, having the apps actually support proper accessibility accomodations / font size selection that is compatible with optimal underlying operating system settings would be the proper solution and is way overdue. Anything else in the interrim that I can try would be welcome.
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Feb 22, 2022
11:22 AM
That would be awesome (both). In general, I'm a big fan of Adobe CC tools, but across the board accessibility for those of us getting older and with eyesight challenges hasn't been well addressed. (Ironically, I prefer working on 27" iMac and the large screen / tiny font combo of most Adobe tools makes it much more challenging than it needs to be.) As a former software engineer, I totally understand that simple things may not be that simple under the hood, but that's why they have smart people working for them, right? Jason is my hero. I've learned more from his vids and streams than just about anybody else. Including some paid courses I've taken!
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Feb 21, 2022
07:59 PM
I found that Premiere Pro has a database debug window where you can set the font size to a larger number. It's not perfect, sometimes the text is clipped a little bit, but it helps. I wish we could at least have the same workaround for Audition too. Hey, Jason Levine (one of Adobe's resident guru's and long-time expert) recently mentioned on a live stream that he just hit 50. Maybe we should solicit his help - he might be a little more empathetic to those of us even older and certainly has the influence inside Adobe to at least get the issue elevated a little higher?
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