‎Mar 09, 2025
07:43 AM
Also got that issue, also on my samsung tablet. I don't see that issue on my phone though, even when fully zoomed in. Has anybody figured out a solution, this makes edits on the tablet really annoying.
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‎Jun 26, 2024
01:51 AM
1 Upvote
@arjunhaarithI looks like it's fixed, I've bulk edited about 50 fotos or so , that I've had in the catalog since march and had no issuers with the presets - thanks for looking at the issue and fixing it so quickly, I know that a fix within just a month is not a given at all 🙂
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‎Jun 19, 2024
07:15 AM
@arjunhaarithI also got one more Update: This issues also affects pictures to which I apply the preset in the Library tab through the quick develop option or using the sync feature. Both also don't correctly apply the curves to pictures imported before Updating to 13.3.
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‎Jun 19, 2024
04:29 AM
@arjunhaarithwhere you able to reproduce the issues at your end?
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‎May 29, 2024
03:05 AM
Ah okay, sorry never used that feature. I've attached an image and the corresponding xmp file.
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‎May 29, 2024
03:02 AM
Okay Update: I think i identified the issue. I believe it has to do with pictures IMPORTED to Lightroom before 13.3. All my pictures where imported shortly before the update and I've got issues with all of them. I've now created a new catalog and imported the exact same pictures (Same drive location, same eveything) again and they all seem to work. I've clicked through like 20-30 and where able to apply presets to all of them without anny issues. That would explain, why it's difficult the reproduce the issue with pictures I've provided and also why the issue doesn't show up for everybody, since a lot of people probably will update lightroom after having already edited their existing photos. It's still a really annyoing bug, because you either loose all your edits due to having to reimport all your photos, or you can't go back and apply presets to already imported photos. So a fix would be really appreciated... At this point, this might also just be a coincidence, maybe somebody else can confirm this behaviour.
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‎May 29, 2024
02:37 AM
Please find the screenshot attached. As you can see, the history is basically only "imported" and "Preset applied". a. Hovering works as normal, the selected preset is still selected, even thou curves are not applied and the preset amount slider is grayed out. I've uploaded a video in my other post, that should also show what happens, when I hover over a preset. b.The preset applied does show up in the history, even though curves did not get applied here. I have shared both Images and xmp. The xmp used is called FX_KYAS.xmp and is one of the ones found in my post above. I have also attached the exact image i was editing in that screenshot below.  
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‎May 29, 2024
12:03 AM
@johnrellisalrigth, here it is: https://we.tl/t-z310lytzb3 I've managed to show show one photo were it works, the next do not. First one I quickly show how it works, the second one I show I the reset method looks and the third one I switch between presets to make the preset apply.
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‎May 28, 2024
03:08 AM
Just saw another post from a use, who has this issue on MacOs, so it seems unrelated to the OS afterall.
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‎May 28, 2024
02:39 AM
Same here :D- I've now tried to really purge everything and get a "clean" install of lightroom (Removed everything from adobe, all AppData, all adobe apps, settings, presets etc) and it's still the same. One more thing, I could not reproduce this issue on my M1 MacBook Pro. So this might either be a windows only issue (maybe even a windows 10 only?) or it really only affects you randomly...
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‎May 28, 2024
12:56 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, thanks for trying to help us out here 🙂 - I got an A7IV so maybe it is actually related to sony pictures, but i'm not sure about that one. Also got issues with DJI and Smartphone raws. As you observed (and I think @susanlyphotography also) when you reset the picturers, it will apply the preset afterwards. My tests show, that most types of edits on a pricture will allow a preset to be applied. So if you: Edit the curve first Reset the picture apply a different preset first ...and then second apply the preset you want to apply, the changes will affect the image. What does not work, is just applying a preset to a "virgin" image that was just importet. It usually works with the first, but from there on in it does not work. Also, there seems to be no difference between filetyps. I've tested and seen this behavior with both sony a7IV raws (.ARW) but also DJI Raws and jpg's. I've uploaded a couple of random raws from a recent trip to tokyo via wetransfer for you to download and try it out. https://we.tl/t-YtZcPPJcJq Files should be downloadable until June 4th, If it doesn't work, I'll try a different upload service.
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‎May 27, 2024
02:44 AM
@susanlyphotography same issue here, I've opened a new bug here :https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/issues-when-applying-presets-with-custom-curves-13-3/m-p/14643265#M366352 I hope Adobe figures this out, because it really makes using lightroom a pain.
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‎May 27, 2024
02:42 AM
@Chinoy Gupta thanks for the reply - sure, I've attached a couple of my presets for reference. But it's not limited to any one preset, or only my own presets for that matter, but happens with all of them. And it usually happens in like 90% of all cases, even with standard presets in lightroom. I've just tried "Seasons: Spring/SP02" and low and behold: same issue: After applying the preset, the curves are not affected. Applying a different preset and then re-applying the SP02 one, now the curves are correctly applied and the picture gets that pink hue.
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‎May 22, 2024
07:37 AM
I've posted this as a comment in another bug, but thought it would be best, to open a seperate issue.
My Problem is the Following:
Since the Update to 13.3, applying presets to an unedited picture in the develop tab randomly does not affect the custom curve saved within that preset. Also the preset is not shown as applied, so I can't change the intensity of the preset. When I change to another picture and then back to the one I applied the preset to, the correct curve is shown, but has no effect on the image. I need to manually change the curve a little bit, and wooosh it's applied. Another option is to apply a different preset and then switch back to the one, I wanted to apply in the first place. I have had performance issues (RAM leaking, slow downs etc) for years and it's annoying, but at least I can get rid of those by restarting every 30 or so minutes. But this just slows me down so much it's painfull.
For reference, I've attached 2 Screenshots. This right here is how the picture and the UI looks after applying a preset:
As you can see, color changes ETC are applied, but the Curves are not affected and the "Amoiunt" Slider is grayed out, even thou the preset was applied.
Next I applied another preset and then this preset again. This is how it looks:
As you can see, now the Curves where applied correctly and the amount slider is back. This is how it always was and how it's supposed to be. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen in like 70-80% of cases right now, so not something I can just ignore. Not sure if this is something, that other people are experiencing, but I hope, somebody has an idea how to fix it. Until then, I'll roll back to 13.2 .
What I've tried so far and did not work:
Optimize cataloge
Export Presets, delete them in lightroom and re-import them
Create a new cataloge
Cleanse the Cache
Here are my System Infos (Minus Personal Info):
Lightroom Classic version: 13.3 [ 202405092057-40441e28 ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en Operating system: Windows 10 - Business Edition Version: 10.0.19045 Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 12 Processor speed: 3,6GHz SqLite Version: 3.36.0 CPU Utilisation: 1,0% Power Source: Plugged In, 255% Built-in memory: 32692,9 MB Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 5815,3MB / 12011,0MB (48%) Real memory available to Lightroom: 32692,9 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 6854,8 MB (20,9%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 14316,0 MB GDI objects count: 1181 USER objects count: 4091 Process handles count: 3036 Memory cache size: 3255,4MB Internal Camera Raw version: 16.3 [ 1863 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 1759MB / 16346MB (10%) Camera Raw real memory: 2030MB / 32692MB (6%)
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‎May 21, 2024
10:30 AM
....aaaand another update, I'm sorry, but I can't edit my comment, so I've got to add a new one every time. So my last comment is incorrect, the issue does indeed persist. Curves are not applied to the image, but when switching to another image and then back, the curves are shown as active, even though they are not. If I edit the curves they are being applied, but only applying the preset itself will in many cases not apply the curves saved in that preset. I tried different catalogues and I tried optimizing, restarting, clearing the cache, deleting and reimporting presets etc but nothing seems to work. So, I'm back at annoying as hell...
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‎May 21, 2024
09:59 AM
1 Upvote
Okay i gotta Update my comment - this seems to be unrelated to the original issue. The preset will be correctly applied, BUT the image itself lakes the adjustments from the curves tool. Switches between images corrects this and the preset is fully applied. So this seems to be related to the image preview, caching or something along those lines and not the actual curves tool itself.
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‎May 21, 2024
09:48 AM
1 Upvote
Not sure this is related to the original issue, but after the Update to 13.3 I'm having issues with presets not applying curves to images at all. Right now the only fix seems to be to apply a different preset, or switch between presets. The issue seems to only apear when applying a preset to an unedited picture and also not every single time. But it sure is annoying as hell...
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‎Nov 12, 2023
11:31 PM
Thanks for the answer and sharing you observations. Sadly I do actually experience major slow downs. It usually happens, when I edit many photos, so it's not an issue if I'm going through like 10 or 20 pictures. But if I edit a wedding session or my pictures from a vacation or something that means going through over a hundred, the RAM just gets filled up until it is full. And I mean so full, that my mouse no longer smoothly runs over the screen and it takes about a minute to close damn Lightroom. To be fair, this only happens after a couple of blur effects and panorama merges and adding masks, but still it's annoying as hell and can't be the intendes behavior of a professional tool. Also, this might be a windows only issue. I rarely do heavy editing on my Mac, but still, I've only seen the RAM fill up but not experienced major slow downs like the one described.
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‎Nov 12, 2023
09:42 AM
Just a quick "Hey, this issue is still in Lightroom Classic CC 24"....And it is still annoying as hell, I've also seen this happen on multiple different PCs and I don't really understand, how this can 1st still be a thing and 2nd nobody seems to have this issue or at least not a lot of people are bothered by it....
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‎Dec 20, 2022
04:36 AM
I have observed an annoying bug, or maybe I should rather call it an annoying way Lightroom Classic CC seems to handle System Memory (DDR), and was wondering, if anybody has a similar issue or a workaround.
My issue is the following: Every time, I use a function in lightroom for the first time in a session (so every first time after opening the program and starting to work on pictures, not first time ever) Lightrooms DDR demand is increased, resulting in Lightroom constantly loading new data into the system memory. Thats fine, BUT Lightroom never seems to purge the Data from the DDR, even after an operation is done and no longer requires active resources. This leads to annoying slow downs. I've seen this behaviour on both my Windows desktop (Ryzen 5600x, 32GB DDR4 3200 RAM, RTX2070, 2x 1TB NVME Samsung 980) as well as my MacBook Pro (14inch, M1 Pro, 16gb Ram)
Let me give you an example how this looks on my Windows machine:
I open up Lightroom and navigate to the Develop Module. RAM usage at this point sits an around 2,4 GB.
Now I start editing a couple of Photos. Ram usage immediately shoots up to around 6.1 GB and stays there, even after around 20 edits of 33 mp photos.
Next up, I want to merge photos into a panorama or use the "enhance detail" function, mainly to improve drone shots from my mini 3 pro. (so 12 mp raws). After having done bot, the RAM usage now sits at almost 13GB.Also Lightroom noticeably slows down, even though there is more then enough RAM left, both physical and virtual.
The weird part to me is, that unless you restart lightroom, that RAM usage never ever goes back down again. Even though my Panorama is finished, my Photo is enhanced and i'm back in the library trying to sort my photos. I don't get, why Lightroom need to keep Data in the System Memory, that is, based upon usage during normal edits, not needed in order for it to work just fine. I've optimized my catalouge, tried a different or new catalogue and reinstalled lightroom, all to no avail.
My RAW Cache sits on a state of the art PCI Express NVME and is set to 50GB, I disabled Video Cache and like I said, I've seen this on both my Windows as well as my Mac.
So, bottom line: My current workaround is, to restart Lightroom every time the memory fill-up is starting to cause issues (especially after every panorama or enhance detail) but that can't be the indented behaviour of Lightroom Classic. So, does anybody have an Idea what the cause of this could be or whether it's being fixed with a future update?
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