‎Apr 25, 2024
05:01 AM
Okay so I had to find a good free to use 3D program so I can edit and export the files myself. Apparently .gltf files work for Dimension.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
07:52 AM
Hello, I wanted to import a Solid Edge .obj file into Dimension to give it texture and export as a fotorealistic render. But whenever I import the file it adds this weird extra lines in. These are not there in the Solid Edge 3D program and only show up after importing and giving it a texture. Any idea how I can get rid of these extra lines on the surfaces?
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‎Mar 21, 2024
06:31 AM
No, all the cataloges are on the same external SSD. Different names inside the same folder. I had problems with that in the past thats why I switched to the external SSD solution and haven’t really got any problems except for now.
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‎Mar 20, 2024
04:13 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, so I have three different cataloges that I want to merge into one main catalog. I set up my existing catalog to be my new master and wanted to import the other catalogs to it so I can delete them but I only get a unkown error message. I googled solutions and tried optimizing and exporting the old catalog to a new location, which only gave me another unkown error while exporting. For clarification I have my main pictures together with my LR catalog on an external SSD. Other pictures are stored in a OneDrive Cloud. I don’t need to move any images around I just want to import all the edits and settings from the other cataloges into one so nothing is missing. Any idea what I can do to avoid this error message?
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‎Mar 11, 2024
08:36 AM
So simple yet it really was the problem… apperantly there’s a catalouge called "Lightroom Catalog-v13" and one called "Lightroom Catalog-v13-2". No idea how there are two catalouges in the first place but well that explains a lot. I guess I have to work out to combine them both into one file to resolve all the issues. Thanks
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‎Mar 11, 2024
08:22 AM
No they showed up after syncronization that’s what I meant with "initialy". They just weren’t there. No grey rectangles. I had the grey rectancle issue in another folder on the same drive but that was fixed with a short sync because every picture only loaded in when selected. Here the pictures didn’t show up at all, only after sync and then as mentioned all the editing wasn’t there.
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‎Mar 11, 2024
07:59 AM
I had to manually sync the folder in LR because after pluging in the SSD and starting LR the pictures didn’t show up initially.
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‎Mar 11, 2024
07:45 AM
Hello, so I’m using lightroom classic for work and have it set up with an external SSD that has the lightroom files on it and all the RAW files as well. (A few other pictures are stored externally on a cloud). The backup file is also uploading externally but as mentioned everything else is on this drive. So now I imported pictures at work from the camera into lightroom copying them into a new folder on the ssd. Did some editing of the pictures at work, closed lightroom and went home. Now I have a home-office day and opened up LR. Had to syncronize the folder, all pictures loaded in but all the edits and star categories I already applied are no longer there. Whats the problem here? How can I solve this? I can’t redo the edits all the time.
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‎May 15, 2023
02:14 AM
The screenshots show the same folder. In LR the folder shows 11 images, though it is empty. I tried to remove it from LR by simply clicking on remove from library. But the folder stays and can’t be removed.
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‎May 09, 2023
12:54 AM
@johnrellis yes apparently I’ll have to do it like this. To bad, I wanted to have the advantage of the small file size and high possibilities to edit of the HEIF images.. well guess I’ll have to switch to JPG again if I want to have more space on my cameras memory and don’t use RAW. It’s really a pitty because LRC supports HEIF from iPhones (and Androids) as also stated on their website. But not from Sony cameras (and possibly others)
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‎May 04, 2023
07:15 AM
Okay one thing I found out, apperantly this problem with the HEIF images doesn’t occur if I turn of "Automatically write changes into XMP" in the catalouge settings. (Though the already "compromised" images stay that way) I also tried it with RAW images that are saved within the same subfolder. They don’t get this error either way. So it seems it’s just with the HEIF images.
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‎May 04, 2023
07:11 AM
I just switched to it because the previous workflow didn’t work. (Cloud based)
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‎May 04, 2023
06:43 AM
Today I imported some HEIF images (Camera: Sony Alpha 7 IV) into lightroom. Everything was fine until I opened the develop module. Whenever I did so it first showed a warning that there was an "error writing the metadata" and after deselecting the image the prompt "error reading the image" came up.
I already tried following: Re-importing the images (directly via Lightroom copying from the SD card to the MacBooks desktop), manually copying the images to desktop folder and then importing. Checking all the privacy settings (accessability and full disk access), first-aid for the harddrive and restarting both LR and the MacBook. Also LR is running on the latest update. My catalouge is currently running from a 64GB USB Stick (formated for Mac OS Extended (Journaled)) and the images are in a folder on my desktop. So I don’t see a reason why or what is causing this errors.
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‎May 04, 2023
03:37 AM
I have my lightroom catalouge on another drive and not in the standard pictures folder on my Mac. I don’t have any pictures in there (LR doesn’t show any either, only in the side menu) and I still can’t remove that folder from LR. Is there any way to get rid of this bugged folder?
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‎May 04, 2023
03:19 AM
For now I tried to run LR with both the original pictures and the Catalouge on a OneDrive Cloud, so I could access it at home and at work. Though this provided some problems. Often the pictures would load in very slow and also the edits on the pictures would often vanish or reset, even though everything was synced up. I don’t exactly know where the problem is but from another post of mine others told me that LR doesn’t really function with cloud storage. The system with an external drive would probably work best, and just for safety backing up the pictures on a different system too. As far as I know for now my boss wants to move away from the OneDrive system completly and implement a NAS Server at workplace which I can access then via a VPN from home. I don’t know yet if it will work that I can store the originals on the NAS and put the catalouge on a big USB stick to carry around from home to work or if I have to use an external drive with both pictures and catalouge on it, and just use the NAS for backup.
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‎Apr 26, 2023
01:24 AM
So I have been trying to manage all our pictures for the company I work with LRC. (I tried LR with the cloud too but I just prefer the larger abilities of editing) For now I used it with a OneDrive storage. All the orginals are on there and the LRC data is in a seperate folder in the same server. But apperantly this often leads to editing mistakes (pictures editing getting reset). Now the company wants to change their storing plan and I wondered if I could change the LRC workflow for a more efficient one. Important is that I can access the pictures both from my workplace and home. So online access is absolutely needed. Also of course it should be secure and offer enough storage space for all the RAW files. An external harddrive to carry around all the time wouldn’t really work. Any ideas how I could set this up to work?
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‎Apr 06, 2023
04:36 AM
Thanks for the tips. Yes I’m storing the catalouge and orignal pictures both on OneDrive. I already had that "Automatically write changes into XMP" option checked. I guess maybe it’s an error with writing the meta data. It’s kinda random on what pictures it happens but probably the metadata wasn’t properly written, so next time I opened Lightroom all the settings that are still shown in the preview data just get thrown away. Interesting how I would be able to avoid this problem in the future?
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‎Apr 04, 2023
01:59 AM
I have my Lightroom classic catalouge stored on a Onedrive Server so I can access all photos on the server both at work and home. I backup Lightroom everyday when I close it and wait for all the data to syncronize with the Onedrive. But now it happened multiple times that I want to re-edit a picture and it got reset to it’s original state. All previous edit data gone. When I scroll through the library the small preview still shows as the edited version. But as soon as I click on it the photo has reset and Lightroom says it’s loading the image. As shown in the screenshot, it still shows that edits have been made in developing module, but they don’t show. How can I resolve this issue? I don't want to loose all my work and redo it everytime
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