Contre Jour
Community Beginner
Contre Jour
Community Beginner
‎Mar 02, 2025
11:31 AM
this post is not a correct answer.. it is wrong.. 3 times tested wrong.. there is no difference in the file format or codecs if the video is done for 10 seconds or 20 seconds.. the first one is working and the second one is stalled.. lightroom is corrupt.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
02:24 PM
Hello long story short answer: No The reason why I can say this so clearly is that the same camera, the same video format at close to the same time I made a 10 sec video, shortly before the video explained above of about 2 min. the short video could be loaded without any issue by adobe lightroom. The longer video stalled - no information - Finally I used the original nikon software: Nikon transfer and this works..
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‎Feb 21, 2025
05:18 PM
Hello I faced a problem that my video did not import and Lightroom and Adobe Bridge both failed and stalled during import... The import file format was 3840x2160 with 30p and the lenght was about 1 min. Using the nikon file transfer software copied the file without a problem. I also tried a much shorter video of about 10 second and lR and Bridge could import that file (that was to check if maybe the fileformat .MOV or the video format was the culprit. Now after several tests I can say it is the adobe software which failed. I do have had the latest version of the adobe suite updated automatically by the internet.
The imported file (using nikon file transfer) could be opened in adobe premiere pro.. no issue and the file and format was not corrupt.
Mac: 15.3.1 (24D70)
Lightroom Classic 14.1.1.
Camera Raw 17.1
[Moved from ‘Bugs’ to ‘Discussions’ by moderator, according to forum rules.]
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‎May 10, 2023
01:54 PM
1 Upvote
jpg2000 needs just a much better name..
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‎May 10, 2023
01:53 PM
1 Upvote
Yes and this is just the requst that the dev should finally do their homework..nothing exciting.
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‎Mar 27, 2023
04:05 AM
Hello I urgently and important see the need to have a handy tool which works pretty much automatic as a background consent filter, maybe with a keystroke and with a section similar like the upright tool area. What is a consent background filter: As in so many countries there is an increasing legal requirement to have consent before anybody is on a picture it can happen that even that you get consent from a person you take a picture there are more pictures in the background.. (maybe even blurred and darker) but these people still might be good enough on the picture to be recognised. I see therefor the need to have a background - filter - crystallize process in which we can set the number of pixels as the parameter for the crystallize filter process. This background filter does not really destroy the pictures background but just change it in a way that the persons in the background usually cannot be recognised anymore.. the current workflow I am using is - edit in photoshop - mark the background peoples faces.. - Filter - Crystallize, Store the File and go back to lightroom.. (now I do have next to me 50 mg raw file, another 150 mb tiff file and with this 2 versions of the file.. ).. Obviously there is something wrong.. and this should be a good improvement.. I wish if this will get implemented to be informed.. thanks. because of data protection reason I cannot really send an example picture.. but you can imagine the situation.. if you make a picture from a person with a flash in a crowded bar..
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