‎Mar 15, 2024
04:12 PM
I am having this problem with the move tool in version 25.5. Snap is off; auto-select is off. No matter how carefully I release the mouse button, the layer jumps a bit and I have to nudge it to where I want it.
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‎Jan 21, 2024
11:03 AM
1 Upvote
I have had this problem as well; it would be great if the actual issue could be fixed. Changing canvas size is something I need to do frequently.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
08:27 PM
Wow Steven - thanks! I have not worked with scripts other than those that come built in so I will have to check out the blog you reference. I hope the Adobe ebgineers will notice our activity!
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‎Aug 29, 2023
11:44 AM
Most of the Layer Style Effects (stroke, drop shadow, etc.) appear under Effects on the Layers palette with an eyeball that can be clicked off/on. However, there is no eyeball for Blending Options, no way to easily toggle just Blending Options off/on without opening the Layer Style panel and unchecking the Preview box. If there are multiple effects, I can turn off/on all the effects with the eyeball next to Effects, but if Blending Options is the only effect, there is no eyeball, just the overlapping boxes icon next to the layer name. It would make my life easier and save time if Blending Options could be toggled off/on more easily. It could have an eyeball like the other Layer Style Effects. Or, if we could click the overlapping boxes icon and turn Blending Options off/on that way. Thanks for considering this.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
09:35 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, that worked, thanks! The question of why it works remains in my mind, however. I wish I understood better what's going on. Thanks again for your help.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
07:26 AM
1 Upvote
No, I didn't know that you could convert a smart object to a smart object. I will try that and let you know.
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‎Aug 29, 2023
07:09 AM
It was already a smart object when I duplicated the layer. I had converted the image to a smart object so that I could apply the camera raw filter and make adjustments non-destructively. Then I resized it and all looked okay. Then I duplicated the layer into another image and when it arrived in the second image, the masks were off.
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‎Aug 28, 2023
04:15 PM
I worked on an image using masks and the adjustment brush in the camera raw filter. I then resized the image (Image>Image Size) and all the adjustments in the camera raw filter look correct and I can see the masks correctly in camera raw. I then duplicated the layer with the adjustments into a different image of the same resolution and now the masks are off as JJMack describes. So I had to rasterize the layer before duplicating it to have it look correct. What I can't understand is why the masks survived the resampling but not when I duplicated the resampled image? I'm in Photoshop 24.7.0
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‎Jul 16, 2023
03:04 PM
It would be great if the folders in Bridge could have custom icons like folders in Finder on Mac so that they could be selected visually instead of just by name. When I work on a project that has several variations of each of several images, I organize the variations into folders. Then I have to think up descriptive names that are not too long for each folder that will quickly remind me what is inside. If I could paste a picture on the cover of each folder, then I could use simpler folder titles, and tell at a glance which series is inside.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:37 AM
This problem turned out to be not with Premier, but with the firmware of my Apple Studio Display. Apple just released an upgrade that fixed it for me.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:37 AM
I have this problem right now on a very short (15 sec) project consisting of simply a few stills with transitions and one audio track. I'm running Premier 22.5.0 on Mac Studio with OS 12.3. If I import the MP4 back into Premier, it plays fine, but it will not play audio in Quicktime, nor will it play audio if uploaded to Vimeo. In each case, It only plays the first second or two of audio. I tried to upload the various files but they wouldn't upload.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:37 AM
I have this problem right now on a very short (15 sec) project consisting of simply a few stills with transitions and one audio track. I'm running Premier 22.5.0 on Mac Studio with OS 12.3. If I import the MP4 back into Premier, it plays fine, but it will not play audio in Quicktime, nor will it play audio if uploaded to Vimeo. In each case, It only plays the first second or two of audio.
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‎Dec 21, 2022
06:14 AM
Yes thanks, that's the best way that I can see to go about it. The Safari export feature is pretty much useless.
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‎Dec 13, 2022
02:29 PM
When Safari exports a web page as a PDF (File>Export PDF) it comes out as one very long page. This result reads okay in Acrobat (or Preview) but if I try to print, I just get one page with a column of tiny print down the center. I want to make such files into an appropriate number of letter-size pages for printing. How can I do this?
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‎Sep 26, 2022
09:38 AM
You're right, that does work - I didn't know that, thanks. But it doesn't answer the question of why the default value has to be in pixels and there is no way to change that unit to inches, or any of the other units available in Preferences. That would make life easier for me. I was hoping there was a way to do that, which I hadn't found, but I suppose I can put it in as a suggestion.
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‎Sep 25, 2022
08:41 PM
Here's the screenshot. So if I want to move the guide by an eighth of an inch, I need to divide 300 (resolution) by eight and add or subtract. If I click in the position field and type ".125 in" after the pixel value, I get an "invalid numeric entry '' message. I'm not able to make a screenshot while the error message is displayed.
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‎Sep 25, 2022
04:02 PM
1 Upvote
When I invoke the edit guides dialog box, it shows the position of the selected guides in pixels even if I have guide, grid, rulers units set to inches in Preferences. How can I get the dialog box to default to the units I have specified in Preferences?
Photoshop 23.4.2
Mac OS Monterey 12.6 (Apple Silicon)
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‎May 19, 2021
09:07 AM
Thanks for taking time to reply. I wasn't trying to export anything, just printing the layers one at a time. Printed the first three fine, then steped away for a few minutes, and when I came back the resolution had changed from 300 to 72. Not hard to change it back, once I figured out what had happened, though that involved some hair pulling. No harm done to the file - just very strange - never happened before in 25+ years and I hope it never happens again!
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‎May 18, 2021
11:21 AM
This just happened to me in version 22.4.0 - the latest update. I was printing several layers from the same 300 dpi file as seperate images and Photoshop just randomly changed the resolution to 72 dpi. Didn't resample, just changed the dpi, and therefore the dimension in inches from about 5" square to about 20". Took me a while to figure out why the image was suddenly too big for the paper. Very bizarre. Print resolution is 300 dpi in preferences.
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‎Jan 25, 2021
10:22 AM
1 Upvote
Trying to print spreads for booklet signatures from InDesign 2020 to Epson 3880. Have done this before with no problem. But now, under Print Booklet > Print Settings, the option for "Sequence" where I have previously selected odd or even pages, is greyed out. Any ideas about how to get this back or work around? Thanks.
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‎May 07, 2020
03:02 PM
The new guide layout in Photoshop doesn't allow for the setup of irregularly spaced columns as far as I can see. And GuideGuide is no longer free, now $5 per month or $36 per year.
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‎May 07, 2020
10:17 AM
This seems to only work if you want columns and/or rows that are the same width. I often want different sets of guides for different aspects of the same project, not necessarily evenly spaced or symmetrical. What I would like to do is drag the guides to where I want them and then save that setup. Does anyone have an idea how to do that?
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