Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jun 16, 2023
08:07 AM
@Mark.Dahm Here is what I'm experiencing - I would open and work through 30-50 images, with the GPU used for each document, without the problem. Then I would close all those and open another batch of 30-50. Some files at the end would the GPU issue where it's not used as the original issue of this thread, even if I close the files as I work through them. So for example I open 50 files, with 30 having the GPU used and 20 having the CPU used. I close the first 30, but the kast 20 still have the CPU used. When I quit photoshop and reopen all 50 images, then all 50 have the GPU used. So it looks like to me it would still take an app restart to refresh the GPU resouces available.
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‎May 25, 2023
10:34 AM
@Mark.Dahm, one thing I wanted to bring up is that it seems like the memory usage accumulates with the increased number of images open, but it doesn't go down when I close them. So for example I've worked on 30-40 images, then closed them but my memory usage remained. Opening more images continued increasing the memory usage and was reducing the performance. Is this something that can be done with a change of setting or is the only way would be to restart the app?
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‎May 04, 2023
09:16 AM
1 Upvote
Hey @Mark.Dahm, thanks for the update! I tried out the new Beta version and here's my results: I am running M1 Pro Macbook with 16GB memory. I'm working with RAW image files 30-40 MB each. After opening 40 images - all PS functions worked properly, with no performance reduction. Opened another 40 images - slight performance decrease but still all function working properly. Opened another 40 images (now 120 images opened) - moderate performance decrease but still everyhting working properly and no crashes or major lags. I didn't go more than that because I wouldn't need to for my work, but I would imagine it would still work fine. I also checked Memory Usage as I was opening images and here's what I got: 40 images opened   80 images opened   120 images opened I have allocated PS to use 85% of my memory, so I'm pretty happy with these results. Looking forward to see this in the next PS update! 
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‎Mar 22, 2023
07:43 AM
@Mark.Dahm, thank you for the update and transparency on the issue! Looking forward to hear from you soon.
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‎Mar 14, 2023
08:59 AM
1 Upvote
@J453, any chance you could update this thread's correct answer? We haven't had a solution/update from engineering so far.
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‎Mar 02, 2023
09:20 AM
@Daniel Presedo, any chance you could provide an update on the progress for this issue?
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‎Feb 25, 2023
10:27 PM
@garymak, also see my 2nd update on my post with the link. I realized that it wasn't the camera raw version, but rather the default setting for the bit channel. From what you posted, it looks like your document is in 16bit. tey going to your Camera Raw settings>Workflow, and change the channel to 8bir if yours is set to 16
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‎Feb 16, 2023
08:48 AM
update on my post: I posted a new topic about this and someone pointed poninted out that it could the the 8 vs 16 bit channel setting, so that was the new solution.
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‎Feb 16, 2023
08:25 AM
1 Upvote
@Rikk Flohr: Photography I went ahead and updated to 15.2, and tried again, but ended up with the same result BUT after reading @TheDigitalDog's comment, I checked the bit mode and realized that my old files were indeed saved in 8 bit with camera raw 14.5, and camera raw 15.2 had 16 bit as the default setting. So after changing the setting in camera raw 15.2 to 8bit, it was saving files in smaller size again. Thanks so much for your help guys!
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‎Feb 16, 2023
07:05 AM
Hi! I have noticed that after installing Camera Raw 15.1 with my PS 2023, the psd files that I usually save duing my work became 3-4 times larger in size, and the save time of psd files became very slow. Usually my files are around 100-150mb, but after they became 400-500mb. Originally I thought it had something to do with the PS version, but after doing several tests and trying different settings, I realized that downgrading to Camera Raw 14.5 was the solution for my issue. My psd files went back to the original smaller size and the save time of psd files became a lot faster. Something that I wanted to bring up and see if anyone else experienced this issue. I am currently using PS v 24.1.1 on macOS Ventura 13.2.1.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
10:54 AM
hey all, I might have found a cause and solution for this issue. After updating from Photoshop 2022 to 2023, I also started seeing super slow psd file save time and my file size increased by 4-5 times (I save psd files of images 5000-6000px, 300ppi in 16 bit mode. usually the file size is around ~100 mb, now it is 500-600mb). I also work with CR2 and JPG files. After doing some tests I realized that for me it was having camera raw 15 that was causing slow saving speed and large psd files. After I downgraded to Camera Raw 14.5, and still using Photoshop 2023, my files size and saving speed went back to the original! And overall the photoshop performance has become much faster. Can anyone else with this issue confirm that Camera Raw 14.5 solved the issue?
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