Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jun 13, 2023
03:19 AM
1 Upvote
@Jqqerry 527.56 GeForce Game Ready! I thought it was worth a try because I remember this bug started happening around February-March, I admit I should've tried this earlier but better late than never.
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‎Jun 12, 2023
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
Since I canceled my plan I decided to get the free trial and downloaded an older ver. of the NVIDIA driver from December 2022 and I have yet to have any issues with my cursor turning into an arrow, when I thought it was flickering it was actually just me being paranoid, but it's good, been drawing for a few hours and no issues so far, it just sucks that I had to go to an older driver to temporarily get rid of this, also doesn't explain why people on Mac also have this issue
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‎Jun 02, 2023
03:04 PM
(Sorry for the double post) While searching on Twitter, I found people complaining about this bug for YEARS, I even found a tweet by Kyle Webster from 2012 about this bug, seems like this is a common issue with Photoshop, someone even mentioned this bug is an old one and has been there since CS6 I think while some are affected, some aren't, I follow alot of artists who still use Photoshop, also watch some art streams and I don't see them having any of these issues..
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‎Jun 02, 2023
02:48 PM
I sadly had to cancel my plan because I stopped using Photoshop because of this bug, it's so annoying to draw with it and there's no fix. I use a XP Pen Deco but also had issues with my Wacom Intuos (which is also why I bought a new tablet, I first thought the issue was Wacom but seems like it's Adobe) I'm sure there's something wrong, otherwise we wouldn't be experiencing this at the same time. As you said, and I can comfirm it as well, this did NOT happen last year, for me at least it started at the beggining of this year, around February/March, it started on CC19 then I moved to CC21 and it stopped, also tried older ver. and did not had this bug, after a while since the newer ver. were too heavy I went back to CC19 and the bug was gone, it started happening again around April/May, drivers are all updated, Windows also updated, but this seems like its not relate to it. For me it's weird how this bug appeared then later disappeared just to comeback again, I can't really tell what it is but the problem is ONLY with Photoshop. Something I would like to add, I tried to download a non-legal ver. of Photoshop ( I've seen many people say there are no bugs on these ver. so I went to try it out) to see if the problem was related to any Adobe program I had (I uninstalled all of them) and the answer? the bug is STILL there somehow, I really can't put my finger on what's going on. Currently I'm using Clip Studio to draw, but sadly it's not the same as Photoshop, some brushes don't work the same and it's truly a pain but I'll try to get over it for now.
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‎May 20, 2023
05:48 AM
@Jqqerry Well said! I hope they'll listen to us because this bug is truly annoying. I also thought it was Nvidia or even a Windows update but seeing people also have the same issue with MacOS means it's on Adobe. I tried many things I found online and none of them worked, other apps also do not have this cursor bug, and I was just about to say this, I didn't had this issue before, a few months ago everything was just fine, I'm not sure what's the issue. I like to use older ver. of Photoshop because it's more stable in my PC, currently I'm using CC19 which I never had this bug before, used to use CC21 as well and no issues with the cursor, just a bug with Coolorus so I had to switch, earlier this year I also tried a new ver. of Photoshop (22 & earlier ver. of 23) and no issues with the cursor, it just started recently and it's driving me insane, for me, ALL versions currently available of Photoshop have this issue now. Updated tablet drivers (XP-pen) and nothing, updated Nvidia, nothing. Windows (I'm on Windows 10) also updated recently but I had this issue before this newer update so I'm 100% sure it's not related. I have other apps I could be using to draw but I still like Photoshop better, the brush engine for me is the best one out there (alongside Procreate but I don't have an iPad to use it) so it's a pain to use the program with this bug.
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‎May 18, 2023
12:20 PM
@Jqqerry I sadly got the cursor bug on the 24.0 😞 guess I'll have to live with it until they fix it, but yeah... wonder when will that happen
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‎May 17, 2023
06:46 AM
Quick update: tested 23.5.5 and 24.0, so far the brush cursor did not flick/turn into an arrow but I'll have to test it more to be 100% sure of it but it's better than the other ver. I tried, but now I have another bug on both ver. where the color picker lags and leaves a brush tip on the canvas.. ha.. it's laughable, I would use CSP but I still like Photoshop more, it's sad how many bugs are on it and how they almost never fix them..
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‎May 17, 2023
05:57 AM
Seems like this bug is not new since this thread is still being updated... quite a shame really. I mainly use Photoshop 2019 because it's the most stable one for me but then the cursor started flickering, then I tried several other ver of Photoshop, including the newer ones, I'll try it again with 2022 to see if it's happening as well but I have zero hopes... as an artist it's really a pain to draw with this bug, as I have CSP as well, I noticed this only happens with Photoshop so I'm not sure if this is an issue with my PC.. hope this will be fixed soon
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‎Mar 13, 2023
01:01 PM
Hello! recently I noticed that when selecting a brush with, for example, 100% opacity and 8% flow, these settings will stay the same for any other brush I select, only a few change, this goes for both default and downloaded brushes, I'm wondering if I'm missing something or accidently turned something off because this didn't happen before and it's quite annoying since I want to use a certain brush and the settings are all messed up because of that, I'm using the latest ver. of Photoshop! (24.2.1)
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