Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 25, 2025
11:12 AM
This is a great idea and would help me a lot. I am trying as much as possible to transfer my workflow to iPad photoshop for the portability. This would help immensely.
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‎Feb 22, 2025
10:53 AM
* Keyboard shortcut for Create Clipping Mask. (ctrl+alt+g) * Keyboard shortcuts to group and ungroup layers (ctrl+g, ctrl+shift+g)
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‎Feb 22, 2025
10:43 AM
1 Upvote
I'm an illustrator and have been getting a workflow with Photoshop for Ipad and ios. I have tried both Fresco and Photoshop, and it is interesting that they both have features and abilities I like, but one doesn't have it all! In general, Photoshop for ios seems to suit my needs better. But there are a few features I'd like to suggest. Gradient: Foreground Color to Transparent - There's no foreground color to transparent option for gradients. This is something I use all the time. There is a workaround where you can flood a layer with color, then apply a layer mask and do black to white gradients to mimic it, but being able to have a foreground to transparent gradient would improve my workflow so much! Brush Size Cursor - This feature is present in Desktop Photoshop and can be toggled on in Fresco, but Ios photoshop has no way to see the maximum brush size. As someone who draws with pen pressure quite a bit, I like seeing how far the brush can go so I can get crispy edges if I really press down! Transform Warp - This is my favorite transform. It allows me make something a bit curvier or have more motion, even if it distorts the drawing a bit. Great for thumbnailing. Customizable keyboard shortcuts - this would be amazing, so I can keep my keybinds consistent between devices. More keyboard shortcuts available in general: * The ability to use keyboard shortcuts for things like opacity, flow, and hardness would be wonderful. * Being able to hold shift and alt and have it allow me to add to a selection or subtract from it. I know there's a touch control for this. I'm a keyboard/remote artist and am trying to keep my left hand from moving too much, and enjoy having all of the options avaiable at my fingertips without switching from keyboard to screen. * Alt for the brush turning into an eyedropper sample is also one of my favorite things. Same as above. I realize there's a touch shortcut for this. Keyboard shortcut support would be a great secondary way to do it, and allow for more accessibility options and workflow options. * Shift to select multiple layers - again, I know the touch controls exist! Keyboard would be nice! * A shortcut to fit the image to screen * A Save shortcut. Fresco has this, as does Desktop PS. Would be great to have for ipad so I can just hit that every now and again.
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