Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jun 23, 2023
03:07 PM
I have latest PS in regular and BETA version on a Windows 11 PRO computer. Regular PS still works fine and while the prevous version of BETA was fine, the latest one I just downloaded today has a problem when tring to use Curves. It changes cursor to the Eye Dropper icon and locks up the program. Only way out is with Task Manager.
I tried rebooting and same issue....regular PS still fine but not BETA. Windows 11 Pro has all the current updates and drivers.
[Post tagged as "Desktop-Windows" by moderator since "Windows" tag does not exist here and was dropped.]
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‎Mar 07, 2023
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
I agree. I spent a couple of days trying to get my Rulers back....Community members found a shortcut to do that but who knows when Adobe will actually correct the issue. I also noticed that when I create Shortcuts, they dissappear when I next access Photo Shop. Is anyone having similar problems with the Shortcuts? Both Shortcuts and the Rulers are a couple of the most used tools in PS. I can't believe someone at Adobe fdidn't see the issue earlier. Adobe needs to spend more time beta testing their programs and if a problem arises, they need to spend extra time getting it resolved. I too am happy with the existing versions of PS and wish they would take more time to beta test new features to make sure they don't cause issues with the existing program.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
04:52 PM
Worked for me. Glad we got a work around so fast.....those rulers are used constantly in my work.....Thanks to whomever came up with the fix.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
02:46 PM
Latest Photo Shop update one day ago no longer displays rulers on screen even though it is turned on in VIEW RULERS.
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