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‎Feb 24, 2025
12:24 PM
EDIT - It's 2025 - That's how traumatizing this all is. I don't even know what year it is.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
12:18 PM
Same Issue here now in Feb 24 2024. Just GONE! I tried logging into old profiles, I looked in adobe assets, I checked in the deleted folder on both the app and Adobe CC desktop app. GONE - Missing files from June 2024 and before. THOUSANDS of them. I chatted into Adobe help and got a huge load of crap about how they no longer use the Sync feature since 2023 and users were told to back up files. This doesn't at all esplain where my art files went to from June 2024 and before. Even if that's the case... What about artfiles that should just be in my Fresco Files folder??? I am a Children's book artist and now I am missing all my workable Fresco files. My livlihood is now in question as I cannot access or even see files I need to edit.
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‎Jun 12, 2024
07:55 PM
Now that Adobe has come out saying that art saved to the Creative Cloud will and can be used to train Ai. I am now looking at other platforms and will not be renewing any CC service or Fresco for that matter until Adobe makes it so that the work done on Fresco won't be auto saved to the cloud or they change their terms to not use CC art without us opting in to it being used for AI training. Anyone found any good vector apps that would be good to try? Procreate won't work for the art I need to create for clients who need to edit line work
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‎Nov 17, 2023
09:54 AM
TON!!!!!! I do now Thank you!! I guess I hadn't been since I changed my Illustrator version. It used to always do that since I had it set prior but with the new version I just never changed that setting during export! Thank you so much, seriously a life and time saver
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‎Nov 17, 2023
09:39 AM
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:05 AM
If anyone can help with this I would be eternally grateful. I have been trying to find a fix for months now and just have no idea what to do. I create patterns using a square format and then make the repeat old school style by moving and placing the art - anywho... Once done I add it to my swatch panel and tile it to the size background I need. On screen it's perfect. It's whenever I save it no matter how I save it the hair lines show up. They also appear in prints and on screen when I use whatever format I saved to wether it be PDF, PNG, JPEG.. wether I export it or save it as such. Any ideas what's up or how to fix this?
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‎Oct 09, 2021
09:32 AM
Anyone able to crack why when you have both vector layers and pixel layers with opacity effects on them, Freco will then flatten the artwork when transferring it to a desktop Ai ? I'm trying to send the layers and artwork I have on a design from fresco to my Mac but it flattens the artwork making it impossible to edit or adjust
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‎Jan 23, 2018
05:50 PM
Hi Monika, thanks for your reply. I kind of get it but this is what just happened... I went into my ai file and selected the entire layer that I had multiplied via adobe draw. Selected it. Went to Transparency>multiply (you can see in the transparency window it shows it as multiplied) Then grouped the image as a whole and it is still making the image weird looking. Not grouping isn't an option because I often take an image from one artboard to another and this problem continues to happen even if I just copy and paste the artwork to a new artboard. any other ideas?
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‎Jan 23, 2018
04:57 PM
Hi there, Here is my problem. I have an image I created using adobe draw. When I bring it into AI on my desktop and then try to either group the whole image or copy/paste it into a new template the transparency gets wonky and lost. It's as though it forget's that it's suppose to be a *multiply* layer. I can go back and select all the individual marks and go to multiply to then get them back to the opacity/transparency I want, but that takes forever. any help would be appreciated. original image going to group all the layers whoa, suddenly everything that was *multiplied* is bleh
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