Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Apr 11, 2024
05:42 AM
Most entertaining to be fair, but yes, that is the current status of this feature, its not for professional use, its just funny to look at.
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‎Jan 10, 2024
02:21 PM
Adobe said "Generating without a prompt will create a seamless extension of your scene." 😂
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‎Jan 10, 2024
02:19 PM
This is with what i thought would be an easier one... what is the actual point of this? Is this what we pay for every month, for adobe developers to make things like this happen.
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‎Jan 10, 2024
02:12 PM
1 Upvote
This should not of been released yet, in practice its extremely poor, it simply does not do what adobe claim, after about 5 differnt prompts this is still the kind of thing im getting to expand a background... basically just a stock image placed on a layer, this is supposed to exapnd the backround, after many attempts its not even matched one of the colours yet...
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‎Aug 26, 2023
02:24 PM
SO, I resolved this by unistalling Illustrator, shutting down and rebooting, then reinstalling. I think is an error with an update not compleating or going rogue. However, I have 18 varients of this font family in my CC Adobe Font manager but only 6 show in Illustrator. In the Adobe Font manager (within my creative cloud app) all 18 show as all available for Adobe and all other applications.
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‎Aug 26, 2023
09:42 AM
OK... so i put the text in agian.... now the file refuses to save. It says there is an error with the file (REAAALLY) then tells me to send Package to Adobe, then when i do this it tells me I have to save the file before i can do this.... so im in a loop.
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‎Aug 26, 2023
09:26 AM
Hey thanks for the suggestion.... No text in outline mode either... there are empty text boxes even in outline mode. (Image Attached) Those are other layers of that are hidden have other text, the text has dissapeared from all of them.
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‎Aug 26, 2023
07:34 AM
I spent yesterday making a large file in Illustrator using a font that is supplied by Adobe called 'Poppins'. The font is still present in my Creative cloud font management. The preview of the file shows the text present, when I open the file the text is missing. There is no font replacment, the text and all its varibles are totally missing, there are empty text boxes. Adobe Support refuse to help as its a weekend and apparently we dont pay for support at weekends!?! This is also a suprise to me. Has anyone had this issue of missing text? If so please let me know how you resolved this. USEFUL INFO: Im using the lasterst version of everything on a mac M1 with 16gb of Ram, Im not using any font management software, its not a layer being covered or a white text on white background issue... there text is totally gone when opening the file. Its not a fact I didnt save as there is 12 pages here with text and imagery, all the other elements and imagery are present, these were added and saved after most of the text was placed. I have added the previe that dispalays the text and the open file with it missing. I have rebooted and cleared my pRam on my mac, check for updates etc, etc. I feel this is a bug.
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‎Aug 16, 2023
01:10 PM
1 Upvote
Ive tried this out, but its not really interactive like other AI, it doesnt learn or adapt for example.... with Chat GPT I can get it to write code or generate content, then I can offer it feedback on what it provides takes that an applies it to the current work it has provided, This in photoshop does not. I get the impression it doesnt even gernerate anything and it merely looks for something simlar and inserts it.. very obviously also, no account is taken into the join or where the image meet, even when I mask and fade the forground image I want to expand it looks ridiculous, I will attach the work. For this I promted... "more of the same blue sky", it found several iamges I assume are stock images as none were close to the current sky. I then tried things like... "Use the clouds" or "Add sun" but none of applied to the current selections, it just started fresh everytime, it looked like it was just trying other stock images, so it doesnt learn... therefore its not Intelligent... so I'm usnsure if this should even be referrred to as AI! I will find another stock image and blend these myself, this was a VERY simple task , it it was just a waste of my time, not a time saver.
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