I've also had a similar situation with a '528 incompliant error message', trying different ways and approaches to export my newly created Lut was all a failure, so I decided to click on my /workspace panel/; selected /photography/; and then clicked on /Reset Photography/ and finally I was able to export my newly created Lut. Hope you find this procedure useful sir. Perhaps you can help explain the error I am encountering when trying to create a cololour lookup table. I have an image open with adjustment layers and I have tried in both rgb & lab mode. Exporting it as a lookup table (tried 3DL &n Cube) to - applications>Ps2020>presets>3dluts as the destination. I get this error message -"unable to run the Export Color Lookup plugin because error: General PS error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Ps." Following these instr. https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/photoshop/using/export-color-lookup-tables.html Any ideas ? Thanks, Frank By @frankg_photos workspace panel
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