‎Feb 13, 2024
08:02 AM
I have explained many times , it is not related to the firewall issue , which I have personally verified several times. I have actually spoke to an helpdesk agent justnow and he verified the issue with me after an hour on remote desktop , we both came to the conclusion now it has nothing to do with the Antivirus , especially when it only happen to AI filler . The neural filters and others are all working exactly as intended . If this was firewall 's issue it would have blocked everything . He agreed with me after checking and reinstalling the app. Initially I appreciated the helpful gesture , or at least what I thought was helpful. But at this point it is just mind numblingly repetitive . Pls do not add to anymore confusion , if you do not have anymore helpful things to say . It can cause more confusion to any CS agent who came across this thread and brush it off as another Internet issue , it isn't .
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‎Feb 13, 2024
07:56 AM
While I appreciate the suggestion , I have answered this several times . This doesn't happen until recently , like the last 4-5 days or so . And both the OP and me aren't even close to maxing out our hardware . And I want to clarify this for the last time , this is NOT related any network or firewall issues , as I have just tested by blocking the app , and it blocked all internet access of the app , including neural filters . ut when I enable it , everything is still working fine , the only feature that is not working AI generative . Again this only happen in the last few days . Never happen before this , no OS or app update in the last couple of days either. P/S : The cache purging doesn't help either .
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‎Feb 13, 2024
07:49 AM
RTX 3090 here , 128gb Rams . My OS is installed on a 2 tb NVME which barely has anything installed , so I dont think RAM/ROM is an issue either.
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‎Feb 13, 2024
07:16 AM
Yes , everal of us are also having the same issue . I was in discord of 100 + peers and we have over 10 ppl having the same issue here . We had no issue like this , it just happened in the last 7 days or so . And no , it is not related to antivirus and other window firewall as I have double checked to ensure the app is working fine and I did not update my OS recently .
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‎Feb 13, 2024
07:09 AM
Also , I am getting timed out from the servers , but it works like once like 10 times of trying , after taking several minutes to load. If the function is blocked by window , it would have blocked it everytime , no exception .
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‎Feb 13, 2024
07:07 AM
No , it is not . It was working just fine until recently . Window firewall and antivirus , anti malware are the first things I checked , Photoshop ( and all of its Adobe subsequent version and variant ) are allowed . Also , as I have mentioned several times , other cloud related function such as neural filters are working just fine . ( If window is blocking network function of the app, it would have blocked the entire app , not just 1 specific cloud related feature )
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‎Feb 13, 2024
03:07 AM
I am facing the same issue as well in the last couple of days . AI generative is extremely slow and sometimes took forever and sometimes didn't end up generating anything . I have reinstalled , reset the settings of photoshop app ( beta , updated to the latest ver ) several times. Creative cloud too has been updated , reset , ins-uninstall a few times . Nothing has changed . Reset my WI-FI and internet as well , everything is working fine except for Generative AI. I am fairly convinced the servers my photoshop is connecting to has some issues .On the other hand , the neural filter ( cloud processing ) is fine and has no issue .
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‎Aug 23, 2023
04:43 PM
1 Upvote
break them* , sorry for the typo . Anyway it looks like you are having a separate issue ( which is the smudge problem ) than those of us who were getting the " PS stop working due to an error " msg . I have read that from reddit some ppl who were smudge problem fixed it by updating to the latest studio driver .
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‎Aug 23, 2023
04:39 PM
The 25.0 PS beta has gotten several updates , I have yet to update to the latest , but in the previous 2 updates ( still labelled version 25.0 ) , remove tool is working . And I don't plan to update to the newest ver now I am worried they will break the As for the launched , 24.7 / 24.6 version , it has never been working in those 2 for ryzen 3000 PCs . So maybe the changes they made in the latest beta has not to the public version yet .
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‎Jul 29, 2023
10:46 PM
Okay , in my previous post I have stated that it still doesn't work in the latest update. My apology , apparently I was very wrong . So I saw you guys were saying the latest beta 25.0 has remove tool working again . I installed mine and it doesn't work ( for some reason , maybe because it wasn't a fresh install ) . I got fed up and just uninstalled the entire photoshop ( both beta and non beta) & the creation cloud app altogether . 2 days later , I re-installed PS beta again , setting processing to " more stable " , remove tool is working again in the latest 25.0 ! Finally the app can work together with AI generative filler . The changes it bring is revolutionary . I just want to thank everyone who was having problem , taking their time to report the issue . And of course , to all the adobe staff as well , for finally fixing it . You have no idea the amount of time it will save me from doing more work , A big Thank you to all of you lovely ppl !
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‎Jul 28, 2023
10:12 PM
^sorry for the repeat , typing that on the phone . Anyway , I was testing the new photoshop version on a new PC ( with new cpu ) and the remove tool is working just fine ... so yea tough luck for all the ryzen 3000 owners .
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‎Jul 28, 2023
10:10 PM
Okay , so we have got the latest update Beta 25.0 and 24.7 , neither of them fix the issues . Looks like the issue isn't getting fixed anytime soon . At this point , doesn't look like we are getting fixes anytime soon . Looks like buying a new CPU is the only way for you to " fix " this .
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‎Jul 11, 2023
12:41 AM
@MeredithStotzner In our previous discussion , we have already " indentified " the problem for one of the most common occurence , it looks like a majority of us we had " encounter program error " are using ryzen 3000 CPU . Not to be confused with the people who had smudge issues . However , for those of us who had problem , PS Beta 24.5 works flawlessly . So whatever your dev team has changed from 24.6 beta and onwards did something to neglect the ryzen 3000 CPU users . At least that was what most of us who had that specific issue are using . I have written mails to your support team , opened tickets , remote control supports for hours , lodged numerous reports . It seems like all of it just went to deaf ears . We have reinstalled OS , reinstalled multiple version of it nvidia drivers , both studio and game version and reset all of PS setting , this include setting it to stable ( or faster ) , none of the solution worked . I am sorry if I sound impatient , but it is disappointing because it looks like either your customer support did not take us seriously , or he did not deliver any of the information I passed over him to your software team at all .
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‎Jun 28, 2023
05:50 AM
Looks like there is a clearer pattern now , a large majority of us who has issues are using Ryzen 3000 CPUs . 3600 , 3700X , 3900X , 3950X .. etc
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‎Jun 27, 2023
04:04 PM
yes as one of the person who has problem , I am using ryzen 3000s CPU . The be more specific , both of the desktop I had have Ryzen CPU 3900x and 3950x I have tried over 10 different version of Nvidia drivers both gaming and studio and still getting the same program error . However in Photoshop 24.5 beta , remove tools work perfectly fine for me . Any other subsequent update and version failed to work , this including the latest Photoshop beta 24.7 and non beta 24.6.
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‎Jun 25, 2023
10:45 PM
1 Upvote
@MeredithStotzner We have others who are also having the same problem , would you be so kind to look into this , we have opened a topic here . We have done countles driver reinstallation , different os , different pc , different updates, reset preference , setting remove tool to more stable , none of the option ever work . The only edition that is working for us is 24.5 beta , every other version is giving us an error
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‎Jun 23, 2023
10:27 PM
@Jqqerry Okay I am going to try studio drivers for now , previously all the drivers I have been using were the " game-ready " type .
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‎Jun 23, 2023
02:12 PM
@Jqqerry can you share yours ? These 3 different PC with different OS I have tried doesn't work . Window 10 - rtx 3080 ti Window 10 - rtx 4080 Window 11 - rtx 3060m , laptop.
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‎Jun 23, 2023
02:10 PM
1 Upvote
Uninstalled several different of nvidia drivers and none of them working . It has taken more than an hour to get customer support to lodge a report . Until today they haven't got back to me , just telling me to keep using 24.5 beta .
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‎Jun 21, 2023
12:56 AM
1 Upvote
Photoshop ( non beta ) 24.6 is up , just updated to it and disappointed to see remove tool is still giving me the same error . Tested it on 3 different PC , a laptop and an office PC . None of it working , so I really don't think the issue is on my side . Only the beta 24.5 ver is working for now .
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‎Jun 21, 2023
12:53 AM
@John30582715q7sg I don't think that's the issue here , because the firewall are mainly involved with networking issues when you need to connect online for a feature to works . That means feature like neural filters , generative AI , they will require PS to be allowed in firewall setting to work . In my case , neural filters and generative AI function works in the latest version , only remove tools are not working . AFAIK remove tools do not need to connect online to work .
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‎Jun 15, 2023
04:39 PM
@gthull644 I have just tested it , it does looks very similar at first . However after some extensive testing , I find that the remove tools are a lot more powerful , a lot more precise and it actually looks at the surrounding pixel before trying to remove something / fix something . Overall the remove tools are kind of like a fixer . It removes and fixes things . The spot healing brush is something like healing brush but slightly more convenient .
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‎Jun 14, 2023
05:50 AM
Yes there are different type of errors , but ultimately those of us who had problem , regardless of the type of msg are unable to use it . I have recently spoke to another person whose PS crashed right away after the error but mine didn't . Other tools are working just fine . And the remove tool itself works flawlessly in 24.5 beta , it means our PC were absolutely capable to use it . I did notice the remove tool is an add-on , that means your photoshop has to download additional files separately in order to use it . I wonder if something has gone wrong during the process since beta 24.5 .
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‎Jun 13, 2023
08:03 PM
I am not sure if there are little people who has this problem . Literally most of the people I spoke to have this issue . But only when I have told them about it and they started clicking on the tool . Remove tool is still a relatively new ( and subtle) feature , a lot of people aren't aware of what it can really do , so not enough people are actively using it to encounter the problems . Unlike generative fills , where they have a bunch of PR budget to advertise it over social media.
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‎Jun 10, 2023
04:19 AM
remove tool is quick, efficient and it does not has to load over the cloud service , which can often be very clunky and slow . Also the generative AI filler has a resolution cap , if the picture you are working on is of higher resolution than 1080p , there is going to be obvious gap between the generative filler and the rest of the picture . Remove tool do not have this problem at works under any resolution . Remove tool does not create something out of nothing , but rather it is an extremely powerful enhance tool can be used to straighten lines , cover up un-even edges , un-even tones , which is often what we used photoshop for .
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‎Jun 09, 2023
09:09 PM
I am not sure if they are even aware of this , at least before I actually reported the issue , they thought it was isolated incident until I continue to pester them to check out this thread . But I did notice 1 peculiar notice , where most of the influencer , such as PixImperfect , when they are making videos on this feature it is from PS ver 24.5 , that's right thats the version we got it working . But not the 24.6 or any other version . So I suspect this issue may be far more wide spread than just isolated cases . If you ask me remove tool is actually more useful even the AI filler given how it can be used to connect lines .
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‎Jun 09, 2023
04:24 PM
I just spoke to an agent , so after an hour of remote control , checking with gpu drivers , different version this and that , they are finally willing to lodge a report . I am not sure if their engineering team even care at this point but I did link them this thread . version beta 24.5 got remove tool working , remove 24.4 and 24.6 nope ( including the newest 24.7 ) , the main app doesn't work as well
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