‎Mar 02, 2025
11:09 PM
Hi Anshul, The error was appearing when I tried to click on the button to *create* the packages. There are no packages to download until you click the button, but the process of creating the packages was timing out for me. The solution for me was simply to reload the page, click the button and wait for a few hours even after the page throws the error. At that point the files had generated. Edit: The system hasn't actually generated as many files as it should. I downloaded all the archives 1-by-1 over the weekend and even taking compression into account they are ~450GB which is a lot less than the ~900GB I had on the Cloud File Sync Folder. I believe this is ultimately a fruitless exercise as there's no way to regenerate the archives.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
10:35 PM
Hi, This is the result of following the instructions in those links. Please look at the screenshot closely, its from the file sync window. I have an enterprise plan from the company I work for. I have already followed the instructions from Adobe to get a backup of files, and that's when the error appears after half an hour of waiting. There is nothing in the article about what to do if this happens.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
06:39 AM
I have about 900GB of files in Creative Cloud and while I did sync them to a local drive about a month ago I wanted to be sure before Adobe deletes everything. However when I follow the process to download them as zips. I get the error in the screenshot below. Please help as this is urgent.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:57 AM
@MyerPj that's great that it works normally for you, as it should. However for me the behaviour is as I have described it.
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‎Feb 06, 2025
10:40 PM
Hi @Bruce Bullis , So far it seems to happen: 1) When I'm launching Premiere for the first time after a reboot, or usually the first time in a day. 2) To the last clip in the in/out duration, which is automatically excluded. I know for a fact that the Purple/Violet clip in my screenshots was within the In/Out duration because the last export I made ended with that clip which contains our branding, before opening up the project again the next day. 3) When I use MOGRTs for text animations. I am using a MacBook Pro with an M2Pro 10-core CPU and 16GB RAM, on Sonoma 14.7.1 Premiere v25.1.0 (build 73) The clip in purple is the one being excluded The full sequence overview The clips between In/Out positions
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‎Feb 05, 2025
12:43 AM
Sure, I'll keep an eye out next time it happens.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
06:32 AM
Hi Bruce, While I can't say for sure about Randolph, I can confirm that on Premiere 2025 (25.1.0, Build 73), my sequence out points are often mysteriously off by one clip or so.
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‎Oct 30, 2024
04:18 AM
I have a multitrack session with two tracks. When I mixdown the session there is an added gap of about 30s at the end of the file every time, even though there is no audio data in that part. I haven't used any reverb or other effects which would cause some kind of tail-off. I am on a Macbook Pro with the M2 Pro chip and 16GB ram, running Audition I haven't had this issue on an M1 macbook or Windows machine in previous versions. Is there a setting or such to avoid adding the additional silence at the end?
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:24 AM
It is nice that you know this, but now I wonder why you made the previous 2 comments.. seeing as they are basically completely unhelpful.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
11:56 PM
Hi @IanB_360 , It is the exact same sequence with the exact same clips and editing the exact same project file in Windows and Mac, they are synced over creative cloud to each machine since my company pays for a corporate plan. There should be no slippage etc because I didn't edit that way, and even though I've only been using Premiere since 2015, I like to think I would know if I accidentally used the slip tool at any point. TL;DR - I downloaded fresh copies over from the Windows machine over OneDrive and replaced the footage for each clip to fix it. In my original post I mentioned that I use an external drive for the Macbook to hold footage. I checked it with Mac OS Disk Utility, when I used First Aid to repair the drive, it found some "resource fork missing" errors. These are normally not a problem since external drives that are shared between Mac and non-Mac systems sometimes are missing the '._' files that MacOS uses to maintain compatibility, however the only thing that was touching this external drive were Adobe apps on my MacBook, i.e. Creative Cloud Sync and Premiere Pro, the drive is formatted in APFS and I don't use it with any other machine. Anyhow I assume one of the Adobe apps corrupted these specific video files in a way that makes them glitch out on Mac but not on Windows. The issue is fixed and I needed to carry out the following steps to fix it: Deleted the Creative Cloud Sync folder after pausing CC Sync. Formatted the APFS SSD to Ex-FAT. Pointed CC to use the newly formatted SSD as the Sync Location. Downloaded all the CC Sync Files (about 600 GB which took a couple of days). Launched the Project to discover that the error with the A/V synchronisation was still existing. Redownloaded footage files over the Internet from OneDrive, used Replace Footage on the clips in the Project at which point the peak files were properly generated and everything worked again. I guess thanks for reaching out so late. Do me a favour please tell everyone from the top down who works on CC Sync Product team that they absolutely suck at their jobs. My company paid Adobe to lose 2 days of my productivity, what a fantastic deal...
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‎Jul 17, 2024
11:35 PM
I know this may be confusing to you, but it's actually fine to want to fix computer problems without knowing that the thing on the left side of the Windows Explorer UI is called the Navigation Pane... Especially when you need to get back to work and the sudden disappearance of features adds delays to how you are used to navigating the system.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
10:49 AM
I tried Duplicating the sequence and exporting that, which worked but threw a warning, showing a yellow exclamation mark that it couldn't find some files, even though opening the Project in Premiere on the remote machine doesn't require me to relink any media, and the Media Encoder watch folder output didn't seem to miss any of the clips in the edit.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
10:44 AM
Hi Kevin, that's alright, I know its a Friday. Let me know what extra information is needed to get this bug fixed.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
04:53 AM
Fixes tried so far: Deleting Media Cache Uninstalling and reinstalling Premiere Shutting Down and Restarting the MacBook I can't seem to disable GPU Acceleration, the option in Greyed-out in Project Settings.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
04:24 AM
When I play a specific timeline on an M1 Mac with the latest version of Premiere v24.5, the audio waveform appears displaced to the wrong location on the timeline. Audio plays back properly for a short while, then there are video and audio glitches and the audio desyncs completely.
The same project file and video files on a Windows PC play back normally and correctly.
I have never encountered this behaviour before. I think it's limited to this one Sequence but I don't want to risk file corruption to find out.
The specs of the machines:
MacBook Pro 13", M1, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, MacOS 14.5 Sonoma, Project Files on external USB-C SSD.
Acer Nitro 5, Core i5 11400H, 16GB DDR4 RAM, RTX 3050Ti 4GB GPU, SSD boot + app install drive, internal HDD for project files. OS is Windows 10 22H2
Video of the issue on Mac: mac_VID_20240712_163712.mp4
Same project file and source files on Windows playing back normally: windows_VID_20240712_163819.mp4
Mod note: The title was adjusted slightly.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
01:37 AM
I can assure you the timeline is not in any bins.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
01:13 AM
Hi Paul, I'd tried that previously before writing this post, but Media Encoder simply doesn't start encoding .prproj files for some reason. This technique works if I drop normal video files but it doesn't work for project files, which is pointless for what I need. I even tried it again with the Queue settings you mentioned but nothing happened. Edit: I went through everything step by step, making sure that plugins were present in Premiere on both systems, and I had the timeline in the root of the project before exporting, so it should work. I'm updating Media Encoder to the latest version, which was the only thing I hadn't done previously. I'll report back after a restart on whether it works now.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
02:40 PM
1 Upvote
Until then ... if you have a 'remote' software for the other machine ... you could copy the project to shared storage or the other machine ... use the remote software to open Me, go to the project, and do whatever exports you need. Funnily enough this is exactly what I've been doing, although since the other laptop is right next to me I just turn over and manually drag the project file into the render queue. I was just looking to automate this process since I have to sometimes render 15-20 files for a project and doing this effort was quite annoying. And since the videos range from 10 mins to an hour in size, they do take a bit of time to render overall so keeping my main edit machine free is important.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
08:19 AM
How likely is it that devs actually read this community? Usually I only see community experts like yourself post here, Bob.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
07:34 AM
It's not exactly a render farm, it's the other machine logged into my CC account... And of course such a basic feature should be available to paid subscribers, its quite a basic ask that I be able to work on a different timeline while exporting a previous one.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
06:50 AM
1 Upvote
I know similar discussions have happened before but I didn't find things that worked exactly to my requirements. My setup: I am editing the a Premiere Project with multiple timelines on an M1 MacBook Pro. My company pays for enterprise plan so I still have a folder with full cloud sync enabled, i.e. all project files and assets are in the CC Sync Folder. I have a 2nd machine which is a Windows gaming laptop with the CC Sync Folder set up on its SSD as well. Is there a way that I can send individual timelines to the 2nd laptop? E.g. I click on Export Media > Send to Media Encoder but instead of opening Media Encoder locally it queues up on the Windows machine? Is there a file I can copy? I know After Effects creates AEP files for its render queue but these are pure Premiere jobs.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
11:02 PM
I'll give that a shot when I work on the project next time, thanks for pointing it out.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
04:38 AM
Hitting Edit Original doesn't close AE for me. And changing and saving in AE still causes the unlinking. I'm on an M1 MacBook with 16Gb RAM, Apps are installed to the Applications folder while the projects are on an external drive, no strange characters in the path, PPro v24.5.0 (Build 57), AE v24.5.0 (Build 52). This is such a nonsensical bug, and especially the fact that Adobe hasn't fixed it for years...
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‎Jul 05, 2024
12:25 AM
This was helpful to me, even though I haven't actually customised the keyboard layout...
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‎Feb 15, 2024
10:42 PM
That's more than enough to run Audition smoothly, and I would advise you delete the details about device and product IDs. Is it a blank file that you are opening? Are there any effects on the effects rack? Is there an audio device connected to the machine?
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‎Feb 15, 2024
09:45 PM
I think it might be better if you give more details of the hardware. Are you running from a Hard Disk or an SSD? What do you mean 8GB RAM on both CPU and GPU?
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‎Feb 05, 2024
10:10 PM
1 Upvote
In my experience the issue has been with version 24.0 of the app. I've been using the same PC for a year or so and I've noticed an alarming drop-off in performance between 23.6 and 24.0, so much so I've rolled back to 23.6
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‎Feb 05, 2024
10:06 PM
I am unable to use Export > File to export an MP3 from waveform view after exporting a Multitrack session (Multitrack > Mixdown Session to New File > Entire Session). - Issue was occurring on 24.0.3 so I uninstalled Audition and installed the previous version (, but that did not solve the issue. - I can export WAV files with the same destination but not MP3s from an unsaved Multitrack Export. Workaround was to export WAVs then import the exported file into the Batch Process Window, but even that fails now. - Issue occurs when using iZotope's Ozone or Neutron (one of them, not sure which specific VST plug-in) in the Effects Rack in Multitrack, whether for track or clip. Bypassing effect or disabling effects does not prevent the problem, need to remove the effect completely in order to avoid this issue. Once the rack is cleared the issue no longer persists. There is also no problem with using iZotope RX10 plug-ins. I have seen a few reports of this, so its not an isolated bug, and its been present for at least a couple of years at this point, and its definitely something on Audition's end since the effect isn't running once I export the multitrack. Come on Adobe, at least fix the bugs.
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‎Jan 14, 2024
02:50 PM
While this does help, it integrates the clips in a manner I don't want. I want to be able to move some of the pieces around during the next stage of editing, and having to group and ungroup clips across tracks doesn't help.
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‎Jan 05, 2024
03:54 AM
I don't know if this is a bug or intended behaviour, but I have loaded a wav file with a narrator voice onto track 1, and after going through it with the Razor tool to remove bad takes, notes etc, I have a large number of cuts in the track. I have also put a few markers on the clip itself to correspond to specific things in the file that I want to keep track of (i.e. select the clip and press M). Now when I right click and select Merge Clips, these markers disappear. I want to merge clips because that makes it easier to move and place in the rest of the timeline, I don't want to have to select dozens of clips and move them around every time, but I also need those markers as a reference for when a sound effect needs to play under the narration, etc. Is there a way to preserve markers when merging clips?
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