Hi MichelBParis
Sorry for the delay in response, the team was closely looking into the possible issue and trying to resolve it. It took time since this issue is not reproducible at our end and we were investigating into all the possible causes of the same. 1. Can you please help us again by checking if you are now able to see the latest update on playstore , if you have not already updated ? 2. If it shows no update on playstore or you already updated it by now , what's the current version of your app ? 3. If the current version of your app is not , can you please uninstall the app and reinstall it from playstore and then let us know what version is getting installed ? To check the version of your app : Launch the app > Click on app icon on the top left of the app > Click on About app > Check the mentioned version on the top over there under What's new section
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