‎Jan 09, 2025
11:53 AM
Font display quality largely comes down to four things: the physical screen resolution (which is rarely an issue these days, but used to be); the settings of the video adapter (again, not much of a problem on any working system); the resolution and quality setting of the app — that choice, in InDesign, between Fast and Quality display — and then the quality of the font itself. If the font does not have good hinting and other metadata, it may not adapt well to every increment of resolution.
Just off the cuff, this looks like an out of the ordinary font, possibly from a less than meticulous foundry/source, and the ragged display may be caused by a gap between what the system needs for smoothing and clean edges and the font data that isn't that detailed.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
02:41 PM
Unfortunately, file corruption like this can happen in Photoshop or any application and is simply a vulnerablity of all computer technology. Any number of causes may be involved, from interference of a third-party application to an issue with the drive it is stored on.
While it may be possible to look at the file and determine what is wrong with it and possibly repair it in some cases, there is no way to determine why it happened. We'd have to see the machine state at the time of the occurance to even hope to understand what happened. If you want to share the files with us, we can take a look and see if they provide any useful information.
Hare are some steps you can take to help reduce the chances of file corruption:
Keep everything up to date: Photoshop, your OS, security software, hardware drivers, etc
Maintenance: perform disk scans, empty your trash/recycling bin, clear temp files
Only run what you need: turn off other applications which you aren't currently using, disable unnecessary background components, disable/unplug periphery devices which aren't in use
Send crash reports and log bugs: if you find that corruption like this occurs when you follow a particular set of steps, let us know the pattern so we can reproduce on our end and find a way to repair it for a future update
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‎Nov 05, 2024
07:00 AM
Thanks Provazi Edit > Preferences > General > check Use Legacy "New Document" Interface Works fine. Hope this gets sorted soom
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‎Apr 03, 2024
04:21 PM
Found the problem: the infamous overprinting. I selected the image and then Window > Output > Attributes Unchecked Overprint fill: And it's done. Thanks!
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‎Oct 12, 2023
07:49 AM
o Affinite concorre bem!
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‎Aug 21, 2023
03:37 PM
You do not want to do that, because InDesign doesn't like too many paths on a page.
Switching to Illustrator is just holding down Alt and then double clicking the placed artwork on the page.
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‎Jul 20, 2023
08:34 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks Adobe, you have just made things harder than they were previously!
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‎May 08, 2023
06:22 AM
Good to hear, @Provazi. We are always happy to help.
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‎Oct 10, 2022
07:29 PM
Adobe Support Community rules state that content including "advertisments" are not permitted. They also state, that posting a link to a 3rd party website is permissible only if it is a.) relevant AND 2.) the website content is free. As you have mentioned yourself, your software is not free. So according to forum guidelines, it is not permissible to post a link here. Promoting 3rd party software can also expose Adobe and moderators alike to liability issues, so I assume, these rules also serve to protect from any unwanted legal implications. >> Bla Bla. What are you talking about legal implications? >> Advertising? How? Just information on possible 3rd party solutions. >> Seems like you have a gripe against the free market. But that is not the point I am trying to make. I'm also not trying to sabotage your business model. I just noticed in this and previous threads relating to this topic, that when Adobe users post legitimate concerns regarding native thumbnail display issues in Windows, moderators and 3rd party software developers alike tend to push third party solutions. >> The discussion still remains. Regardless of anyone offering third party solutions. Everyone has free will and can make their own choices. I understand this may be convenient, but it also tends to kill any possibility for further discussion. 3rd party software developers happily join in, present their own solution as the only possibility to solve the problem and then try to subtly silence any opposition to that view. Just in the two previous messsages directed against the concerns I raised earlier. >> Again - what now? killing discussion? How? there’s just more information on the table for people to discern. Nobody is forcing anything down anyone’s throat. This kills any discussion and tends to create an atmosphere of intimidation, in which legitimate questions are silenced from the start. This is not how a forum should operate and therefore community guidelines exist: Namely to make possible a free and open platform to raise authentic concerns. To let others speak freely and without fear, also giving Adobe a very important tool to understand true customer sentiments. >> Again - killing discussion? How? There’s more to discuss. Nobody is being forced to do anything. It should be in the interest of Adobe to create and protect a healthy climate, in which anyone can post their concerns without being harrassed, spamed or told to "stop complaining" or told to "pony up dollars for a third-party solution". >> A healthy climate? For whom? Against what? What the hell are you talking about? harassed? spammed? none of that is going on. I suggest you see a therapist. I understand that you want to sell your software, but this is not the way to do it. >> What is not the way to do it? Against your ideals / tortured perspective of reality? Nothing untoward is going on at all. It’s a discussion forum about issues and solutions. You might need some help if you find it all a bit too much for your sensibilities.
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‎Sep 07, 2022
08:40 AM
This issue appears to be Photoshop falling out of GPU mode, revealing CPU-only issues. We made several changes in this area to improve GPU stability over the last releases and ask that you let us know if you continue to run into any issues.
Note that older GPU cards without DirectX 12 support (prior to mid 2015) will, often by design, fall back to CPU-only mode, and GPU-related features (listed here) may not be reliably available on those systems. While we continue to work to keep Photoshop running reliably on older systems, modern GPU hardware remains a vital component for your system configuration.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
07:00 AM
Thanks Provazi Edit > Preferences > General > check Use Legacy "New Document" Interface Works fine. Hope this gets sorted soom
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‎Jun 15, 2022
12:32 PM
Só rindo mesmo.
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‎Oct 10, 2022
07:29 PM
Adobe Support Community rules state that content including "advertisments" are not permitted. They also state, that posting a link to a 3rd party website is permissible only if it is a.) relevant AND 2.) the website content is free. As you have mentioned yourself, your software is not free. So according to forum guidelines, it is not permissible to post a link here. Promoting 3rd party software can also expose Adobe and moderators alike to liability issues, so I assume, these rules also serve to protect from any unwanted legal implications. >> Bla Bla. What are you talking about legal implications? >> Advertising? How? Just information on possible 3rd party solutions. >> Seems like you have a gripe against the free market. But that is not the point I am trying to make. I'm also not trying to sabotage your business model. I just noticed in this and previous threads relating to this topic, that when Adobe users post legitimate concerns regarding native thumbnail display issues in Windows, moderators and 3rd party software developers alike tend to push third party solutions. >> The discussion still remains. Regardless of anyone offering third party solutions. Everyone has free will and can make their own choices. I understand this may be convenient, but it also tends to kill any possibility for further discussion. 3rd party software developers happily join in, present their own solution as the only possibility to solve the problem and then try to subtly silence any opposition to that view. Just in the two previous messsages directed against the concerns I raised earlier. >> Again - what now? killing discussion? How? there’s just more information on the table for people to discern. Nobody is forcing anything down anyone’s throat. This kills any discussion and tends to create an atmosphere of intimidation, in which legitimate questions are silenced from the start. This is not how a forum should operate and therefore community guidelines exist: Namely to make possible a free and open platform to raise authentic concerns. To let others speak freely and without fear, also giving Adobe a very important tool to understand true customer sentiments. >> Again - killing discussion? How? There’s more to discuss. Nobody is being forced to do anything. It should be in the interest of Adobe to create and protect a healthy climate, in which anyone can post their concerns without being harrassed, spamed or told to "stop complaining" or told to "pony up dollars for a third-party solution". >> A healthy climate? For whom? Against what? What the hell are you talking about? harassed? spammed? none of that is going on. I suggest you see a therapist. I understand that you want to sell your software, but this is not the way to do it. >> What is not the way to do it? Against your ideals / tortured perspective of reality? Nothing untoward is going on at all. It’s a discussion forum about issues and solutions. You might need some help if you find it all a bit too much for your sensibilities.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
07:07 AM
there are several here, Creative Cloud tutorials | Learn how to use Creative Cloud (
you can start with the beginner tutorials, but then click the experienced button to see more advanced tutorials on the use of cc (and more).
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‎Mar 15, 2021
09:46 AM
Olá, Esta talvez seja uma pergunta muito simplória, mas eu realmente não estou conseguindo compreender os procedimentos necessários — se é que eles existem. Tenho Photoshop, Indesign e Illustrator. Além disso, também tenho o Document Cloud. Eu gostaria de trabalhar diretamente com o Cloud, armazenando meus trabalhos online e trabalhando com eles em tempo real. Imagino que isso seja possÃvel: eu abro um arquivo, trabalho nele, ele é atualizado no Cloud e ao mesmo tempo no meu HD. Isso é possÃvel? Como devo proceder? Seria muito importante que eu tivesse um passo-a-passo para tal, já que não estou compreendendo os tópicos que me ajudariam nisto. Alguém pode me ajudar?! Sou grato desde já! Muito obrigado!
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