Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Sep 05, 2023
12:54 PM
1 Upvote
Idea demonstration: https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/861211684/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=extern...
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‎Sep 05, 2023
12:53 PM
Idea demonstration
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‎Sep 05, 2023
10:01 AM
The manual solution: https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/861211684/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=extern...
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‎Sep 05, 2023
04:56 AM
Please see your mailbox in your profile.
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‎Sep 05, 2023
03:45 AM
Sorry, I don't quite understand. Are we talking about using a liquify filter to detect face(s) elements and select one of them for next manipulation by Ps or it's about new ACR? The remnants of school learning English and Google translator will make me neurosthenic 🙂
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‎Sep 05, 2023
03:09 AM
Thanks, for liqufy it solved: function MyLqfy() { var Param1 = charIDToTypeID("LqFy"); var Param2 = stringIDToTypeID("faceMeshData"); var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor(); desc1.putData(Param2, String.fromCharCode( // Your Mash here, like: 0,0,5,0............. )); executeAction(Param1, desc2, DialogModes.NO); } It works but it's yesterday's way:(
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‎Sep 05, 2023
02:10 AM
So far, I have only found a manual way to solve this problem. Hope you find it useful. 1. A separate layer for the mask. 2. Call filter Camera RAW. 3. In basic mode, use curves to make the entire image completely black - the horizontal curve is at level 0. 4. In Masks, add the Mask you need. For example Face (All people). Using the curve here, I make the selection white - the horizontal curve at the top. 5. I get white faces on a black background. 6. Apply the filter. 7. Let's build a mask based on the resulting bw image. Adaptive presets in Camera RAW - and you don't have to twist the curves every time - just choose the one you need. Not perfect, but right now it's the only way. Another better way is to develop a script. (correct call to ACR (parameters cTID('Pset'), cTID('LCs ') and cTID('BigT')). The best way is integration of this tool into Ps by developers. (Dreams.... sweet dreams)
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‎Sep 05, 2023
12:37 AM
So far, I have only found a manual way to solve this problem. 1. A separate layer for the mask. 2. Call filter Camera RAW. 3. In Basic mode, use curves to make the entire image completely black - the horizontal curve is at level 0. 4. In Masks, add the Mask you need. For example Face (All people). Using the curve here, I make the selection white - the horizontal curve at the top. 5. I get white faces on a black background. 6. Apply the filter. 7. Let's build a mask based on the resulting bw-image. You can make adaptive presets in Camera RAW - and you don't have to twist the curves every time - just choose the one you need. Not ideal, but now it's only way
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‎Sep 03, 2023
01:37 PM
Sounds sad. Again I'll have to search the Ps logs and scripts for undocumented features like this: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/jsx-gt-camera-raw-filter-gt-transform-possible/m-p/11197302
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‎Sep 03, 2023
09:52 AM
The main idea is to use the much more powerful Photoshop tools on the masks created by the new ACR AI masks. The simplest example: you have noninteractive action or jsx script that builds mask(s) based on a skintone. This will automate and greatly speed up batch processing of portrait photos. All classic Photoshop technologies (except Liquify) are based on the skintone color ranges or manual masking. Masking faces, eyes, hair, lips for several people with any combinations - Masks from ACR 15 in Layer Masks in Photoshop are a bomb :). It's not a problem to do it for a couple photos: Open the Camera RAW Filter for separate layer, mask what you need in the ACP interface, paint the selection in rarely used color (like chroma key). We’ll get layer for color range selection and creating standard layer mask. I wanna to do it with one click in photoshop. Action, script, it doesn't matter. One click and pupils of the eyes are selected. One click and the teeth are selected!
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‎Sep 02, 2023
09:04 AM
Hi! Can I use adaptive presets Camera RAW 15.5 using masks on objects and people in Photoshop without calling the Camera RAW Interface. (With #F or recording Photoshop action) on different images? Now, when I try to replay last filter or a recorded action, I see the masks of the image that was used when recording are applied.
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