‎Feb 18, 2025
09:47 AM
As of 2/18/25, I've noticed, in Photoshop Beta 26.5.0, on iMac Intel and M4 Max Macbook Pro, a bug within the actions. If I have an action with the dialog toggled for a curves adjustment, it skips the dialog for my input. Upon further testing, it skips dialogs for any of the adjustment layers, like hue/saturation, levels, etc. It successfully asks my input for filters and other non-adjustment layer settings (as shown in my screenshot), but skips adjustment layers.
Regular Photoshop is fine.
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‎Oct 22, 2024
12:18 PM
Hello @turkar, I may be having the same or similar problem. I'm trying to use the Classsic Gradient, in Photoshop Beta. I'm on an Intel iMac, OS 14.6.1. Things work, fine, in Photoshop 2025, just not in Beta, on my iMac. I have it set to do foreground to transparent. However, it seems to get stuck on either black or white as the gradient foreground. Right now, mine is stuck on black. If I change the foreground color, it's not reflected in the gradient icon in the options bar. Even if I try to change the gradient to something else, like a Photoshop-provided blue preset, it won't change. Here is a 2 minute video, showing my problem. Can you help? I've deleted my preferences, to no avail. The video shows 26.0, but, the problem is also in 26.1, which is why I reverted. It didn't seem to be a problem until within the past 24 hours, which is why I am scratching my head. Thanks.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
07:27 AM
Hi @CShubert, it's only in the beta. It works in the PS release. With a new file or opening an existing file, I'll hit the G key to get to the gradient tool. Or, I can click the gradient tool, manually. Then, I will hit the left or right bracket keys to toggle through the different gradient styles to get to the one I want (see screenshot). However, that quit working with at least two updates, ago. It's the same on both my laptop and desktop Mac computers. I typically use the Classic gradient. But, it also behaves the same with Gradient. Thanks.
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‎Oct 03, 2024
06:58 PM
When using the gradient tool, I have noticed the bracket key shortcut, to cycle through the gradient styles, has stopped working in the recent Photoshop (Beta) updates. I'm using 26.0.0.
I'm on an iMac, Intel, OS 14.6.1.
Thanks, in advance, for checking it out.
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‎Nov 10, 2023
08:49 AM
Thank you. I had been, absently, checking the user/application support folder. Thanks, again!
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‎Nov 10, 2023
08:33 AM
I have a dumb question. Where is the Camera Raw plugin file located, on the Mac? I've checked the folders I know to check, but, I'm still missing it, apparently. Thanks for the tip!
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‎Nov 09, 2023
10:53 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, this is an even worse problem, for me, in version 16.01. The lag is about 30 seconds when entering and exiting Camera Raw, which is unworkable. I hope the Adobe folks can address this problem. I'm on an iMac, Intel, using an Intuos Pro.
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‎Nov 01, 2023
04:08 PM
Thank you, LiliyaSFO. That makes sense. I'm sure that information is in the current documentation, but, I, surely, overlooked it. Thank you, again.
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‎Nov 01, 2023
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, I see the November 1, 2023 start date is no longer relevant, for credits, for paid Creative Cloud customers. However, before I knew that, I checked my credit usage, for the start of November, and it showed I had used 134 credits for the few hours of November. However, I know my internet was down, beginning at about 11pm, central time October 31 (and, I had not used Photoshop, after that). I had not started my generative filling until shortly before I checked my usage, the afternoon of November 1. I'm sure there is an explaination, but, I can't remember using 134 credits in that time. My questions: 1. Does the month start on a particular time zone, or my local zone? That could make a difference, in crunch times. 2. Is the counter pretty bullet-proof in its accuracy? I'll keep an eye on mine, to see if I notice more issues. But, I thought I'd ask, to see if I need to keep that variable, in mind. Thanks for your time.
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‎Apr 28, 2023
05:04 AM
Disabling the Graphics Processor has worked, well, so far. However, it looks like Camera Raw will soon require the GPU to process images. I keep getting a warning dialog telling me so. That means I'm going to have to turn it back on. That would also seem to mean back to the delay, soon. Here's hoping folks from Adobe are seeing and adressing this.
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‎Jan 05, 2023
11:39 AM
I've found the lag is worse when using my Wacom stylus and tablet (Intuos Pro M). I've deleted and reinstalled drivers. I've had the same experience with a different user account on the same computer. Using the mouse, the lag is minimal, for me. Using the pen and tablet, the lag is most prevalent.
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‎Jan 03, 2023
08:11 AM
I did not uninstall CR. However, I do not see how one would do that. There is not an option, in the Creative Cloud app. If so, I would have also reverted to an earlier version. You probably saw, in my post, but, I had to restart my computer after reinstalling Photoshop. Otherwise, the lag was still there. I'm sorry it didn't work, for you. There's no guarantee this is a long fix, for me, but, I'm crossing my fingers.
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‎Jan 02, 2023
06:16 PM
To anyone still experiencing lagging when entering and exiting, from Photoshop -- I uninstalled and reinstalled Photoshop, which, so far (it's been less than 24 hrs.), seems to have eliminated the lag. I chose the option to keep my preferences and settings, when prompted, from the Creative Cloud app, so, I didn't have to rebuild my preferences. I, then, restarted my computer (iMac 27-inch). And, so far, the lag seems to have stopped. I am using PS 23.5.3, 24.1, and beta 24.2. All of which were experiencing the lag to and from ACR. Doing the above worked on all PS versions.
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‎Nov 20, 2022
04:35 PM
I am experiencing lag time, as well, when entering and exiting from Photoshop. That is with 2022, 2023, and Beta. It seems slightly better with the 24.0.1 and 23.5.3 updates, but, there is definitely a marked lag that was not there. I've deleted CR and Photoshop preferences. I'm on an iMac, with OS 12.6. Thanks, in advance, for checking into it.
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‎Nov 12, 2022
06:17 PM
1 Upvote
Along those lines, file names with "•" are now moved to the end of the line, when they used to be toward the beginning, which is why I did that. If this is a new change which is here to stay, it will pose a problem with many years of my file-naming. I'm on an iMac, using OS 12.6. This change in Bridge 13 file sorting is (to my knowledge) inconsistent with all other Mac file sorting.
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‎Jun 25, 2022
12:25 PM
I'm on an iMac -- OS 12.4, 3.8 GHz, 8-core Intel Core i7, 128 GB RAM -- and Lightroom Classic 11.4 has been much slower, for me. Using the crop tool would take several seconds for Lightroom to respond and it would be jumpy before becoming smooth and responsive, as well as gradient masks, and other Develop functions. I've had to roll back to 11.3.1. Thanks for checking into this.
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‎Jun 25, 2022
12:14 PM
I am experiencing this, as well. I hit a keyboard shortcut, for a tool, and Photoshop jumps it back to the previous tool. It's not consistent; maybe, once out of every 10 times. I've reset my preferences. I'm on an iMac, Mac OS 12.4. I've rolled back to 23.3.2. Thanks, in advance, for looking into this.
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‎May 11, 2022
11:56 AM
@Stephen Marsh, thank you for that detailed instruction on the scripts! You are correct, I wasn't feeling the bleeding pain to take this route. But, it's helpful to know. And, as of version 23.3.2, the problem looks to be corrected, for me. Thanks, @Mohit Goyal .
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‎May 04, 2022
07:52 PM
I am having the same problem. I'm also on MacOS, Monterey, iMac, Photoshop 23.3.1. I have a keyboard shortcut to "Tile All Vertically," so, as a workaround, I do the shortcut, after Photoshop expands the window, which brings the windows back to equal size. Allan
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‎May 01, 2022
05:35 PM
Thank you, @Stephen Marsh, for that suggestion.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
10:24 AM
Hello, The problem still exists, for me, I'm on a MAC, using OS 12.3.1, and Photoshop 23.3.1.
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‎Dec 24, 2020
09:19 AM
I, too, am experiencing this with Photoshop 22.1.0 and MacOS Catalina 10.15.7. I did stumble upon a couple of potential workarounds for the "Save As..." and file name and extension being highlighted. 1. After clicking "Save As...," in the "Format:" dropdown menu, if you click off your default format onto another, then, back to your desired format, it will revert to only the title highlighted, without the extension (see screenshot, taken before clicking and all still highlighted). 2. With everything highlighted, hold down the SHIFT key and place your cursor at the end of the file name, before the period in ".psd," and click. That deselects the extension and leaves the file name highlighted. OR, from only the keyboard -- with title and extension highlighted, 1) hold down the SHIFT key and keep it held; 2) click your RIGHT ARROW key once; 3) click your LEFT ARROW key four times; each left arrow click deselects a character in your extension. Ridiculous, I know, but, it's quicker to do than explain. It's still a few more clicks and less efficient than it used to be, but, it might save a couple of hairs from being pulled.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
09:39 AM
Hi Jeffrey, I've tried both mouse and tablet, as well as restoring preferences. However, after more experimentation, I've found that when rulers are off, the problem disappears. When rulers are on, the sticky sliders happens.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
05:04 PM
After installing PS 22.0, there are problems with my sliders. For example, doing a Select / Color Range adjusting the "Fuzziness" slider is problematic. If I try to click on the arrow and slide, it won't move. When I unclick at my end point, it may jump to that point. My best bet is to just click at a point on the slider and let the arrow jump to it. If I try to click, hold, and slide, it will invariably freeze, at some point, and I have to force quit. I notice this also happens with hue/saturation. I'm on a late-2013 iMac, running 10.14.6. This also happens on a 2017 MacBook Pro, also on 10.14.6. Thanks, in advance.
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‎Jun 26, 2020
02:07 PM
Here is a screen recording of the problem.
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‎Jun 18, 2020
11:29 AM
Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, that did not help this issue. It still goes to rubylith mode when I toggle to the mask by using the shortcut, CMD + \ .
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‎Jun 16, 2020
05:31 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, After updating to Photoshop 21.2.0 (June 2020 release), on a Mac, running 10.14.6, I've encountered a bug toggling between a layer mask and its layer using keyboard shortcuts (Command + \ and Command + ~). After clicking CMD + \ , I am taken to the layer mask, as per usual, but, now it also goes into overlay mode. I have to click \ to get out of overlay mode. This happens on all three Macs, I've used, all on 10.14.6. Thanks, in advance, for checking into this.
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‎Nov 10, 2019
10:11 AM
I have the same issue. I'd like to re-assign the tilde so I can use it to toggle between grayscale mode and quick mask mode, while using the brush, as before. In addition to Arthur's workaround, I found I can hold the Shift key, while in the brush, and press tilde and toggle between grayscale and quick mask. It might save one or two keystrokes, for the moment, until a solution is made.
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‎Apr 01, 2015
01:49 PM
Thank you for your reply. I concur that it is a MacOS issue. Anything you can do to bring awareness or help Apple resolve the issue is most appreciated.
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