Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 09, 2025
11:23 PM
Workflow that works, quite shortly, is just to rip everything apart in modelling program, paint it in substance, and then attach together again. with stuff like closets or trunks and such, you also have to move lids/doors/etc quite far away, otherwise ambient light will bake "darkness" into them.
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‎Dec 05, 2023
03:37 AM
"Frustration" is a soft word for it. Try to texture innards of a refrigerator or a cupboard and problem would be clear in seconds. Plus, the way camera works in Painter is very painful, there's no key (that I'm aware of) to refocus camera view, and if you actually scroll inside your geometry, camera starts acting quite weird the closer you get to object pivot. The way free-fly camera works in Unreal Engine would be a really good method to adapt about this, I think. Only low-tech way right now to access hidden geometry is to literally tear your model apart in 3D software before painting, right now. Which feels really needless when much more user-friendly solution is so obvious.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:43 AM
If I import a FBX with multiple meshes in it, there should be easy way to turn them on and off on a model. Not material id's, not selection sets, not geometry masks, no setting shader to opacity and painting over things you want to hide, none of this around-the-corner nonsense. There should be a tree showing FBX file contents (meshes) and checkboxes to turn them visible or invisible (which should also make brushes ignore them!). Why isn't this a thing??? Or if it is, where is it hidden on this bloated UI? It's evident that Painter already detects separated 3D elements, because you can fill by element. Just make a list of them!
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‎Oct 07, 2023
12:13 PM
1 Upvote
When you use selection tool (circle or whatever), uncheck anti-aliasing for THIS TOOL. Stroke and pen usage on selection later won't be anti-aliased.
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