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‎Feb 06, 2025
04:27 AM
Since I have not heard anything in several days I wanted to give an update... We have now found our problem is in relation to any file that we have created as a template in Photoshop using stock images in smart objects. From our own internal efforts, we suspect this issue may be stemming from security software seeing something suspicious about these files. At present we have not been able to confirm this, but we are testing the theory on Mac's outside of our office environment/security measures. However, if that turns out to be the case, it may be an issue that Adobe should look into. It also seems that Photoshop Droplets may be seen as suspicious by certain security software as well because the Droplets origin may not be verifiable.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
06:33 PM
That is good information. However, the original file in question was not saved to the server, but copied to the server after it was created. Each of us then made copies of the file on the server to our computers to use as a template file. None of us save to the server. We work on our computers and copy to the server.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
01:39 PM
The original is on the server. Each of us has a copy of the original. We can make a new copy at any time if we need it. New copies of the original files do the same thing.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
12:37 PM
No, Photoshop did not crash the last time I used the file. This is a template file, in that we created it last March and all of our designers get a copy of it. We then swap out product images inside it to create product samples. All of us (8 designers/8 different copies of the same psd) get the same error with our copy of this file. It is one of 10 that we use for this product type, the only one producing this error, and the only one with an image in it (aside from our product). ** could not see how to attach a text file.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
10:31 AM
Not sure if a video would help, it's an error that occurs when trying to open a specific .psd file (see screencap below). We aren't certain that the problem is with the Adobe Stock image, but that is the part of the file that was not created in the file. The image is not linked so there should not be an issue if the original image or the .psd is moved to a new location. However, the error saying "the file was not found" is confusing.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
08:02 AM
We recently started getting this error message when opening certain template that files we created in Photoshop. In this instance it seems that Photoshop could locate the background image which was in a smart object in the .psd. That image is from Adobe Stock, not that the problem is related to Adobe Stock. We were able to open the .psd in Illustrator to access parts of the file to recreate it. Has anyone else experience this or know the cause/fix? **We are using the most current Mac OS and version of Photoshop.
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‎Jan 23, 2025
04:12 AM
I will take a look at the preference settings that you pointed out, thanks. Unfortunately, when it comes to example images, I do have several but since the majority of the work I do is with licensed images I am not at liberty to upload those.
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‎Jan 22, 2025
08:40 AM
Hi, I really loved the way this filter worked last year and I used it quite a bit. However, something seems to have changed over the last twelve months... the results seem watered down in comparison. In speaking with co-workers and other designers in my community, we all have had similar experiences. Before it seemed that the filter did a fantastic job, in almost every case, on the entire image. Sharpening some aspects that needed it, adjusting contrast, removing noise, and bringing out details that seemed to be practically lost. On rare occasions there were errors, but those mostly seemed to be a result of file size or image complexity. Now the filter seems to hardly do much at all. It appears to focus more on faces and but produces lees impressive reults overall. Frequently running the filter does not seem to make any noticeable improvement at all. What has been changed with the Photo Restoration Neural Filter and is there any chance of reversing the changes or making older versions available?
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