Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Oct 30, 2024
08:04 AM
Well, that fix actually worked until my Windows crashed, and I had to do a fresh install. On this new setup, I made sure to have only one language installed, but the problem reappeared after 2-3 weeks. I still don’t know the exact cause, but something must be getting triggered by either of these fixes—switching the language setting in the previous Windows install, and now, quitting OneDrive.
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‎Oct 30, 2024
03:47 AM
I just found a fix—though I’m not sure if it’s permanent or temporary. What I did was close OneDrive, and then the backspace/delete shortcut worked normally with the Polygonal Lasso tool. I’ve also closed and reopened Photoshop, and the backspace/delete function still works normally with the Polygonal Lasso. I relaunched OneDrive, and it’s still fine. Then I restarted Windows, and it continued to work normally. Not sure if the issue will come back, though. Can anyone else try this fix?
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‎Jul 28, 2024
03:49 AM
1 Upvote
Yeah, about the shortcut, it seems I was high or something. And the comment can't be edited. Well, it turned out to be the keyboard language for me. Not only the "Esc" key, but I believe the "Backspace" and "Delete" keys are in the same position across all languages. However, when the problem occurred, neither of them worked too. Since I switched the keyboard language to US, I haven't had any issues. Zero. Nada. Nul. Nothing. I don't know the logic behind it, but it works for me.
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‎Jul 20, 2024
07:03 PM
rev: The shortcut to switch language/keyboard on Windows is "Left Alt Key + Space."
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‎Jul 14, 2024
10:32 AM
I've found another potential source of the problem, which is most likely the actual culprit for me: the language/keyboard setting in Windows. My system has two options: US and UK. When the keyboard is set to UK, many Photoshop shortcuts don't work, such as Foreground and Background color fill (ALT/CTRL + Backspace) and shortcuts for ESC, Del, and Backspace when using the Lasso Tool. So I switched it back to US and voila! Everything is working now. Note: The shortcut to switch language/keyboard on Windows is "Win Key + Space."
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‎Mar 09, 2024
11:31 PM
I also experiencing this problem. I found a temporary fix which is by holding shift key (keyboard) on the first click when using the polygonal lasso tool. So, everytime you want to use the tool, decide a start point on the image, then hold the shift key, click the start point with the polygonal lasso tool, release the shift key. Using this method, the Esc/Backspace key always function normally.
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