Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jun 24, 2024
05:50 AM
The people who find it acceptable, are people who don't need option or never thought of the posibility. To more than plenty of people, as can be seen in this and other topics like it, it's a needed functionality, which is why most other photo editors have it as default. The problem was already clearly explained in the original post. The quetsion is, in what workflow does the initial display of an image not play a role? Perhaps you're working with just one photo for a long time, before you proceed to process other photos, so the extra step is not an issue to you. Some of us work with a lot of photos and needing to take this extra step every single time is a problem.
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‎Mar 31, 2024
11:51 PM
None of that was even close to relevant. If the OP is having to manually make it fit the screen every time, then obviously there's a need for OP to make it fill the screen, meaning we're clearly not talking about a stamp size photo zoomed to fill an A4 paper. It would of course also be filled only in one direction, so it's as big as possible, without changing the aspect ratio. That's how most other photo editors do it.
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‎Mar 31, 2024
11:48 PM
Needing to use a script to do something so basic is unacceptable. It should be a basic setting in photoshop. It's even the default in most other photo editors I've tried and yet photoshop doesn't have it even as an option. 😕
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