Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 20, 2024
06:42 PM
1 Upvote
In the last version the in and out points weren't coming up in the source timeline - but that's fixed in this version - But now the waveform area of the source isn't highlighting the selected area of the waveform.  
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‎Nov 10, 2024
09:19 PM
Hi I'm back. I've given it a few weeks and still when you try to edit fast I'm hindered by the fact that the edit points are now harder to see. I think you've made it less of a curve in the latest version - but STILL I'm just trying to see at a glance if my edits align. And this change makes it demonstratively MORE difficult to see, especially when zoomed out. PLEASE make it an option! Why NOT make it an option? It really isn't about old fashioned - it's about accurate editing, which, after all is the ONLY fundamental reason to use an edit system. If frame accuracy isn't your priority then I'd be seriously questioning your commitment to all of us out working joes, here again trying to hit impossible deadlines, cutting at 2am trying to get finished so we can go to bed. Instead I have to spend another 10 minutes not in bed checking for black holes - all because you're worried about looking younger.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
11:31 AM
1 Upvote
Reinstall didn't work either. can't go backwards to old version bc... says can't do it.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
11:28 AM
1 Upvote
Having the same issue - Ive opened new sequence and imported sequence, I've imported a sequence into an entirely new project- same issue. Opened a new project and imported new footage (not related to old project) and same issue - the moment I touch a clip - FLASH into nothing. I'm reinstalling it now.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
11:39 AM
PLEASE MAKE IT AN OPTION - It might be better for the brain but it's awful to cut with - Editing is all about precision and frame accuracy, adding this rounded edge makes it slower to line up elements precisely, and takes me longer to double check for black holes and synch - it's totally antithetical to the craft of editing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! If you look at these two images - believe it or not, that close up actually is showing two shots that are perfectly aligned, meanwhile on the zoomed out screen shot of the timeline it's impossible to see what's touching. It's a professional piece of software I'm using to cut as fast as humanly possible, there are enough soft edges in this business without these! Thank you.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
10:12 AM
100% agree - nothing looks like it's touching on the timeline - completely not the point of literally THE ONLY think the sequence needs to show us.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
10:07 AM
PLEASE MAKE IT AN OPTION - It might be better for the brain but it's awful to cut with - Editing is all about precision and frame accuracy, adding this rounded edge makes it slower to line up elements precisely, and takes me longer to double check for black holes and synch - it's totally antithetical to the craft of editing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS! It's a professional piece of software I'm using to cut as fast as humanly possible, not a therapy session. Thank you.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
05:50 PM
any way to switch back to squared off clips in the timeline? I've tried the bevelled settings, no change... hating the bubble/bevelled clips design (it's so inaccurate, difficult to see synch, or holes in the timeline, lining up graphics is tough because the bevel makes it not a straight light to line up). Looks like think bubbles on my timeline! Help!
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‎Jun 25, 2020
10:58 AM
Same issue - and in Photoshop.
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‎Jan 04, 2018
08:54 PM
My team and i recently began a team project - but then I had to go on the road so cloned the drive while one editor continued editing so that I could also work (in the jungle away from internet). When I returned (and before went on the road again) I converted the project to a regular project. (not team) This morning in a rush to deliver the project I saved the project to the shared NAS storage at my office. I also redirected the Media cache and Media files cache to the NAS. This afternoon I started getting 'Error while writing to drive' warnings. And then 'Disc Error while writing to file' and then 'Error while trying to access drive' So I closed down and reopened. And now all my media is offline. When I highlight the clips and attempt to relink the clips, the usual like-for-like (can't find x, relink to X) that usually results in Premiere automatically relinking ALL the files DOES NOT WORK - because it's trying to link the file (with a regular name) to what i can only imagine are Media Cache files with huge extensions (which do wayyyy down the pathway use the same file name) - OR SOME new type of file created in the cloud when this project was still a TEAM project (?). Believing these files to be cache files I tried to direct the RELINK media tool towards the Media Cache folder on my NAS shared folder the folder appears empty or at least it won't let me see what is inside the folder to attempt relinking. The work around is highlighting my entire sequence of mostly red offline clips and manually redirecting every single file to the appropriate original camera master, or pulled footage bins (rather than the cached files with the really long names). After 6 hours of doing this, I can't help thinking that somewhere on my computer are the files it's looking for - but because they are media cache files OR the product of something created while this project was still a team project. But I cannot see the files and I cannot find them using the RELINK MEDIA tool anyway (even if I could find them inside a regular Finder window). Any help? Also - I am now extremely worried about shutting down the project in case it loses these links again. Should I consolidate the project to somewhere entirely new and clean to try to protect against some corruption that may have happened as a result of turning this project from a TEAM project to a regular project. Any help?
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