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New Here
‎Feb 04, 2025
02:59 AM
1 Upvote
Is it just me or is Generative Fill the buggiest and worst thing ever launched into the adobe market place. Almost everything I attempt to create (in line with tutorials), doesn't work or offers me the complete opposite of what was requested. This morning I asked GF to create Vector from Photograph (Nothing), I reworded in so many different ways, still nothing! Even when I create a mask and colour fill at 40%, turn off mask and request... nothing! If I had bought this from a sham company like Envato, i'd be demanding my money back! Might have to explore other options, which is a shame as I have been an Adobe customer for over 20 years. Last word adobe, less of the focus upon Generative Fill and focus upon Photoshop core delivery assets... painting, drawing and designing tools that creatives use and what a faulty AI is failing to offer!
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‎Jan 07, 2025
07:58 AM
Over the past two weeks my prints have been coming out darker, this correlates with your thoughts on PS update to 25.11 (as I updated about 2 weeks ago). Tried everything and nothing is working. It's a distinct possibility we should say: 'Well done Adobe, another release that has ripled through and cased mayhem.' Is that platform for professional designers anymore... or just just AI tricks and transformations????
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