Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 26, 2025
01:39 PM
I managed to make it stick on my machine somehow… maybe getting the shortcut working, saving the workspace, and then closing and reopening photoshop did it? Commenting on the old thread because this is what comes up when you google this, so it seems more useful to future google-rs to comment here, no guarantee a new thread will be at the top of search.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
11:59 AM
I'm having this same problem on a work laptop. :s Bumping this/replying to keep it from being archived before someone answers.
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‎Feb 05, 2024
03:16 PM
This solved it for me! Working with epubs spit out by indesign vs by a 3rd party program, the latter was defaulting my opf to text instead of xml in this little drop down, as soon as I changed it back, I got the syntax coloring back!
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‎Jul 23, 2020
01:26 PM
I exlusively make fixed layout epubs (children's books) and I know from editing my epubs manually pretty frequently that it's totally possible to put each whole line of text into a single span and have that line remain fixed. I think you MAY need to seperate any individual words that have a diferent character style on them into a seperate span, but it may be possible to nest. This is a lot of work to do manually however, and I usually only do this when I have to make an edit to a line of text because the line-ending was incorrect (compared to the print book). It would be great if inDesign exported epubs with line-by-line spans instead of word-by-word automatically, as the former is much better for accessibility (screenreaders for people with vision impairment, brail readers etc).
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‎Mar 26, 2020
08:50 AM
I thought I was having this problem and ended up figuring out what it was on my own and thought I'd add what it was in my case for future people googling this. In your Guides & Pasteboards preferences make sure to check that your Snap to Zone is bigger than 1 px, probably something more like 4px, otherwise it WILL technically be snapping, but only if you're EXACTLY lined up with what you wanted to snap to… which kind of defeats the whole point of snapping to begin with. This probably won't happen all that often but if you're working with a pickup file it's not a bad thing to check.
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