‎Feb 03, 2025
09:08 AM
1 Upvote
This is not working. I applied the exact same setting, but the thing is, I am opening Acrobat from explorer or from e-mail attachments, then the shortcut settings will not be used since the app isn't launching via the shorctut.
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‎Apr 25, 2024
12:43 AM
Adobe PLEASE FIX THIS BUG! Several years passed with this bug, it is really the time to fix!
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‎Apr 25, 2024
12:42 AM
Changed the reoslution of all PNG's and the bug is still present. Unfortunately this solution isn't wortking.
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‎Apr 15, 2024
10:08 AM
I have some ideas which can improve the home screen of Premiere: 1. Selecting another home screen folder location is very slow. There is such a thing: copy the folder location in Explorer and then paste in Premiere to immediately access the folder. Instead, users have to endlessly click to traverse the folders to reach the destination. An input where the folder can be simply pasted would be welcome. As in Windows Explorer or as in Adobe Bridge, clicking on the folder path transforms it into an input field. 2. The scroll speed. It seems that every Adobe application is contaminated with this slow scroll speed. It is incredible that the software designers, project managers, IT specialists, beta testers, all those folks are completely unaware of the slooow scroll speeds? One whole rotation of the mouse wheel scrolls several tens of pixels. When the list is long, it takes hours to scroll to the bottom! 3. Expand to the current folder - when restarting Premiere, the home screen remembers the last folder location, but on the left side the current folder is not expanded. Clicking a disk in the "Decives" list goes back to the root. 4. There is no "Back" button.. Once I click a "Device" (eg. drive D), there is no way to go back to that deep folder I was visiting before...
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‎Apr 15, 2024
02:04 AM
Hi Amal, Sincerely this "latest version" or "update" thing does not apply anymore. Since "Adobe Creative Cloud" automatically updates all software, the answer is "Always the latest version". The "After update" question does not apply as well, since the updates are performed in the beackground and I am not aware when does it take place. The current version (as I am writing this) is Version 2024.001.20643 Of course, these "reboot", "clear settings" things do not help as well. I have more computers (I have more Creative CLoud licenses) and I am experiencing the same thing on all computers, all the time.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
04:03 PM
Paste in place already works in Indesign. Copy an object and go to a different page and paste with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+V. You may consider these options found in the Layers palette: These will control how is your content pasted and ungrouped. Watch out, if you copy/paste from another document, when "Paste remembers layers" is turned on, it will create the layer from where the copy is coming from.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
10:19 AM
I am struggling with the Acrobat application, all the time I open a PDF, the Acrobat window has a random position. Is there a way to make things very simple: force the application to remember its last monitor and maximized state? Virtually all other applications in this world simply remember their last window state and monitor, only some Adobe apps (Illustrator, Indesign for example) are a mess. If I open a PDF, make Acrobat maximized, it is ok, closing and immediately reopening the PDF, restores the last, maximized state of the window. However, after some time, opening again a PDF, will start Acrobat non maximized, slightly smaller than the monitor area. Another day, another computer start, yet again starts Acrobat having a random, non-maximized window size. There is a setting, Preferences -> Documents -> [ ] Restore last view settings when reopening documents, this is turned off. Is there any other setting which controls the window size? Or is this another annoying UX bug?
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‎Feb 22, 2024
10:30 AM
These changes aren't welcome. The man who originally designed the panels was thinking with his brain. Now somebody come and messed up the things just for the sake of change. All those controls in the Basic panel has to be used at the same time. No the multiple open panel mode is not an option, the original idea was to keep open one single panel, not to scroll endlessly up and down just to change something! This kind of changes aren't welcome at all! Adobe should bring innovations at other places. Reverting back to an older version is spit in the face of subscribers. Or Adobe lowers the subscription price for using the older version? No. The software team has became really bad at Adobe. Bug, bugs, and more bugs, then itiotic UI changes.
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‎Feb 15, 2024
01:10 PM
It seems that the problem is not hidden in how/what to do. The problem is simply the substandard of the newer version of bridge. There are people who don't like to move slowly and think long before doing anything (me included). The problem is, the 2023 and 2024 versions of Bridge (including Acrobat Reader and the other redesigned UI) doesn't allow this. The software became sluggish and non-responsive, therefore the workflow can't be smooth enough, people always have to wait for the software to respond, yet on high-end machines. We know why: incompetent software design, inefficient, spaghetti code behind.
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‎Nov 11, 2023
01:41 PM
The same here, I am desperatley looking for a dust remover plug-in. Thank you!
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‎Oct 30, 2023
07:28 AM
Hi, Swati, Downloaded and installed the Beta version, the scroll speed is now returned to normal. Regarding the numerous bug fixes, listed here it looks that the new version will be normally usable. I can't wait to have these fixes migrated from Beta to the main version! Kind regards,
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‎Oct 29, 2023
04:34 PM
The functions previously found under "Basic" are now under "Light", "Color" and "Effects". This is a bad decision to separate Light, Color, and Effects, since all the time these must be adjusted together. Now a lots of extra extra clicks are needed to make adjustments, just because again, somebody fixed something that wasn't broken... Another bad side effect is, the number of panels has grown over 10 so Ctrl+1..9 cannot be used anymore - another practiced workflow broken... Seriously, these changes are made by some newcomers, who don't understand the workflow of power users? These changes don't bring anything new to table, just complicate the things which were working fine. Please consider reversing these changes, the Basic panel was perfect as it was. Or an option in the settings to bring back the Basic panel. I am curious, anybody else finds this change problematic? My biggest fear is that this change will be migrated to Lightroom too... 😮
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‎Oct 25, 2023
01:24 PM
The latest versions of Bridge is clearly a bad example of a software house product as "To have something". Look at other image managers, like FastStone, XnView, ACDSee, etc., how smooth is the experience using those, everything is working as expected, everything is common sense, etc. I just don't get it, for example this scroll speed issue is packed in the production release of the software and it's beyond understanding, how is that nobody notices, it's SLOOW. Yet they are happy and they advertise Bridge 14 as something exceptional...
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‎Oct 25, 2023
05:52 AM
The dev. team has this bad taste of several things, like the awful blue highlight rectangles, bright white title bar in dark mode, and the most annoying, the extremely slow scroll speed. Apparently they don't realize that this is wrong, annoying and unusable... As soon as I install a newer version of Bridge, after several minutes of use I have to uninstall and reinstall the 2022 version, since that is the last usable version. It seems that the newer versions were designed by developers who don't actually use the software. They only put together a piece of software, the usability doesn't matter for them at all. Also they shamelessly don't care because the monthly fee is paid anyway for Adobe. Things got a wrong turn here...
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‎Oct 05, 2023
01:28 PM
v13 was an unusable version for me. But regarding the countless bug reports and upset posts from other users, it was quite unusable at the beginning, for others too. v13 gradually became bug-fixed over time. I think, this reinvention of the Bridge-wheel came from the urge of bringing something new to the table and updating the UI, but sadly it was good ONLY for the development team, who proved that they worked a lot. In reality, almost everything was broken. A big shame from a dev. team, but as it looks, Adobe has no problems at all to release a half-baked product, moreover they don't even realize, it's not what is thould be.
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‎Oct 05, 2023
12:14 PM
I am using Bridge 12 too. Periodically I install the newest version but I always have to reinstall v12, since this is the only usable (and available version). This piece of software is ended up in hands of incompetent people (outsourcing) who can't design software properly and have a very different vision of what is good. Look at the other software, like xnView, FastStone image viewer, etc., how well are designed, how smooth is the user experience, all functions are working as expected, without annoying glitches. Beside these, the highest priced Adobe products are like some early beta products - faulty clicks, lots of busy cursors, unexpected UI refresh, several new bugs introduced when fixing an old one, etc. As a developer I can see through the curtain: there is spagetti code behind these software - a big mess, put together in hurry, by countless teams, the most important thing being the fancy look.
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‎Feb 06, 2023
07:23 PM
Please tell the IT team just comment out the gude-yyyy-mm-dd.log creation line in the code. It is unacceptable for a production version to spam the user directory with log files... These files cannot be deleted unless PS is closed.
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‎Jan 08, 2023
08:40 PM
Bună dimineața, Thank you for your response! Opening the 'User dictionary' window, and adding the word pair, separated with dash, works well! Now "Cluj-Napoca" and the other countless words are not marked as incorrect. A little bit more work, but solves the problem. I have to file a bug report on .
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‎Jan 08, 2023
06:48 AM
The problem: InDesign marks a word containing a dash as incorrect (eg. Cluj-Napoca). Language is English UK. So I right-click and choose "Add to dicionary". Afterwards the word is still marked as incorrect (it is underlined), but when I right-click, another menu appears, not the spell checker's menu (therefore the word is correct, no spell checker action is needed). Is there a workaround to get rid of underlines for correct words containing dashes?
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‎Dec 12, 2022
07:27 AM
In InDesign 18.0, after pasting text, a T icon appears right after the pasted text. It's about whether to paste with or without formatting. It is useful after pasting 1-2 times, but it is driving me crazy after pasting the 10th text (see the attached image). How to turn it off?
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‎Jun 26, 2022
01:20 PM
Yes, because mobile devices or things related to mobile devices are DUMB. This is why I hate everything mobile (sorry). So here is the cause of the freeze: LR tries to read ALL photos on the device. For example, in my case there are thousands of photos - downloaded, stored on the phone for presentation purposes, etc., beside the actual camera images (DCIM). When connecting the phone, first LR generates a thumbnail for all images, for this purpose LR has to download every single image to generate the preview. This means gigabytes of data. The problem is: there is no way to specify which folder to read and which folder to ignore. To avoid the trouble, first you have to download the images from the phone, then disconnect the phone, only after this is allowed to start LR and browse the downloaded images (if your first intention was to import something).
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‎Jun 16, 2022
01:52 PM
All the time Ctrl+0 worked as expected: Fitting the image left a several pixel margin around the image so the selection and other tools could be clicked slightly outside the image.
Now, since vesrion 23.3 the Ctrl+0 is changed: the image fits without leaving the small margin. Without the margin it is impossible to start the selection exactly from the corner of the image, etc.
The margin around the image should be restored in an upcoming version. Initially it was introduced for usability purposes.
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‎Jun 16, 2022
07:56 AM
1 Upvote
All the time Ctrl+0 worked as expected: Fitting the image left a several pixel margin around the image so the selection and other tools could be clicked slightly outside the image. Now, since vesrion 23.3 the Ctrl+0 is changed: the image fits without leaving the small margin. Without the margin it is impossible to start the selection exactly from the corner of the image, etc. The margin around the image should be restored in an upcoming version. Initially it was introduced for usability purposes. Now somebody in the dev. team has fixed again something which wasn't broken...
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‎Apr 21, 2022
07:00 AM
@johnrellis After an update, the version is 11.3, fortunately the bug we are talking about is eliminated 🙂
This topic is not relevant anymore for those who update from 11.2 to 11.3.
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‎Apr 18, 2022
07:38 PM
Unfortunately the proroblem is worse than just naming people. In the newest version of LR, all newly entered keywords are excluded from the suggestion lists. So if I enter a new keyword, "keyword", for the nex photo if I start to type "ke", all old keywords are listed, but "keyword" is not. This is not getting repaired even if I restart LR - the newly entered keywords are never suggested. I tried to optimize the catalog, purge the unused keywords, enter the same kewyord multiple times in a row, but none of the tricks help. Quite annoying bug, to look up some existing keywords has became trully time consuming.
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‎Apr 18, 2022
06:48 PM
There is a new bug in LR 11. Before the version 11 this was not present. To reproduce: 1. Enter a name for a recognized face. A new name that isn't in the database yet. 2. Try to specify the same name to another face, by starting to type the same name. The previously entered name isn't in the list of suggetions, so the whole name has to by typed again and again... In previous LR versions all newly added names were immediately present in the autocomplete list.
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‎Nov 29, 2021
04:17 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you, your answer got me to the solution. Slightly outdated, but it still works...
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‎Nov 29, 2021
04:16 PM
The solution is pretty simple... No, it's NOT. Guess, what? I have to visit the Adobe site, find the burried "Privacy" menu point and TURN OFF the "Share information on how I use Adobe desktop apps." option, turned on by default. Well, if I would be a mind-reader, I would buy play with crypto investments, not with Adobe apps... I watched an outdated video (the menu points on the Adobe site are not the same anymore), to learn that a remote switch is crashing Illustrator when it exits. How can an average user figure out, a remote switch does make Illustrator to exit as expected??? See the attached screenshot.
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‎Oct 18, 2021
08:02 AM
Thanks for the answer! Unfortunately the scale of the text box is a percentual value of something unknown, while the anchor and position has to be specified in pixels. Therefore it's impossible to precisely place the anchor point. For example if I want to place the anchor point on the right side of the text box, and also vertically centered, I have to specify for the anchor values the exact width and the height/2 of the text box. The width/height of the text box being an unknown/imprecise value, there is no way have an exact position of the anchor point...
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‎Oct 18, 2021
07:17 AM
1 Upvote
In Adobe Premiere Pro when a text box is created, it can be resized with the mouse by dragging the text box handles. But there is no way to specify the exact size of the text box... For example, the anchor point position can be specified by entering values, but it has no sense if the box size may not be specified... What I'm missing? Is there a hidden setting somewhere outside the "Effect Controls" panel?
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