‎Mar 04, 2025
01:53 PM
Hi Greg, I have PE2018 and PE2025 installed on my PC. I have a catalog for each one of them. I have not deleted the PE2018 catalog because it contains Keyword tags I don't want to loose. Despite I use Convert in PE2025 "Manage Catalog, Keyword tags are NOT imported. All I am trying to do is an Incremental Backup of my PE2025 catalog in "D:\Catalog2025\Backup" folder where my "Backup.tly" and "catalog.buc" files are located. In an Incremental you should have to specify only the target folder location. When I do that I am reported a Backup already exists and ask if I want to overwrite it. If I click YES it will do a complete backup that will take hours. I don't want that. I want to do an Incremental backup that takes minutes. If you need more info, don't hesitate to get back to me. Thanks
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‎Mar 01, 2025
11:04 AM
Hi Note that I have 2 different catalogs. My old PE2020 catalog and new PE2025 catalog. My "D:\Catalog2025\Backup" folder contains my "tly" file where my backup is stored. My "catalog.pse25db" is present in the following locations My "catalog.pse18db" is present in the following locations I have no "catalog.pse20db" file The CIB Catalog is a temporary/test catalog Note also that I tried the convert my old PE2020 catalog, but it didn't work. My picture's tag never transferred. Please slide to the right to view I am just trying to do an Incremental Backup of my PE2025 Catalog to my PE2025 Backup where the "TLY" file is present: "D:\Catalog2025\Backup". Regards
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‎Feb 28, 2025
01:01 PM
Hi, Sorry for the delay in responding. I wish to do Incremental Backups after I add pictures to my Organizer. It takes less time. Complete backups take hours. Note there is NO instruction in the manual for incremental backup. The manual refers to 2018 Organizer. Watch the following screenshots This is an attempt of an Increment backup This is the selected destination Destination not valid for incremental backup. I don't know why This is the "tly" file I wish to use for increment backup Not allowed message for incremental backup to "tly" file. Can you help me further? I think version 2025 is bugged. Thanks in advance
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‎Feb 18, 2025
01:42 PM
Hi, I can no longer do an incremental backup in PE 2020. When I try I get that screen: I should NOT have to specify a previous backup file. Can someone help? Thanks in advance
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‎Jul 06, 2024
02:58 PM
Hi, When I try to add a subcategory to Laval and click on the arrow right to "+" sign, I only Get:New Place, Rename & Delete. When I click New Places a map opens and if I add an address, it pins it on the map but I don't see it as a new subcategory in Laval. Can someone help me? Thanks
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‎Mar 15, 2024
06:53 AM
Hi, I hade to reinstall Acrobat Pro and I no longer can add Last Page & Frist Page, document width, etc. to the to top of a document. Can someone help me?
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‎Jul 26, 2021
02:51 PM
Hi Glenn, Thanks for the info. I will just do that.
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‎Jul 26, 2021
07:18 AM
Hi, I am trying to share PE 2020 between my desktop where PE 2020 and my laptop. I have successfully succeeded sharing using "Nearby Sharing" but when I try to run PE 2020 from my laptop, I get the following error message: Note that "platform.dll" is present in my desktop folder and I use Win10 Pro. Can someone help? Thanks,
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‎Apr 27, 2020
05:45 AM
Hi Greg, Thanks a lot. I have always appreciated your patience and support. I will contact support by phone and reinstall in the worst case. Regards
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‎Apr 26, 2020
11:51 AM
Hi Greg, I has to reset my PC and I am noe facing the same problem, i.e. PhotoShop Elements 2020 PHOTO EDITOR does not update. I get the following error message. I have tried several times updating using UODATE NOW or UPDATE ON EXIT and the problem is the same. Last time I did a remote session with your specialist, he stoped couple of background process but I don't remember witch . Can you help me again. Thanks,
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‎Apr 10, 2020
08:58 AM
Hi Greg, Note my email notifification problem is now solved. Note also my titled problem is also fix. I had to reinstall PE2020 to its default location ("C") despite PE2020 gives a choice to install to a different drive. Make me feel the quality control is really weak. Thanks,
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‎Apr 06, 2020
01:18 PM
Hi Greg, With the help of a phone call from support staff, I resolve my problem via a remote session. Note that my version od PE2020 is now uptodate. Note also that Ver. 18(20200120.m.139570)x64 related ONLY to Photo Editor or NOT to the Organizer. Regards
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‎Apr 06, 2020
01:13 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, I finally managed to receive email notifications with tips from Nancy. My problem is now fixed. Thanks
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‎Apr 06, 2020
08:08 AM
Hi Nancy, Thanks for your tip. Note however that I regularly use that option to followup on my posts. Nervertheless, can you indicate if the problem is at my end or if it is at the community server settings. When I research on that topic, I see I am not the only one facing that problem and yet, I have never found a solution to it. My problem has been goinf on for months. Regards
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‎Apr 05, 2020
09:52 AM
Hi, For an unknown reason I don't receive email notifation from the Photoshop Forum. My Antispam folder is empty. Can someone help me? You will find hereafter my notification settings. Thanks in advance,
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‎Apr 05, 2020
09:42 AM
Hi Greg, Thank you so much for your regular support. I really appreciate it. I understand that I can't upgrade using the Upgrade Option in the Help tab, however I don't understand why when I use About Elements Organizer in Help it shows I run Ver 18(20190827.m.136736) instead of Ver. 18(20200120.m.139570)x64. Thanks,
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‎Apr 04, 2020
02:27 PM
Hi, I am trying to ugrade to ver 2020.1 but can't succeed when using the Help tab, Updates is shaded despite I am running the previous version: Ver 18(20190827.m.136736) How can I upgrade to the latest version 18(20200120.m.139570)x64 ? Thanks,
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‎Apr 03, 2020
01:42 PM
Hi, For an unknown reason I don't receive email notifation from the Photoshop Forum. My Antispam folder is empty. Can someone help me? You will find hereafter my notification settings. Thanks in advance, P.S. Note also the "Email me when someone replies" box is always checked when I make a post.
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‎Apr 03, 2020
01:27 PM
Hi Greg, Thanks again for your reply. Note that the "Email me when someone replies" box is checked but I don't receive Email notifications and my Norton AntiSpam folder is empty. I will post my problem on a forum to try to solve this. Regards
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‎Apr 03, 2020
08:38 AM
Hi Greg, May I abuse your patience a little more? Can you indicate me why I don't receive "email" notifications for your post? I have to go to the forum and check for new nessages if I want to see new a replies. See my notification settings here after: Thanks in advance,
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‎Apr 02, 2020
03:12 PM
Hi, I will try that. Note however that this error happens only in the Editor after I click Update Now. It doesn't happen if I edit a picture, save it, and exit.
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‎Apr 02, 2020
01:47 PM
Hi Greg, True that PE2020 is installed on my "E" drive. Nevertheless, it worked very well before I was notified an aupdate was available. Is there a way to move/copy HDUpdater to another a specific location to permit this update. Thanks
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‎Apr 02, 2020
09:03 AM
Hi, I am getting the following error message in PE2020. Can someone help me? Note I cannot close Photo Editor when this message is showing. I have to use Task Manager to end task. Thanks
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‎Mar 04, 2020
10:44 AM
Hi Aaron, For your info I disabled my Nvidia card and it makes no difference on PE 2020 performance. It just shutts off my second monitor. Note also that I am available friday afternoon for a troubleshooting remote session. Please confirm time and date. Regards,
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‎Mar 03, 2020
01:17 PM
Hi Aaron, Before performing futher tests, I'd like to know why I should disable my Nvidia GeForce GTX. My PC package came equipped with that card. Further more, I made more testing: I reinstall PE 2020 on my Internal HD instead of my SSD I tried editing my slideshow but PE 2020 freezes I made a slideshow project using PE15, using only 247 pictures and adding TEXT Slides, and my slide show works like a charm (PE15 can take as much as 512 slides Vs PE2020 can only works with less than 250 slides) It builts 20 times faster It never fails It behaves perfectly with both graphic card enabled To me, it looks like PE 2020 is bugged Can we schedule a remote session so you view when it crashs. Thanks,
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‎Mar 02, 2020
09:45 AM
Hi Greg, Thanks for your reply. Indeed my system/Windows drive is a SSD. Before going further, would you recommend I reinstall PE2020 to in Internal HD. I install PE2020 on my system drive hoping it would perform better. Note also that my version of PE 2015 is install on an internal HD. Thanks,
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‎Mar 01, 2020
02:34 PM
Hi, Sorry for the delay replying. I was away for a week. As requested, I am forwarding you the requested screenshots. I don't think my PC is the problem. It's got all the power to run PE2020. Now, when looking at the second Task Manager screenshot, I can't really detect any problem. Indicate me what test to perform. This gets me really upset. My version of PE 2015 performs a lot better. Thanks,
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‎Feb 21, 2020
04:50 PM
Hi Aaron, Hi am forwarding a couple of screenshots that might help you diagnose my problem. It is not obvious but all these screenshots were taken with the SLIDESHOW EDITOR in the background. Note that I suspect 2 sessions of PE & PE Organizer to run at the same time (Ref. Photo 1). Also, I indicated before, all screenshots were taken with SLIDESHOW EDITOR in the background even if it does not appear in the screenshots. I also sent 2 Photoshop Crash message that I don't have screenshots and coul neither replicate. Thanks,
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‎Feb 19, 2020
12:49 PM
Hi Aaron, I have done a few test since your reply and let me share the results with you. First of all, I have never faced any problem with Element Organizer for PE7, PE15 or PE2020. Let me also explain what I am trying to achieve. Last fall I made a trip to Europe where I took more then 500 pictures. I wish to make a slide show (PART I and PART II with ~ 250 pictures in each) with an opening slide indicating OUR TRIP TO EUROPE - 2019. As a second Text slide I want to title BRUXELLE - 11 Septembre with the pictures taken there to show. Futher on I want to add a second Text Slide indicating BERLIN - 12 September. So on so forth for every city we visited. Hence, after your suggestions: I have created a brand new catalog in PE2020 including the 40,158 pictures stored on my PC. I disabled all analysis and created a new slideshow of 200 JPG pictures. It took a long while, but the slideshow was generated with a Text Slide (Theme: WaterColor; Memories of ...) at the beginning. Then I saved the slideshow to the Organiser. Ounce my slideshow saved, I went back to the Organizer. I then reopen my slideshow to edit it to add my Text slide Indicating BERLIN - 12 September. It took a while but PE generated the slide show. However I have a very hard time to play that slideshow within the SLIDESHOW EDITOR. It is very unstable. It skips some pictures or does not Pause when clicking the Pause button, when stopped it does not start when I hit the PLAY button. And neither when paused it does not Fast Forward or Rewind using the time bar at the button. Note that it is very long regenerating my slideshow when I try to add more Text slides. After many unseccessfull attemps to edit my slideshow fastly and a lot of frustration, I went back to my version of PE15. It is less fancy then PE2020 but it works perfectly. Most of all, it never fails (stop responding) and builts a slideshow at least 100 times faster than PE2020. I may exaggerate the speeds a litle but I can garantee 20 times faster. What should I do now to make PE2020 create a slideshow as fast and reliably then PE15. Thanks in advance for your help. P.S. If I may abuse your help, can you indicate me how to be notified of any response to my problem ONLY via my email address.
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‎Feb 18, 2020
01:04 PM
Hi, I have disable all analysis option but it didn't fix the problem. I have also tried with Analysis turned on for photos. It also craches. I have added 1 picture to the last photo in the slideshow and pressed SAVE in the upper right. Then, I press BACK on the upper right and I am prompted if I am to save to the organizer. I click SAVE again and the program hangs. After a while I receive a window's message indicating that PE is not responding. I click END. When I come back to my slideshow, I realize the last added picture has not been saved. I will try Aaron's suggestions and get back to him later on. Thanks for your help.
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