Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Mar 06, 2025
05:51 PM
Hi @kglad , thanks for posting the helpful link. It looks like, if I use the method described in the article you sent, important metadata (rating and flags) and file structuring (albums and folders) will not be preserved. (See the attachement.) Accordingly, it's not an ideal solution to my issue. I'm hoping the technical-support team will be able to restore my Lightroom Cloud files with metadata (rating and flags) and file structuring (albums and folders) to their original state.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
01:03 AM
Hi @Jeffrey_A_Wright, yeah the backup is good to have. Unfortunately, according to the link you shared, I cannot use it to restore metadata (rating and flags) and file structuring (albums and folders). (See the attachment.) In this case I will still need the technical support team's support in restoring the Lightroom Cloud data to its original state. Unfortunately their slow responses have had a big impact on my work. I haven't been able to edit my backlog and am traveling today for an important shoot over the next few days. You previously said I can expect responses from the technical support team in 24 – 48 hours. Any ideas why they haven't been able to do that?
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‎Mar 05, 2025
05:24 AM
Hi, my Adobe Account that was created while living in Canada. When I moved to Germany, I quickly realized that I couldn't continue paying for my Lightroom subscription with a German credit card. The account was associated with Canada, the country in which the account was created, and from which the first payment method was used. I reached out to Adobe's customer- and technical-support teams and was given a variety of solutions: The country associated with my account can simply be changed. The country associated with my account cannot be changed until the current billing cycle has ended. The country associated with my account cannot be changed at all, and a new account with Germany as the associated country must be created. As is evident from the conflicting solutions provided, the customer- and technical-support teams do not seem to have a clear or unanimous understanding of this issue and how to solve it. (Read more about that here: Although, in the end, I was able to change the country associated with my original account, once the my current billing cycle had ended, I was mislead into creating a new account. Inso doing, the technical support team moved my Lightroom Cloud files from the original account to the new account and deleted them from the original account. Now that I've renewed my Lightroom subscription using my original account, I would like to continue using it. However, neither the customer- nor technical-support teams seem to be able to restore my Lightroom Cloud files. I've been told that in order for them to restore the my Lightroom Cloud files I would have to download and delete all other Adobe Cloud files from This is, however, not possible since does not have functionality to download multiple files simultaneously. (This issue has been well documented on multiple occasions: Accordingly, I've been left paying for a Lightroom subscription with all of my Lightroom Cloud files removed and now solution in sight. I'm hoping someone in this forum will be able to help me out, or that making this issue public will incentivize the customer- and technical-support teams to resolve it.
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‎Mar 05, 2025
04:20 AM
Thanks for the clarification, @Jeffrey_A_Wright! I overlooked case number ADB-38833729-M2F5, but have bookmarked the so that I can actively monitor my open case(s). I haven't heard back from the technical support time yet, but I trust they will provide timely and helpful support. I will try the Lightroom discussion board. Thank you for recommending that. Shortly before my Lightroom cloud files were removed, I did actually perform a backup with the Lightroom Downloader app. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any information about how to use my personal backup to restore my Lightroom Cloud account. Additionally, I was under the impression that even if I could re-upload them to my account myself, I might lose metadata (rating and flags) and file structuring (albums and folders). Do you have any information on this?
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‎Mar 03, 2025
12:52 PM
Hi @Shivangi_Gupta, thank you for your feedback. If it isn't apparent from my original post in this thread, the support teams seem not to follow through when there isn't the added accountability of the issue being discussed on a public forum. This afternoon, I was informed that Support Case ADB-38656560-Y8Q9 was closed without any further context or a solution. The support I've received from the customer support and technical support teams through the chat and by email has been at times sporadic, inconsistent, and unhelpful. Accordingly, I feel I have no other option than to post my issues and grievances on your public forum. Since the technical support team hasn't been able to help me, do you have any other suggestions about how to resolve the issue with restoring the lightroom cloud files on my original account?
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‎Mar 03, 2025
02:52 AM
@Shivangi_Gupta, @Jeffrey_A_Wright, I am still waiting on a solution. In the meantime, I wanted to give you a few more instances of this not working: At the end of the day, all I need is for the technical support team to restore my account to the way it was. All lightroom cloud files should be returned to where they were taken. Metadata (rating and flags) or structure (abum and folders) should be preserved. The sooner the better, since I am actively paying for a lightroom subscription I can't use.
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‎Feb 28, 2025
03:39 PM
Hi @Shivangi_Gupta, I've been in touch with the support team but they haven't been able to solve the issue yet.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
01:37 AM
Here is another example of the issue with downloading and clearing cloud files as the technical support team has requested: It's possible, but certainly not easy when dealing with hundreds of files. @Shivangi_Gupta or @Jeffrey_A_Wright, can you please check in on Adobe Case ADB-38656560-Y8Q9 and ensure that my Lightroom Cloud files are restored to the way they were before? Your help is greatly appreciated.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
01:29 AM
Hi @Shivangi_Gupta, it seems like the support team transfered my Lightroom cloud files from my original account to the new one I had created. Since we've now found out that the new account is not needed to make subscription payments with my German credit card, I would like to continue using my old account. Accordingly the files need to be transferred back to my original account. The support team has told me that I cannot do that unless I remove 0.375 GB of cloud files from my account. It is. however, unclear what these files are and how to download them. ( does not provide the functionality to download multiple files at once.) Perhaps you can provide some clarity here.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
08:05 AM
@Shivangi_Gupta, @kglad, I've been able to successfuly complete the steps you suggested, however, logging back into my old old account, I see that the over 500 Lightroom Clound images I had are now gone.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
07:53 AM
@Shivangi_Gupta, @kglad, what you're telling me about a refund being issued is not reflected in the cancellation process. (See attachment.)
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‎Feb 21, 2025
06:12 AM
Hi @Shivangi_Gupta, I was successful in completing these steps now. Since the new account and subscription is no longer necessary, it would be great if I could get some support cenceling and refunding subscription I purchased with the new account, deleting the new account, and canceling the request to migrate my lightroom cloud data. Would you be able to ensure that happens via Adobe Case ADB-38656560-Y8Q9?
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‎Feb 21, 2025
05:30 AM
@Jeffrey_A_Wright , today all of the sudden, I can change the country associated with my old account. This again, attests to fact that the customer support team does not have a clear and unanimous understanding of this issue and how to solve it. Now I will just continue using my old account. So, the subscription I purchased with the new account can be cancelled and refunded. The new account can be deleted. And the request to migrate my lightroom cloud data can be cancelled.
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‎Feb 20, 2025
11:56 PM
Thanks for the follow-up, @Jeffrey_A_Wright. Another point of frustration is that each of the customer support chat agents I've spoken to seem to have a different understanding of how to resolve the issue. Some say I should be able to change the payment method and associated country, others say I will be able to change the payment method and associated country once my current billing cycle for an android subscription of lightroom mobile on the account has run out, and others say I will never be able to change the payment method and associated country. The most recent information I've received is that if I create a new account, with Germany as the associated country, the technical support team will be able to migrate my Lightroom Cloud files without any loss of metadata (rating and flags) or structure (abum and folders). To do this, I was told that I must pay for a subscription on the new account, and that the data migration would happen within 24 hours. Now I've been told that the technical support team cannot find the over 500 files I have on this account. I am paying for a Lightroom subscription on my new account that I cannot use, because my files have not been migrated. And so, the frustration continues... Would you be able to check up on Adobe Case ADB-38656560-Y8Q9 to see what the issue with the data migration is?
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‎Feb 17, 2025
07:02 AM
Thanks for the response, @kglad. Unfortunately "change country associated with adobe id" redirects me to a payment page with Canadian dollars as the currency. This cannot be changed.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
06:37 AM
Hi @Jeffrey_A_Wright, I have to agree with @bleachershane1, here. I'm having the same issue. I understand that their might be tax or tariff regulations that probit an easy switch of associated countries. However, I also find it incredibly counterproductive to have to create a new email account just to create a new adobe account each time I move... It would be great if this issue could be resolved in such a way that continuing to use Adobe subscription products is easy when moving to a different country. Regardless, any support beyond the limmited help that your customer and technical support chat team has been able to provide would be greatly appreciated!
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‎Feb 17, 2025
06:24 AM
TL;DR: It seems like Adobe has not created a viable solution to change the country associated with one of their accounts. So, I'm affraid I will have to refrain from using their products until such a solution has been created. Yesterday I spent 1.5 hours speaking with Adobe's customer and technical support teams trying to change the country associated with my account from Canada to Germany so that I can continue to pay for my subscriptions with my German credit card. Neither Rashim from the customer support team, nor Madhup from the technical support team, nor Gopal from the customer support team could help me. Rashim informed me that this article on the Adobe website is inaccurate: He cancelled all of my active subscriptions so that the country associated with my account could be changed. This did not work, so I was told to create new eamil account just so that I could create a new Adobe account with Germany as the associated country. Additionaly he reassured me that the technical support team would transfer my cloud data to the new account. Unfortunately Madnup, from the technical support team, was not able to do this. He told me I needed to have an active suscription on both my old account (with Canada as the associated country) and new account (with Germany as the associated country) for him to be able to transfer the data. I explained to him that the purpose for transitioning to an account with Germany as the associated coutry was to be able to renew my subsccription and that I couldn't do this with for the account with Canada as the associated country. He wasn't able to resolve this and transferred me back to Gopal from the customer support team. Instead of helping me, Gopal left the chat. Now, I'm left frustrated, without a solution to continue using Adobe products. It seems like Adobe has not created a viable solution to change the country associated with one of their accounts. So, I'm affraid I will have to refrain from using their products until such a solution has been created.
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