‎Dec 20, 2024
06:23 AM
Are you looking for basic use of Illustrator tutorials such as How to make some text or something? There's tons of them out there. Give yourself a few days to go over illustrator basics tutorials because I don't see any example of what you are talking about from the .png you included.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
08:37 AM
@Monika Gause , You're right, I just wondered if it could unglitch the situation. Maybe The "Opacity" slider is set to transparant on the text object or layer used.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
08:11 PM
@Matifagundez , Maybe you could try and change the Stroke Color to White. It looks like you have the Stroke Color Set to None (White box with Red Slash Color Swatch) Even Though you have the Fill Color as white, if there is a sroke width that hides the fill color maybe that is why it is not seen. Also I agree with using a black rectangle as the lowest layer instead of using the colored paper preview if you want the ouput for screen use or printing black on white paper. If you are printing something on black paper just go with a transparant background and use a lowest layer with a black rectangle to preview on the screen if the "Simulate Colored Paper" option gives you problems.
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‎Dec 01, 2024
10:27 PM
I see you got it an easier way. I think TextFonts is Read Only and to make and set the text font you can do this for future reference: var textFrame = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add(); //make text frame
textFrame.contents = "Some String"; // or use var
textFrame.font = "Thunderstorm"; // sets the font
textFrame.size = 12; //points size of font
textFrame.position = [x, y]; // COORDINATES
textFrame.characterAttributes.color = [0, 0, 0]; //rgb black
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‎Dec 01, 2024
07:15 PM
in Python I don't know but just noticed that and drop the ; eol designators from JavaScript. Maybe just write python that writes JavaScript.
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‎Dec 01, 2024
06:59 PM
@Tranquil_expert6753 , I don't know if you might need this.. textFrame.font = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT";
textFrame.size = 12;
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‎Dec 01, 2024
03:14 AM
@m1b , I don't suppose anyone can edit their post that I know of. I thought code would automatically parse. On previous a previous post I saved my code as file and uploaded it and that worked and now I notice the code block </> icon here in the toolbar of this webapp. I didn't notice that </> icon before until you used it in your message and my neurons fired and connected and I'm sure Neuralink has misinterpreted my learning as a hallucination again. Neuralink probably thinks me learning how to control Illustrator though JavaScript is some kind of crime or something. Bunch of stupid idiots working there. That's off topic but it's true.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
03:25 PM
In CMYK yes there is .1 increment
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:36 PM
Yes, I was accidentally being rude not realizing you didn't get to see my code at the state of .1 increments of color instead of 1. Anyways on the output of your code with cyan increments of 1 it is still not as expected. It is incrementing color per row not per square as per visual check just looking at the output. That is why I bothered to post your output. I'm just now getting back to this conversation to be here more as the human I am. Thanks for wishing the good luck! I have finished my Scripts purpose for now and I shared it here so as to not leaving anyone out.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:22 PM
This code will generate Cyan tints labled on a page with an 1/8" bleed for commercial printing applications. var i = 0; var ii = 0; var y = 0; var x = 0; var ccount = 0; var aDoc = app.documents.add(); for (; i < 374; ) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y - 9, x - 9, 36 + 9, -36 - 9) } else { if (y == 0 && x > 1 && i < 16) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y - 9, x, 36, -36 - 9) } else { if (y == 0 && x == 576) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y - 9, x, 36 + 9, -36 - 9) } else { if (x == 0 && i < 342) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x -9 , 36 + 9, -36) } else { if (i == 357) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x - 9, 36 + 9, -36 - 9) } else { if (i > 357 && i < 373) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36, -36 - 9) } else { if (i == 373) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36 + 9, -36 - 9) } else { if (x > 540 && y > 0 && y < 756) { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36 + 9, -36) } else { var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36, -36) } } } } } } } } Rect.stroked = false; Rect.filled = true; var itemColor = new CMYKColor(); itemColor.cyan = ccount; itemColor.magenta = 0; itemColor.yellow = 0; = 0; var ccount = ccount + .1; Rect.fillColor = itemColor; //text var textFrame = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add(); textFrame.contents = itemColor.cyan.toFixed(1); textFrame.font = "JasmineUPC"; textFrame.size = 12; var xp = x + 9; var yp = y + 18; textFrame.position = [xp, yp]; //textFrame.characterAttributes.color = [0, 0, 0]; var ii = ii + 1; var i = i + 1; var x = x + 36; if (ii == 17) { var ii = 0; var x = 0; var y = y + 36; } }
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‎Nov 29, 2024
01:58 PM
Mark, Now I see that it was way back when I posted my question and in my original post there was no information for you to know that I was eventually going to switch the increments of cyan value by just 0.1 per square. I have also noticed I have some documentation on the 2 coordinate systems for artboards and the whole workspace thing many are calling a canvas which is a terrible name for where the artboard goes.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
01:52 PM
Bonjour, vous avez raison de déterminer ce que je faisais pour modifier la valeur cyan de chaque case. J'ai réussi à faire fonctionner ce script et j'ai posté ma propre solution à ma question ici. Merci pour vos réponses.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
01:33 PM
I was expecting 1/2" squares of cyan to increment in .1 as I have here now with the values on them.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:10 AM
Mark, I pasted the output of your code in a screenshot.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:01 AM
Mark, Thanks for the efficient suggestion. This looks like a good alternative for better code writing. This is a good reference for anyone who has a need to start cleaning up code. My purposes I've left my code as is and expanded on it a little bit. I've got it going now with all outside squares larger to fill a bleed area of 9pts. I have a question related to scripting. There is a sample script included in paticular "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 2025\Scripting\Sample Scripts\JavaScript\MultiArtboards\CreateArtboards.jsx" I was wondering do you get the same output if you zoom out and look with the large rectangle not aligning to the pages and the random stars going up north off the rectangle? Please see the screenshot attachment and I'm wondering why coordinates seem to be wonky in this example and during the development of my script it seemed Illustrator would not make it's mind up if a coordinate was going to be (top left origin) or (center origin), and also it seemed while I was developing my script that Illustrator sometimes would not make it's mind up if my coordinates were going to be interpreted as Global or Relative to my last artboard when adding artboards. Happy Thanksgiving.
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‎Nov 26, 2024
01:51 AM
m1b, Thanks. I found this and everything else. solved.
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‎Nov 26, 2024
01:49 AM
I found my solution was to make a separate global variable for the cyan color. I have corrected my code to share with everyone... var i = 0;
var ii = 0;
var y = 0;
var x = 0;
var ccount = 0;
var aDoc = app.documents.add();
for (; i < 374; ) {
var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36, -36);
Rect.stroked = false;
Rect.filled = true;
var itemColor = new CMYKColor();
itemColor.cyan = ccount;
itemColor.magenta = 0;
itemColor.yellow = 0; = 0;
if (x > 0 && x < 594 && ccount < 100) {
var ccount = ccount + 1;
Rect.fillColor = itemColor;
var ii = ii + 1;
var i = i + 1;
var x = x + 36;
if (ii == 17) {
var ii = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = y + 36;
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‎Nov 25, 2024
11:32 PM
Why does my scipt crash when I delete the two occurances of /**/ (leaving in the code) and deleting the single line of code with the // trailing the cyan variable? var i = 0;
var ii = 0;
var y = 0;
var x = 0;
var aDoc = app.documents.add();
for (; i < 374; ) {
var Rect = aDoc.pathItems.rectangle(y, x, 36, -36);
Rect.stroked = false;
Rect.filled = true;
var itemColor = new CMYKColor();
/*if (i = 0) {
itemColor.cyan = 0;
itemColor.cyan = 97; //Why deleting this line and uncommenting code doesn't work???
itemColor.magenta = 0;
itemColor.yellow = 0; = 0;
Rect.fillColor = itemColor;
/*if (x > 0 && x < 594 && itemColor.cyan < 100) {
itemColor.cyan = itemColor.cyan + 1;
var ii = ii + 1;
var i = i + 1;
var x = x + 36;
if (ii == 17) {
var ii = 0;
var x = 0;
var y = y + 36;
} You can run the script as is and it doesn't crash and makes nice even 1/2" squares on 8.5x11 however when I try to impliment the part of code to change through 0 - 100 shades of cyan something breaks. Maybe I'm not getting to the var in the for loop from the if statements?
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