Apr 03, 2024
06:29 PM
How to SIMPLY change default "save as" in the drop down "save as" menu to the last file type saved? I'm asking this question seeking a simple solution, not a complicated "export file to this or that" or other such time-consuming processes... The problem is as follows: In PS "Save As" will always default to the last saved option file type EXCEPT "JPG." Why? For example, if you saved something once as say, a "PSD" file, the next time you do "Save As" it gives you "PSD" as the default option to save in the drop down "Save As" menu; it will continue to offer you "PSD" as your first choice the next time you "Save As" unless you then save a file as, say, a "PNG" for example. Then the next time you "Save As" the default option will be "PNG." (not PSD.) And so on and so for for any kind of file type EXCEPT JPG. It NEVER brings up "JPG" as a default option, even if the last time you saved it as a "JPG." You could save 100 files in a row as "JPG" but PS will still bring up the default format of whatever it was PRIOR to trying to save as JPG. Why? JPG is one of the most popular formats, yet it is precisely the format that won't come up as the first "Save As" option ever.... Is there some secret preference click that will change this? I have spent literally hours with tech support in India at least 8 different times over the past year and, including frequently getting disconnected due to lousy VoIP connections, and as a result of that, spoken with dozens of techs, none of whom could even comprehend the phenomenon, let alone give me an answer. Anyone have any answers? Much thanks!
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Oct 22, 2023
03:17 PM
1 Upvote
Completely agree. There is no difference between skin on any part of the body - It's skin! The filter is then mis-named, as it isn't "skin smoothing" it's "facial imperfection removal" or "facial pimple remover" or something... it isn't "skin smoothing" since it only works on the face.
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Oct 22, 2023
03:13 PM
I agree completely! What's the difference between skin on any part of the body? It's skin! And the filer is then mis-named, as it isn't "skin smoothing" it's "facial imperfection removal" or "facial pimple remover" or something... it isn't "skin smoothing" since it only works on the face.
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Oct 22, 2023
03:11 PM
You really have to dig for that... I can't find it... where is it buried? thanks!
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Oct 22, 2023
03:03 PM
I wanted to add that it's been a month now of using the above formula and it works fabulously! What was once a 30+ minute tedious process is now done in seconds! I created an action in PS, so now I just click on the Action and in 2 seconds I am smoothing the blotchy colors out while keeping the texture and topography of the skin. This was quite a breakthrough! Much obliged! I'm wondering if you can provide any insight into any of the settings so I can understand the process better. For example, why "Scale 2" and "Offset 0" or "Iinear light"? I can play around of course, and I will eventually, but if you have any guidance as to what any of the settings do, I am very curious. Again, fabulous tool I now have! Thanks!
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Sep 28, 2023
12:05 PM
Adobe PS2024 (and earlier) has a bug both in the upgrade process and in the dialog box. 1) PS2024 can cause ALL the "toggle windows" to be turned ON if they are off, causing all actions to required manual verification and input of "OK" at EVERY step in the Action! Tedious!!!!!!!! This is unfamiliar to Adobe tech support, after speaking several times totaling several hours of wasting my valuable time, such as reinstalling a previous verion of Camera RAW, to understand why my actions weren't working properly after the upgrade... Nobody could figure it out. 2) After refusing to reinstall the previous version of PS (it worked in PS2023, I know that; the issue is why it doesn't work with PS2024 but they wanted to check their box and verify the truth), we messed around for a long time not resolving the issue because they couldn't figure out what was causing the issue and because of the following unintelligible - and completely incorrect - "warning" dialog box that popped up when trying to uncheck the boxes: 3) The tech support people couldn't understand this message either, and were afraid - as was I - of the dire warning of it being "undoable"! Yikes! A similar warning to what you get before you do something like wipe your hard drive clean or permanently delete conversations from your text strings! "Warning! This action is undoable... you will not be able to recover your data! Warning!" 4) Finally one clever tech support guy suggested duplicating an action and seeing what happened when we unchecked the box. So we did.... It went back to normal. We checked the box. The step-by-step authentication was now required. We check and uncheck the box multiple times. Each time the funcationality was activated or inactivated and returned to the previous state when the box was checked or unchecked and no data was lost. Nothing was "not undoable." You simply just turned it on and off. 5) So then we unchecked all the dialog boxes - getting all those "THIS IS NOT UNDOABLE!" incorrect and fake warnings each time, but everything was re-doable. So, if this happens when you upgrade, just uncheck the box! Save yourself hours battling the Adobe to get through to tech support and then battling them to understand the problem! Ignore the dire warnings!! Just uncheck the box! Sounds so simple?! Adobe made it so hard! ADOBE: CORRECT THIS TOTALLY FALSE "WARNING" MESSAGE!!!!!! Also, please get a native English speaker to redo the message into intelligble English. (I can help. My rates are reasonable.). Something like: "Checking this box will cause this action to stop at each step and require a manual entry of "OK" to continue through the entire action. To have the Action run uninterrupted to the end, keep this box unchecked. You can toggle this box "on" and "off" to activate or inactivate this functionality." How about that for English?
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Sep 24, 2023
08:18 PM
1 Upvote
Gosh, just tried it: Step 1, 2, 3(for 16 bit), 4 from Davscm and "just paint on a new Layer under the High Frequency Layer. " per your suggestion and THANKS! That's what I'm looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Although I just noticed I accidentally painted on the LOW Frequency layer, and it worked well enough for my purposes, as did the High Frequency.). I'll practice this and get the nuances of it. Thank you both for the "formula." I will have to read up a bit and try to understand WHY it works, but for now, I'll take the "W" and due the post-mortem later... Thanks again!
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Sep 24, 2023
08:00 PM
Much thanks for everyone's replies... and the effort put into demonstrating the answer. Much obliged! I will definitely check this out. (Sorry I didn't reply earlier but didn't get any notifications for some reason.)
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Sep 21, 2023
03:15 PM
1 Upvote
OK....thanks. However, I can't see how it's different: a) an image with texture and a particular color b) change color of image to a selected color without changing the texture or features of the image. That's all I'm asking, too. Using a gaussian blur would then "blur" the image to some degree and lose texture/features. I am attaching two example images then. I want to keep a uniform color tone without any degradation of the texture or features. In the first image, changing the entire image to the non-magenta skin tone is optimal. In the second, it doesn't matter too much, as long as it is lighter and uniform. Same process though... Thanks!
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Sep 20, 2023
06:41 PM
A little confused here, but I have this question, too. I don't agree with the solution - unless I have missed somethign... I have blotchy skin tones on newborns. I sample the color (area of skin color) I want, create a color layer, then brush in the color at Opacity 10% or so. I set the brush to "lighten" (usually, as the blotches are usually darker than the skin tone I want.) It smooths out the dark blotches beneath to a lighter tone usually matching the rest of the unblemished skin. BUT if takes some of the texture away, to the extent that, if I were to do, say, 100% opacity, it would just paint a color over it with zero texture! I don't see how anyone says this method "preserves the texture underneath." It doesn't... unless there is some other step I'm misisng. Also, I don't see a "sample all layers" "checkbox" anywhere.... Thanks!
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May 09, 2023
03:36 PM
1 Upvote
Think of the logic of that: "Our new version isn't as good as our old version, so we should go back to the old version..." Also, while Photshop may have attached Lighting Effects to a 3D model, lighting is fundamental to photography image management, building out 3D models, spheres and other effects isn't. SO, "what is Adobe going to do about it?" is what I think we're all wanting to learn....
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May 06, 2023
01:22 PM
I agree with you and Shawn B completely. Amen! Unfortunately, basically we need to understand that Adobe is a siloed organization, where each group is independent of the other, and, no real evidence to the contrary, clearly they are not interested in user feedback. There is no way to get a direct answer to a question, such as, for example when you call Apple or MS for tech support. All tech support is out of India via VoIP, often but not always with a 3rd party, and they cannot connect to any other part of the organization for information. (I've been told this by numerous tech support people. ) You can't ask questions like "If the default is 16bits, why does this function require 8 bits?" Or "why does "Lighting Effects" still show up in the menu if 3D rendering has been removed and it depends on 3D rendering?" or "What is replacing this fundamental 3D rendering function?" or even the most basic question, "How do I get 3D rendering to work on PS2023?" You'll never get a direct or honest answer. I can't tell you how many hours of my valuable time has been wasted by waiting for callbacks from "senior technical advisors" who never read the notes (and are often confused with the time difference between India and the rest of the world for call backs!), had no clue about the problem, and wanted to go through the exact same process I went through with the last "senior technical advisor" again, as if my time was their time... And add to that the lousy quality VoIP connection plus the thick accents, and you have a recipe for ulcers. My only suggestion is to pound them with emails at customercare-support@adobe.com BUT wait! That's a dead email. "Unmonitored mailbox"!!!! (Such an Orwellian titled email address!) How's that for being interested in your problems? And that email says "For a list of support phone numbers, please visit our Contact page." But on that contact page, there aren't any phone numbers!!!!!!!! Wow! The only way I know of getting in touch with Adobe is via https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html and loading the ChatGPT chat window, having to fight with that piece of inane robot software, and ultimately, after much effort, get transferred to a guy from India on the chat and then, through him/her, arrange a phone call... that's the only way to actually talk to anyone remotely related to Adobe and hope you might be able to get some answer to your specific question. (We all know how helpful "FAQs are, right?) Good luck! And you think this is bad now? Wait til they start replacing human "technical advisors" with ChatGPT!! What a Kafkaesque world it will be!
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Apr 28, 2023
09:47 AM
Not sure that's the issue, Dave. I think what people are complaining about - and I am in the same boat - is that all the custom patterns disappeared...( If there are no patterns in the folder, there's nothign to "export"....!) This just happened to me. One morning, all my custom patterns disappeared...! Guess the Adobe bandits broke into my house last night while I was sleeping and stole them...!
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Apr 13, 2023
05:42 PM
1 Upvote
I think we are not talking about this same thing. I'm not exactly sure what you are talking about by "default." What I am talking about is as follows: see image When you "Save As" the file, in PS2022, it would default to the file type you previously saved it as, in most cases, the final product as a TIFF or JPG or GIF or JPG 2000... The next time you "Save As" that very same file format would come up first and be selected, i.e., be the default "save as" format... This is very helpful when you are saving many similar files from a job after working on them and your client wants the JPG final product. So once you saved te first file as a JPG, each time thereafter it woud continue to be the default format file type in the menu... (unless you used something else...) With PS2023, however, it will continue to do that EXCEPT for "JPG" now. If you save it as a GIF or TIFF or JPG 2000, etc., once, the next time you "save as" it will default to that format again in the save as menu, but NOT JPG. You now in PS2023 have to select "JPG" every time, but you don't have to with other formats. Since I've been doing this for years, I've noticed it changed in PS2023... that's why I mentioned it. I think you are talking about something else, about PS overwriting the originals and losing the PSDs or something. That's not what I'm talking about.
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Apr 11, 2023
12:35 PM
This then speaks to, and supports, "protzenegger"'s comments... and also contradicts assumptions of "blame it on the Mac OS." ADOBE changed things, then tried to "patch fix it" by adding the "legacy" option... it is illogical to assert that the MacOS was deliberately designed "not to accept JPG as a default format in Photoshop..." Think about it. It sounds absurd when it's spelled out like that.
Adobe makes major changes, doesn't tell anyone about them, and doesn't respond to requests for clarification [abuse removed by moderator].
There is still the issue of JPG never being able to be the default drop down option in "Save As" in PS2023... which it could be in PS2022. (To be clear, the "default" was simply the pre-selected file format in the drop down menu based on what you chose in "Save As" on the previous save, unless you are working with open layers, in which case it defaults to "Photoshop." In PS 2023, it will default to any previously saved file format EXCEPT JPG now. In other words, JPG must always be manually chosen now, even if you accidentally chose some obscure file format accidentally previously and even if you aborted the save, that obscure file format will always show up now as the default save option... And THAT is definitely a change in PS2023!
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Apr 11, 2023
10:58 AM
1 Upvote
Not sure what the confusion is. PS2022 used to default in "Save As" to the last file type saved INCLUDING JPG, now PS2023 doesn't. That's it. That's the issue. Nothing else. Going off on tangents about the need for writing and embedding special scripts, or why JPG has this or that limitation, or why JPG isn't a "good" file type, is irrelevant. The vast majority of people use JPG as a final product file format, however they arrive there. I have huge TIFF and PSD files that I've worked on, as do most photographers, but, everybody wants /needs the final product in JPG. That's the point. Again, PS2022 used to default in "Save As" to the last file type saved INCLUDING JPG, now PS2023 doesn't. That's it. That's the issue.
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Apr 10, 2023
02:28 PM
I believe you are correct in your assertations and assumptions. In fact, PS used to "Save As" and bring up the file format you just previously used, i.e., if you previously saved the file as a "JPG" then the next time you "save as" any file, your default option, i.e., that which appeared already selected in the window, was "JPG." If however, you previously "Save(d) As" say, a GIF then the next time you "Save as" the file format that appears in the window would be "GIF"... That's how it always worked. With PS2023, however, there is a bug... and you are correct- you can't get it back to 'JPG" as the default file when you "Save As." If you save it as any other format, then when you so "Save As" the file menu option window menu defaults to whatever file format you saved as previouslyexcept for JPG! Recently, I had accidentally selected "JPEG 2000" (which appears above "JPG" in the menu selection option window) and prior to saving the file. I canceled it (did not save it as), redid selecting "JPG" and then saved it. Yet, the next time, and the next several hunded times now I have saved a file, "JPEG 200" always comes up pre-selected in the menu options (unless I have layers in PS in which case it defaults to "Photoshop") and never "JPG." That means for hundreds of images that I am processing, I always have to go to the menu and specifically select "JPG" each time instead of "JPEG 2000." What a pain! You are correct. It never happened before, and now it does... Adobe, however, seems unable to comprehend this problem... Part of the problem is that Adobe's Customer support is entirely overseas, and are not native English speakers. Hard getting through...
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Apr 10, 2023
02:11 PM
1 Upvote
I am currently in communication (rather, attempted communcation) with Adobe on this issue. I say "attempted" because you never get the same guy twice, and each time they reply it's a different guy who asks the same question, which he then says "he'll have to check and get back to me.." which he doesn't... this has been going on for months... Basically, they cannot tell you -officially - if PS2022's default was 8 or 16 bits. This is crucial because the file saving time in PS2023 is algorithmically longer than PS2022. (I have the latest, biggest most fully loaded MacStudio, so it sure ain't my computer...!) It would seem that it "used to be" 8bits in PS2022, but even Adobe can't/won't say. And the file size is now enormous - not just "double." Adobe's Customer service is trash. Nobody can tell you 'nothin' with certainty...
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Feb 26, 2023
08:01 PM
Thank you very much for this important update! I will assume you are correct in your statement "There's still something not right if you see that dramatic difference between 8 and 16 bits. There's no reason you should see orders of magnitude longer save times with 16 bit files; just slightly longer. It's just 2x the file size." Therefore, assuming you are correct then there IS something wrong that all these users are seeing the same thing: and order of magnitude longer file save time and huge files that hit the 2GB limit. We have people complaining about it using Mac and Windows, and on some very advanced machines. This then sounds like an Adobe problem, not a user problem, and Adobe should address it posthaste... It now behooves me to try Arseniy28320787a4i8 suggestion of a Camera Raw Roll Back. If that works, and it works on 16 bit (assuming that Camera Raw 14.2 did not have 8-bits as the default, which would explain the saving laggardness and file save bloat) then we have the answer: PS2023. And again, Adobe should publically address it, propose a work around, and then fix it. It would be good to know if CameraRaw 14.2 had 8 bits or 16 bits as a default first. The settings were so deeply buried that I certainly did not change anything on my own other than what the default was set at in both versions of Camera Raw... In any case, Adobe should be lookng into this matter already hopefully and let users know..."transparency" is the byword!
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Feb 26, 2023
02:15 PM
After reading the above last night, I tried to contact Adobe about reverting to 14.2 but it seems it was really complicated and as it was late, I bagged it, but then tried the 16-to-8 bit solution also proposed by Arseniy28320787a4i8. That seemed to do the trick!! Just to try to be helpful to others who might not know where to adjust this buried power nugget: - Go to PREFERENCES… FILE HANDLING…FILE COMPATIBILITY…CAMERA RAW PREFERENCES (which then opens a new submenu page) - On that submenu page, go to the WORKFLOW sub-sub menu, then Go to “COLOR SPACE” and change “DEPTH” to “16 bit” to “8 bit”… Again, MUCH thanks to Arseniy28320787a4i8 for posting the solution!!!! My saves are now zippy, as reflective of my monster machine's capabilities, and my files are no longer hitting the 2GB limit, and all is as it should be! Just a suggestion, but can ADOBE make it any more hidden and complicated and unintuitive to find in the next revision...?
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Feb 25, 2023
10:05 PM
Hi, sorry for the delay. I was out of country on an assignment. To answer your question technically, 8192x5464 (300dpi) 256.1M/1.00G 16 bit However, that is this one image. The issue is that the problem is with every image I work on... compared to every image I've worked on prior to PS2023. It's not the "stat" view that gives the answer, it's the trend. I've worked on these kinds of images for a long time, so it is not related to the images I work on. It's PS 2023. Now, I see in my absence that "Arseniy28320787a4i8" has proposed a cause and solution to the issue, which he/she believes is CameraRaw and returning to 14.5 would solve it. I will try it and report back here. In any event, regardless of whether or not that is a fix - it is a temporary fix (and would be a welcome one, Mr./Ms. Arseniy28320787a4i8, to be sure!) so Adobe needs to be making this a PRIORITY to fix, as this affects every user on every save... Stay tuned... And much thanks Arseniy28320787a4i8 for proposing it!
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Jan 14, 2023
03:15 PM
Sorry, but I have no idea where that menu is. I've checked all available Settings menus and submenus.... Also, to reiterate, the opening file sizes haven't changed, nor has my workflow in PS, so focusing in on file size/types is, I think, misleading to the root cause of the problem. I've been using CR3 files for several years. I've been using Photoshop with these files for several years. I've used PS on a MBPro and while the processing time for various functions, such as "Actions" were getting very slow over time, that had to do with the computer itself being a 2016 model, more limited RAM, VRAM, and PS requiring more and more horsepower. But SAVING time was never an issue. Now, with a sooped up MacStudio with all the latest bells, whistles and RAMs, the "Actions" functions perform very quickly. But the SAVING functions are slower than ever on PS! And I also point out these are files with relatively few layers or clipping masks- like 2 or 3. And I'm also hitting limits on file size now! You can't go much more than 3 or 4 layers and you can't save it as a PS file! How is that "professional" software? Ad agencies and creative studios don't just just 2 or 3 layers for their work.... Again, all this points to PS File Saving structure: speed and bloat.
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Jan 12, 2023
12:54 PM
I'm having the same trouble. PS2023 is noticeably slower saving! It isn't related to the files I'm saving. (That would imply I save the same files all the time...) It is related to a PS 2023 issue. The files I'm opening are either CR2, CR3 or JPG, (nothing exotic) and once opened through CameraRAW, it's all the same when you "SAVE AS PSD." It takes 40 (seconds minimum) or more to save in PSD format a simple color file with even just 1 or 2 clipping masks! This has been doing this since the 2023 updates. Incidentally, I am using a brand new Mac Studio with the super-duper Ultra Chip with 128GB RAM and 48cores VRAM with M1 Chipset, sidewinder missles, headsup displays and look-down radar... in short, this, according to Tim Cook, is the fastest, most powerful computer on the market today, designed for power users working with graphics and video.... So, I think I can safely eliminate all consideration of any possible issues related to "my computer isn't up to date" or "my computer does not have enough RAM" or does not have enough of anything... And the slowness is irrelevant to whether the "Use Graphics Processor" is turned on or off. Same sloooooooow response in saving time. I originally got the MacStudio because my 2016 MacBook was getting slower and slower with each new update of PS... "Action" scripts were taking so long I could almost go get a cup of tea while I waited. But "Saving a file" didn't seem to be a particular issue, just part of the overall slowness of the aging chip set. Now, however, it is apparent. Other kinds of files for other programs (e.g., MS office, iMovie) are noticeably faster. Also, importantly, for this discussion, PS "Actions" scripts are must faster in execution than with the MB Pro. But, the "SAVING A FILE" is MUCH SLOWER. Excrutiatingly slow. So, in conclusion, the previous gentleman (Mr. Kubicki) has a Windows machine and complains of file saving slowness with PS 2023. I have a super-duper hepped up MacStudio and file saving is really slow, practically the same as the MB Pro, yet "Actions" scripts are much faster. So I think we can conclude that the culprit is the "SAVE" function on PS 2023... One final note on "Saving" issues... working with the same kinds of files generated by the same camera, I am now often hitting 2GB file size limits on saving, with the saving process terminated, and PS suggesting I save in another file format! This didn't happen before either. Something is amiss with the "Save" funtion in PS 2023...
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Dec 16, 2022
07:52 PM
1 Upvote
Here it is the end of 2022 and Adobe STILL has this problem with utilizing the GPU. And the solution is stillt he same. Mac Ventura on a top-of-the-line monster MacStudio, with all the power Darth Vader could dream of, including Sidewinder Missiles, yet, the solution is to "turn the graphic processor off." So, tell me, Adobe, why bother having that option at all if the solution every year seems to be "turn GPU off"???
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Dec 02, 2022
06:50 PM
1 Upvote
Let's try this simple question again. No need for coding or "export outboxes" and all kinds of razzle-dazzle solutions. The original question was "How Do I Change Save / Save As Default to JPG in Photoshop"? I'm asking the same question as it was never answered. There is SOME quirk in PS that "recalls" the last "save as" file type SOMETIMES for SOME FILE TYPES but not for others. How do you change it to what you want, i.e., "JPG"? It works like this: you save a file as it does not matter whether is is a RAW, PSD, GIF, WHO file, that's irrelevant - let's pick something obscure like "DICOM" (whatever the heck that is) and then, after you save the file as that, the next time you are saving a file any file- it could be just a few minutes later, a day later, a week or a month - when you are working on a file and click "SAVE AS" the screen opens and, what do you know? it has defaulted to "SAVE AS DICOM." Now you decide to save it as a "Photoshop PDF". You save it. Next time you open a file - any format - work on it, then go to save it, what do you know? It has defaulted to "SAVE AS DICOM." Repeat process, save a file as something else, maybe "PSD", go to save it, what do you know? It has defaulted to "SAVE AS (maybe" PDF" or maybe still "DICOM." There is no rhyme or reason it seems. One day, you go to "SAVE AS" and DICOM disappears and it will be stuck on "PSD" or "PDF"... but as the gentleman origianlly wrote, it never seems to be defaulting to "JPG", probably the file type the majority of people are wishing to save it as. So, what's the secret? Anybody know? Somathetime is stays the same, somathetime is changes file types. The only interaction is the previous "save as" it seems.... Answers and solution on the the question are most welcome. Please skip all the replies related to coding, scripts, export, planetary alignments, etc. This strictly has to do with 1) why PS picks up some file types and maintains them as the default "save as" file type and not others and 2) when and how does it change it to something else? That's what's happening. Much thanks!
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Oct 26, 2022
07:44 PM
I understand your question and don't think many of the answers addressed it. I can't answer your question either, but I know it's out there somewhere. When I hit CMD-S to save my work, the Save Window pops up and it SOMETIMES defaults to JPG but sometimes - and recently - defaults to "IFF Format" (whatever that format is). I don't know why, but over time, I have found that there is some mysterious sequence which I cannot remember or duplicate, but often after an aborted "Save As" from a PSD file save. Sorry I can't give you a "here's how to do it" answer, but at least I understand your question. This has nothing to do with "export" and "default folders" and "default programs." I get it.... If I hit CMD-S and the screen defaults to "IFF Format", how did it get there and why can't I just change it to JPG????? You CAN, but it requires incantations and a secret password from Adobe.... Another related mystery recently solved: No matter what I did, the &^I$@# "SAVE" command would always default - as you originally questioned - to PSD, regardless of what the format of the file that was opened in it was...and you had to click "Save A Copy As" next to it (or in the drop down menu, and then you had to go up to the file name box, hit "select all" and then go all the way to the end to erase "copy" simply to save over your original JPG file. What a pain! Solution: in the Preferences tab, there is a tab "FILE HANDLING" and under there there is an option to "ENABLE LEGACY SAVE AS". That's the secret! Now when I hi CMD-S, it opens the window and I just have to pick the format (as per above, annoyingly defaulting to "IFF Format" BUT no more extra many steps to erase "copy" in the file name. ... It would be a whole lot faster if we could just switch the default to "JPG" though!
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Mar 21, 2022
03:44 PM
1 Upvote
Your post helps! Thank you. At least I now have 3 solid links to someplace inside the Kafka-esque Adobe structure where one might possibly get some answers to the products we're paying monthly fees for when they suddenly change without warning or explanation... I will bookmark them! Thanks!
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Mar 17, 2022
02:29 PM
REQUEST: Add a "Copy/Paste Name" function to the presets! REASON: Being able to copy/paste the name of the preset in Camera Raw into the PS layer after you open an image is important. How can you remember later what preset you used to open the image? You get a nice result and later you want to remember what preset that was... There currently is no simple way. PROBLEM: Currently it is very convoluted and troublesome to copy the preset name - and a little dangerous. You have to right click, get the drop-down submenu, then hit "Rename Preset", then go to the dialog box to rename the preset, then carefully select the preset name - being careful not to accidentally erase it, then "Copy", then hit "cancel", then paste the name of the preset into the layer after you open it! Whew! SOLUTION: A simple "Copy Preset Name" function added to the right click menu would be tremendously useful! Alternatively, just to be able to double-click on the name to select the whole name and hit "Command-C". PS already has that functionality in the layers menu where you can double-click on the name and it's automatically selected, and then just do "Command-Copy." Voîla! Why can't you do that in Camera Raw with the Presets? Please add that. Thanks!
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Mar 17, 2022
01:49 PM
Thanks for the prompt rely and information! Will do! Thanks again!
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Mar 17, 2022
12:09 PM
Hi, where is the link to submit requests for enhancements? I have a simple request for an enhancement. Add a "Copy/Paste" function to the presents! It is very convoluted and troublesome now to copy the preset name - and a little dangerous. Being able to paste the name of the preset in Camera Raw into the PS layer after you open an image is important. How can you remember what preset you used to open the image? You get a nice result and later you want to remember what preset that was... currently, you have to right click, then hit "Rename Preset" then carefully select the preset name - being careful not to accidentally erase it, then "Copy", then hit "cancel", then paste the name into the layer after you open it. A simple "Copy Preset Name" function added to the right click menu would be tremendously useful! PS already has that fnctionality in the layers menu where you can double-click on the name, it's automatically selected, and then just do "Command-Copy." Voîla! Why can't you do that in Camera Raw with the Presets? Please add that. Thanks! Or, it this isn't the appropriate place, could you tell me exactly where Adobe has "feedback" buried in the program? Much thanks!
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