‎Mar 10, 2025
10:51 AM
Hey, @simon28997170cvbr. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll help you figure this out.
The specific lens isn't supported, as per https://adobe.ly/4hrKqb8;
What format are the lens correction profiles you've received? You can follow this conversation to import Lens Profiles manually: https://adobe.ly/3FhpxCd
Let me know if it helps. Thanks! Sameer K
(Type '@' and type my name to mention me when you reply)
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‎Mar 03, 2025
10:03 AM
1 Upvote
My pleasure!
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‎Feb 19, 2025
05:08 AM
I know this is really old but maybe it will help somebody currently I setup a shortcut for quick export to say shift+command+E and defaulted to highest quality JPG and to always ask. so now when I am finished I can press the shortcut and just have to fill in the name and it remembers the last folder saved in
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‎Nov 12, 2024
01:14 PM
I know this thread is old, but I just found it. Turn on Disable Compression of PSD and PSB Files in Prefs/File Handling. Sped things up around 10x for me
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‎Sep 13, 2024
05:30 PM
Well, I tried those same 2 files this afternoon, and it works fine using Adriano's instructions. Weird, the VIEW Menu didn't even look the same as it did yesterday. I did upgrade 2023 yesterday afternoon, so maybe that accounted for the difference. I dunno... Anyway, if you've given up on this feature, try it again; might need a couple of PS restarts to get the 3D options (under View) populated correctly.
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‎Mar 06, 2024
01:33 PM
I had this topic's issue on a new Thinkpad L15 with fresh install of Adobe CC. Photoshop coming up with images all black, but image displayed in Navigator, Layers thumbnails, etc. Deactivate Native Canvas selected, and Use Graphics Processor re-enabled under Performance resolved it (after restarting Ps, naturally). Hardware is AMD Ryzen 5 Pro 7530 with Radeon Graphics, 32 GB RAM.
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‎Feb 12, 2024
06:05 AM
@janl10497227 check your file handling preferences again. With Legacy Save As active, it works just fine.
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‎Jan 20, 2024
09:24 AM
1 Upvote
Has anyone figured out how to save them where they do not disappear, some of mine have saved after about 5 times of trying to save them, I think I have it all worked out and then the new ones start disappearing again.
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‎Oct 23, 2023
02:50 AM
FYI, it is listed as know issue: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/neural-filters-feedback.html
Skin Smoothing
Skin Smoothing may not work for body skin, such as neck and shoulders, as well as for skin behind glasses.
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‎Oct 22, 2023
03:17 PM
1 Upvote
Completely agree. There is no difference between skin on any part of the body - It's skin! The filter is then mis-named, as it isn't "skin smoothing" it's "facial imperfection removal" or "facial pimple remover" or something... it isn't "skin smoothing" since it only works on the face.
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‎Oct 22, 2023
03:03 PM
I wanted to add that it's been a month now of using the above formula and it works fabulously! What was once a 30+ minute tedious process is now done in seconds! I created an action in PS, so now I just click on the Action and in 2 seconds I am smoothing the blotchy colors out while keeping the texture and topography of the skin. This was quite a breakthrough! Much obliged! I'm wondering if you can provide any insight into any of the settings so I can understand the process better. For example, why "Scale 2" and "Offset 0" or "Iinear light"? I can play around of course, and I will eventually, but if you have any guidance as to what any of the settings do, I am very curious. Again, fabulous tool I now have! Thanks!
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‎Sep 28, 2023
12:05 PM
Adobe PS2024 (and earlier) has a bug both in the upgrade process and in the dialog box. 1) PS2024 can cause ALL the "toggle windows" to be turned ON if they are off, causing all actions to required manual verification and input of "OK" at EVERY step in the Action! Tedious!!!!!!!! This is unfamiliar to Adobe tech support, after speaking several times totaling several hours of wasting my valuable time, such as reinstalling a previous verion of Camera RAW, to understand why my actions weren't working properly after the upgrade... Nobody could figure it out. 2) After refusing to reinstall the previous version of PS (it worked in PS2023, I know that; the issue is why it doesn't work with PS2024 but they wanted to check their box and verify the truth), we messed around for a long time not resolving the issue because they couldn't figure out what was causing the issue and because of the following unintelligible - and completely incorrect - "warning" dialog box that popped up when trying to uncheck the boxes: 3) The tech support people couldn't understand this message either, and were afraid - as was I - of the dire warning of it being "undoable"! Yikes! A similar warning to what you get before you do something like wipe your hard drive clean or permanently delete conversations from your text strings! "Warning! This action is undoable... you will not be able to recover your data! Warning!" 4) Finally one clever tech support guy suggested duplicating an action and seeing what happened when we unchecked the box. So we did.... It went back to normal. We checked the box. The step-by-step authentication was now required. We check and uncheck the box multiple times. Each time the funcationality was activated or inactivated and returned to the previous state when the box was checked or unchecked and no data was lost. Nothing was "not undoable." You simply just turned it on and off. 5) So then we unchecked all the dialog boxes - getting all those "THIS IS NOT UNDOABLE!" incorrect and fake warnings each time, but everything was re-doable. So, if this happens when you upgrade, just uncheck the box! Save yourself hours battling the Adobe to get through to tech support and then battling them to understand the problem! Ignore the dire warnings!! Just uncheck the box! Sounds so simple?! Adobe made it so hard! ADOBE: CORRECT THIS TOTALLY FALSE "WARNING" MESSAGE!!!!!! Also, please get a native English speaker to redo the message into intelligble English. (I can help. My rates are reasonable.). Something like: "Checking this box will cause this action to stop at each step and require a manual entry of "OK" to continue through the entire action. To have the Action run uninterrupted to the end, keep this box unchecked. You can toggle this box "on" and "off" to activate or inactivate this functionality." How about that for English?
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‎Jul 12, 2023
08:19 AM
many thanks, it worked for me 🙂 many thanks
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‎Apr 11, 2023
12:53 PM
No-one has asserted that MacOS was designed not to accept jpg as a default format on a Mac. This link describes what happened in the MacOS APIs that forced the change referred to in this thread : https://petapixel.com/2021/05/18/photoshops-save-as-function-has-changed-on-mac-heres-why/
I've just tested here, using v24.3 on Windows 11, and Photoshop defaults to jpeg for the next saved doc if jpeg was the last save, provided the file can be saved in the jpeg format i.e. single background layer, 8 bit, RGB, no transparency ....etc
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‎Jun 15, 2022
02:36 AM
this help i converted my image to 8bit and it worked thanks
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‎Apr 13, 2022
10:14 AM
Hi, I did updates to both PS and my Macbook pro and when I open an image in bridge> enhance it gives me a pop up window that says my graphic card needs to suport metal. I checked and it does so i'm kinda cunfussed. Can anyone help. Randy
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‎Mar 29, 2022
11:27 AM
1 Upvote
TURTLES! I love sea turtles.
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‎Mar 17, 2022
02:29 PM
REQUEST: Add a "Copy/Paste Name" function to the presets! REASON: Being able to copy/paste the name of the preset in Camera Raw into the PS layer after you open an image is important. How can you remember later what preset you used to open the image? You get a nice result and later you want to remember what preset that was... There currently is no simple way. PROBLEM: Currently it is very convoluted and troublesome to copy the preset name - and a little dangerous. You have to right click, get the drop-down submenu, then hit "Rename Preset", then go to the dialog box to rename the preset, then carefully select the preset name - being careful not to accidentally erase it, then "Copy", then hit "cancel", then paste the name of the preset into the layer after you open it! Whew! SOLUTION: A simple "Copy Preset Name" function added to the right click menu would be tremendously useful! Alternatively, just to be able to double-click on the name to select the whole name and hit "Command-C". PS already has that functionality in the layers menu where you can double-click on the name and it's automatically selected, and then just do "Command-Copy." Voîla! Why can't you do that in Camera Raw with the Presets? Please add that. Thanks!
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‎Jan 15, 2022
12:08 PM
did you figure it out? I just did right now. Just hold down SHIFT while using the refine edge brush
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‎Jan 10, 2022
01:34 PM
1 Upvote
Same here. I get a white screen...
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‎Sep 20, 2021
10:59 AM
Photoshop displays requirement is 1280px x 800 PX scaled 100% I would think most displays these days will meet that requirement.
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‎Jun 07, 2021
06:08 PM
YES! Voîla! I just updated when I saw this message and saw there was an update available. Uploaded a batch of 6 as a test! Thank you! Merci beaucoup!
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‎Jun 07, 2021
10:44 AM
Hi @garymak
You can share your thoughts with the Adobe developers here: https://feedback.photoshop.com/conversations/photoshop/photoshop-sky-replacement-ability-to-select-load-more-than-one-sky-at-time-comment-ajouter-plusieurs-cieux/5fa2f5704833932251ff75ce
~ Jane
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‎Dec 09, 2020
05:34 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, I have the same problem. I recently discovered that there are several steps BEFORE "refine edge" that you need to do particular for hair. The easiest solution rather than explain it here, is have the photo that you'd like to experiment on open. Go into the "HELP" menu and type in "REFINE EDGE". From there, it will be interactive and you should be able to follow it better than from here. It did a modest job of taken the background out and refining the hair, better and more naturally than I could do with just the eraser, so I'm ahead of the game here. But I'd still like to refine it more, but it's too complicated. I would kindly request Adobe consider implementing a) intuitive, easy-to-understand logical actions and b) user-friendly tools and c) label functions that do what they are labeled to do. I assume "refine hair" means, when I click it, it will refine hair ("+" or "-" as the case may be.) Any "oh, but, first you need to do this, then you need to do that, and of course you have first done these 10 things..." is NOT a "refine hair" function!
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‎Apr 26, 2019
08:25 AM
My problem is with HDR FX Pro. It doesn't have that setting to click okay. To get to that, I had to go to Viveza and make the change. Even so, HDR FX is still crashing. Please help! I am using Windows 7 and Photoshop CS5. This just started yesterday.
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