Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 23, 2025
04:44 AM
Yep, using nearest neighbor when rotating dit what I wanted to do. Thanks again for your replies guys,
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‎Feb 22, 2025
10:31 PM
Thanks guys. I never considered the Interpolation method set to Nearest Neighbor would help. The Red and Green shape is meant to be a road in a game map. It needs to be about 12 pixels wide and red and green. The original image under the road I am working on is 13312 x 13312 pixels and I need to zoom in a lot to adjust the individual pixels via a 1 - 5 pixel pencil tool to add the road. The image in the background is a layer that is somewhat transperant to see where I want to add the roads on the map, Inbetween citiy and mountain areas and all. I know how to turn of the pixel grid, but I don't think thats nessesary. Thank you guys. This will save me a lot of time.
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‎Feb 22, 2025
08:57 PM
I need the shapes I make to be perfect green and perfect red (Red 255, Green 0, Blue 0, - As well as Red 0, Green 255, Blue 0.) So I make a red shape with a green shape surrounding it, Merge the shapes but I need rotate it (to be exact I just rotate as perfect 45 degrees). But when I rotate the shapes I get arttifacts on the edges (as always), and I have to penicil in the full colors, which takes about an hour. Here is what I see when I do it: First solid Shapes: Now after the rotate: Some might know how picky a game engine is. It Needs exact Red and Green. Like II said I spent and hour penciling in the true Red and Green and it is a pain to do. Is there a setting that could keep this I suppose automatic antialaizing from doing This. Thank you.
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