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‎Apr 18, 2023
06:47 PM
Marco - did you try what several people have answered? Worked for me. And I updated m graphics card driver. Preferences > Technology previews > enable "Deactivate native canvas" Also enable "Use older node of GPU 2016" Relaunch Photoshop
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‎Mar 23, 2023
04:51 PM
Thanks! These fixes seemed to work for me. After updating GPU driver, it still didn't work when I re-checked the Use Graphics Processor box in Preferences. So I found these instructions and they worked! Checked "Deactivate native canvas" and "Use older node of GPU 2016" and I can see my layers and images - not all black like it was since upgrade. Also rulers now work, too! I haven't tried the Warp feature yet to see if it still turns your image upside down, but maybe it will fix that, too.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
04:31 PM
Thanks for the suggestion but that box was already unchecked. I followed other instructions I found here that said to uncheck Use Graphics Processor. That solves it but doesn't seem like a permanent solution. So I just enlisted help at Nvidia to download and install an updated driver. I restarted the PC and my files were visible in Photoshop. Until I went back into Preferences/Performance and checked the Use Graphics Processor box, and then it all went black again. I also had one file do the strobe flashing all white/all black over and over, so this is part of the same update issue. I don't think it is resolved if Photoshop can't use the GPU, right? What will that do?
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‎Mar 23, 2023
01:49 PM
I just opened Photoshop and tried to open the last layered doc I worked on yesterday and it shows as all black! I can see layers in the layer palette but not on my screen and I can't access them to make any changes. I opened a few other docs and they are all black, too! Creative Cloud Version 24.3 on Windows 10. Also my rulers disappeared yesterday and when I toggled Ctrl R they didn't pop in. Tried many times and directly on the menu for Show and it said they were on. Finally they came on - don't know why. Weird. Maybe my Photoshop is possessed! Please help!! ---- Linda | Rich Designs
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‎Jan 09, 2019
04:03 PM
I had already tried signing out and signing in again and that didn’t help. Then I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and that didn’t help. I hope this bug gets fixed so I don’t always have to remember not to have a browser open when using Adobe products. [ private informations removed by moderator --> ]
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‎Jan 09, 2019
03:50 PM
Oh wow – that’s crazy but it worked! It had crashed 8 or 9 times in a row on launch, and the same thing happened in Illustrator. I uninstalled and reinstalled ID and that didn’t help. Thanks a lot! Hope you type this up in the forum where I saw someone else had the same problem throughout their studio. Best
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