Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jan 17, 2025
06:31 PM
I can see that 5 is a nice limited number and usually am happy to stick with that limitation, but I often want to add just 1 or 2 additional colors from a photo, say, and I can't figure out any way to do this. If not, is there a recommended method for recording a slightly longer list of colors for reference? Another app? I've been sampling and painting color patches into a photoshop page as a workaround, but I'd think that capture would be perfectly suited to handle this.
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‎Feb 27, 2023
07:28 PM
1 Upvote
Is there no way to share a photo from Lightroom for MacOS directly using email or messaging? The mobile verions have a simple way to do this, or even to copy the photo to clipboard, but I can find no simple version of this function on the MacOS version, and it's just maddening, since it is something you would think any library should be able to do. I know I can export a file and then use my system to attach the file to an email or message, or open it in photoshop, copy the merged image for pasting somewhere, and then delete the file that I've exported. But is there really not a way to do this in the simple manner one can do this on a mobile device?
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‎May 20, 2021
04:57 AM
1 Upvote
I must have configured something badly, since this has to be the most basic of functions. I want to place a photo from my Lightroom library into a photoshop document on my iPad, which will show up as a new layer. The "place photo" button in photoshop would be where I'd expect to see the Lightroom library as an option, but I see Photos (the Mac app), Files, Libraries, and Camera. None of these show any way of accessing the Lightroom library, which is online, of course, and easily viewed in the Lightroom app. The Libraries option only shows brushes libraries, swatches, etc. Can anyone help me to see where I've gone wrong? My workaround has been to export the image from Lightroom to Photos, and then access the Photos library through photoshop, but that can't be the best option. You'd think I might at least be able to navigate through the Files option, but this only shows a handful of folders with a handful of files I must've saved into them at some point while learning the system. Help?
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‎Feb 22, 2021
07:31 AM
Thank you for that thoughtful reply. It confirms what I thought, and have begrudgingly decided to forego the luminance masking capabilities in the interest of keeping my life simpler. I'm curious which application most professional photographers use, since it would seem unwise to choose not to have access to the deeper editing tools, but with people being increasingly mobile and reliant on universal cloud access, it would seem like quite a compromise to limit your editing to such time that you're able to sit at your desktop -- especially given how much travel factors into the profession. But I don't have experience with Classic, and don't have a feel for the differing model of file management, so it's possible I'm misunderstanding the inconvenience entailed..
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‎Feb 19, 2021
01:05 AM
I was introduced to Lightroom as a mobile user who wanted the flexibility of working from the cloud, and it has been a fantastic experience. I've become comfortable using all of the features that Lightroom offers, but have recently become aware of the Luminance Masking features in Classic that have made me wonder if I should shift to the Classic version. The problem is that I'd be sacrificing the cloud flexibility that I've come to depend on.
Is it possible to use the Lightroom Classic platform within the Lightroom CC system? Or is there an easy way to use both applications -- Classic for more powerful editing, but organizing the libraries with the file structuring of the CC? I have both applications on my desktop and it seems that I ought to be able to use both, but I expect it would lead to all kinds of confusion.
I'm sure this issue has been raised many times before, but really feel that there should be a way to take advantage of the editing power of Classic without having to move my library and adjust my workflows.
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