‎Jan 21, 2025
10:27 AM
Could not complete the Camera Raw Filter command because of a program error. Last version that works Photoshop 2024 25.9.1 I followed all suggestions that I could find online without success. I save info from all previous versions of photoshop so that I can copy such as workspaces or Plug-Ins into a new version. Looking through my latest beta version I noticed in Windows:Program Files;Adobe:Adobe:Photoshop (beta):Plug-ins an empty Generator folder and my ICO Plug-in. Just for fun I added in a vey old Plug-in Camera Raw.8bi(last modified in November 2006). When I fired up Photoshop beta a message popped "One or more plug-ins are currently not available on your system> Don't show again). And lo and behold Camera Raw filter works ever since. You may try this and if you have no old Camera Raw Plug-ins you may try using any file by adding .8bi extension. Let me know if this worked for you!
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‎Jan 21, 2025
10:27 AM
Could not complete the Camera Raw Filter command because of a program error. Last version that works Photoshop 2024 25.9.1 I followed all suggestions that I could find online without success. I save info from all previous versions of photoshop so that I can copy such as workspaces or Plug-Ins into a new version. Looking through my latest beta version I noticed in Windows:Program Files;Adobe:Adobe:Photoshop (beta):Plug-ins an empty Generator folder and my ICO Plug-in. Just for fun I added in a vey old Plug-in Camera Raw.8bi(last modified in November 2006). When I fired up Photoshop beta a message popped "One or more plug-ins are currently not available on your system> Don't show again). And lo and behold Camera Raw filter works ever since. You may try this and if you have no old Camera Raw Plug-ins you may try using any file by adding .8bi extension. Let me know if this worked for you!
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‎Jul 25, 2024
09:23 PM
Could you please post a screenshot of the entire window with the layers panel expanded and visible?
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‎Jun 18, 2024
02:57 PM
I must be blessed, because none of the Windows 11 computers I own and/or use with CC2024 programs have this problem. Since that's the case, I'm not sure that Webveiw2 is the ultimate culprit here. I would suggest looking for other commonalities in conjunction with this issue. Same/similar hardware, other software that could be interacting, plugins, etc.
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‎Jun 16, 2024
08:30 PM
My technique with event/club/stage shoots (since a grey card isn't much help when the lighting keeps changing) has been to ID a few neutral objects and use those for my WB corrections when I'm back at the computer. Like I said, I've found white things tend to be less useful, and I've seen that exact error message more than once with Nikon, Canon, and Fuji raw files. One of the reasons I stick with grey is that any channel can max out and make WB fail.
It occurs to me, on that basis, that your problem is most likely in the blue channel. That error doesn't mean all channels are saturated; one is enough. If ACR sees any of the channels at saturation, it will error. If you bring down the blue saturation and/or luminosity in the color mixer, you will probably make the error go away, but then you've also compromised the white balance.
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‎May 16, 2024
12:43 AM
Hello all, I have a large set of photos from last week's amazing Aurora. I manually bracketed exposures by various shutter speeds, not knowing what the ideal shutter was at the time. I was shooting with the camera aimed straight up, using an 8mm fisheye, so there was no way to look at the back of the camera during all this (all shots were triggered remotely). I now have a large collection of images that vary between -3 and +3 stops relative to the ideal frame (determined after having a chance to review). Is there a way to normalize all the shots so they're the same matching exposure? All were shot in RAW, but wondering if there's a way to even out the exposures with TIF versions? Are there any tools in PS to help smooth the varying exposures out to be approximately the same? Trying to do this by eye is impossible. All shots were at the same ISO and fstop of course. Thank you!
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‎Mar 29, 2024
09:00 AM
Hey, @JerryandLoisPhotography. Welcome to the Photoshop Community. I'll help you figure this out. Before troubleshooting, update Photoshop to the latest version (v25.6) via the Creative Cloud desktop app & check if the issue exists.
If updating Photoshop does not help; please share the system info from Photoshop Help > System info > Copy & paste into a text document > upload & attach here.
Does this happen at a specific zoom level? I'll move this to discussions for now. Try this:
Go to Photoshop > Settings (CTRL + K) > Technology Previews > Enable 'Deactivate Native Canvas' & check if it helps.
Let us know how it goes. Thanks!
Sameer K
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‎Mar 24, 2024
03:52 AM
You can try Edit > Auto-Align Layers or you can place the finished shot as a Smart Object, set the Opacity to 50% and Edit > Free Transform (cmd-T) to match them up manually.
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‎Mar 18, 2024
05:55 PM
I used to photograph an awful lot of beer and wine bottles, towards the end using a Canond 5DS with 50Mp sensor. They all wanted high res cut outs, so every one needed a clipping path. I liked to turn off the Pixel Grid and zoom way in, and have Rubber Band enabled. You can't have the points a different colour to yhe path lines, but I never found that a problem so long as the colour contrasted well with the subject. I rather suspect that professional clipping path services — there are dozens of them in India — ran the path indside the actual outline for the sake of speed and creating a solid cutout. I like to run the path inside the antialiased pixels at least. But like I said, I never found seeing the points a problem. What is your screen pixel size, and how do you have your Photoshop UI set?
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‎Jan 20, 2024
12:25 AM
Thank you, Richard! Waaaaaay back (years ago), I had a massive boatload of PS droplets that did my branding. The problem was, those didn't scale to match the dimensions of the source image. So, like what I'm dealing with here, if I had 3 different crops/aspect ratios, I had to guess which droplets to use for each version of the target file. And many times, I still had to manually tweak the placement using PS. This got even uglier depending on if I wanted to include the copyright © symbol (commercial vs. portraiture preferences), and what size the watermark needed to be. It's actually a huge hierarchy of hoops to jump through. For now, I've spent the entire day creating PNGs for the 3 different sizes, along with defining watermarks and presets in LR - for just one point size version of the brand. And YEAH! It shouldn't be this hard. Most of today's time (waster) could have been avoided if we were simply allowed offset values when a watermark is centered. Offset this the same way that right/left edge options are... OR - provide a much larger value of offsets from the right/left edges!!! Thanks for weighing in!
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‎Jan 14, 2024
03:46 AM
De primeras se me ocurre que la herramienta Análisis/Regla es la que puede medir ángulos fácilmente. Para saber cuánto ha variado, medirÃa primero en el original que tendrás y después en lo editado. Regla tedará el ángulo en abos casos. Quizá te sirva
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‎Nov 07, 2023
01:16 PM
Confirming ekisky's solution works!!!! From ekisky's post: "Preferences > Technology Previews... and check "Deactivate Native Canvas" - then restart Photoshop."
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‎Sep 17, 2023
10:47 AM
@yamato7 is right; this feature has not yet been implemented. However, you can add your vote to this feature ideas: P: Upload a reference image(s) for text to image or P: Upload image(s) and edit through AI
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‎Jul 14, 2023
06:15 PM
Additional info: I locked one layer (apparently this turns it into a reference layer as I was hoping). I then selected the misaligned layer and the locked layer. With both layers visible and enabled, I opened the edit menu. Align Layers is greyed out. Not sure how to proceed... Thanks again!
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‎Jul 13, 2023
12:37 AM
If I resave »0141-23-Fireworks-Bellevue-Jerry-and-Lois-Photography-TPAI.tif« without compression it seems to be 205,9MB, just like »OUTPUT-_0003_0141-23-Fireworks-Bellevue-Jerry-and-Lois-Photography-TPAI.tif.tif«.
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‎Jul 12, 2023
06:10 PM
Have done it with tifs.
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‎Jul 12, 2023
04:04 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, This appears to be an issue with a set of files I have, not with PS. However, I don't know how to get this resolved... I have a set of about 140 TIFs that each take FOREVER to save. I've flattened them, deleted all extraneous channels, saving to a fast internal SSD that's defrag'd (safely) that has over a tb of open space. Each file, about 60 mb, takes about 3 minutes+ to save, no matter what changes were made to it. It doesn't matter if I'm saving manually, or via some kind of action. It doesn't matter whether it's the most current PS beta or the most current release. Absolutely maddening, especially when I have about 140 TIFFs that each need to receive the same adjustments (curves, etc.). Similar sized files from all other non-related projects on the same disk take about 3 seconds to save. This is what my normal "save" write times are. The difference: The slow files were denoised by 3rd party (Topaz AI) using their stand-alone app (so I could batch denoise/sharpen etc.). All other project's files on the same disk... some denoised, some not, but they all are the usual save speed of around 3 seconds (if even that long). It gets even weirder: I opened one file, and then stacked another 15 or so as layers on that base (via drag 'n drop). then exported all the layers as new files. The resulting output files, all with the same resolution behave normally. If I open one of the exported files, visually it's exactly the same as the original, same resolution etc. can be opened, modified, and saved, and the save time is back to being around 3 seconds. So the act of exporting apparently removes information/contents that are problematic??? Oddly, the exported file from the layer is more like 220mb, whereas the original was about 65mb. I have a ticket open with Topaz as well, but looking for the bottom line: What could make files take SOOO long to save? File canvas sizes are each 20x28 inches, no layers, no smart objects, so nothing that's very large... Running on Win10/64 (current release). I've placed one of the files on Dropbox for assessment: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i2pn42wsawmyr1q/AAB3o3xUMTw8HXYu-NNtd2Bna?dl=0 Thanks for your insights!
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‎May 03, 2023
09:55 AM
Hola QuerÃa informar de un error que sufro desde hace tiempo y con diferentes versiones de los programas. Selecciono un grupo de imágenes de bridge y sigo la siguiente ruta: Herramientas > Photoshop > Lote En todos los casos la acción que ejecuto se bloquea en el primer paso. Esa misma acción funciona correctamente si la aplico con un archivo abierto en el propio photoshop. Ya he actualizado ambos programas en varias ocasiones y el problema continua. Me gustarÃa que me dieran respuesta a este problema. Muchas gracias Photoshop Versión 24.4.1 Bridge Versión 13.0.3 Windows 10 64b
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‎May 03, 2023
09:55 AM
Hola QuerÃa informar de un error que sufro desde hace tiempo y con diferentes versiones de los programas. Selecciono un grupo de imágenes de bridge y sigo la siguiente ruta: Herramientas > Photoshop > Lote En todos los casos la acción que ejecuto se bloquea en el primer paso. Esa misma acción funciona correctamente si la aplico con un archivo abierto en el propio photoshop. Ya he actualizado ambos programas en varias ocasiones y el problema continua. Me gustarÃa que me dieran respuesta a este problema. Muchas gracias Photoshop Versión 24.4.1 Bridge Versión 13.0.3 Windows 10 64b
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‎Oct 31, 2022
03:11 PM
bwinkjet - thank you for the update. J E L - for me and I'm sure many many others - it's the holiday season now, and there's just absolutely no time to go through all the diagnostic efforts - again. I started this post back in early July, and sadly, it sat in limbo for the bulk of the time since. For the various test paths you mentioned, I'll cut to the chase. I completely paved my system (i.e. hard format on the primary hard disk), installed the OS, installed PS and the problem repro'd 100% of the time. PS was a virgin installation; i.e. no changes to prefs, all under a completely clean box. I'm not about to try all that again, knowing the extreme likelihood that doing so will get me different results this time around. And again - especially not with the holiday season now in play. I'm not the only one reporting this, so I'm not totally crazy. In a wouldn't it be nice world, I'd love to see Adobe TS get involved, but I don't have the luxury of time any more, I just have to live with an unstable system; something I am certainly not excited about... Thank you...
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‎Oct 29, 2022
02:28 AM
I saw something like that happen with some Adobe applications in the past.
Keep Task Manager open,
End Task for Photoshop (keep Task Manager open)
Start Photoshop again with Task Manager open and hopefully it'll start this time
I hope this will woek for you
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‎Jul 14, 2022
02:26 PM
Hi Barry, Thanks for joining in on the conversation. I've shot flat art for many years, and have been aware of the inherent issues of getting the art normal (perpendicular) to the film plane. I also measure each piece carefully so I know what my output/target dimensions need to be, and use Transform/Warp to get things square. All that goes pretty quickly for me. A bit tedious, but I have it down to a smooth workflow. All previous assignments with flat art used a Nikon d850 or earlier DSLR. But - here's what triggered this thread. I used the Z format of Nikon's 50mm micro/macro. With all my F-mount micros, straight lines were straight lines, and long ago, learned to not use zooms. The new Z version of the 55 has distinctive pincushion distortion, which was a complete and unwanted surprise. Because of short working distance and larger pieces, I couldn't use my 105mm which I know is distortion-free. So all of this discussion was that I wanted get rid of the pincushion distortion programmatically, and am surprised that PS is 6+ years slow to the party. In my current installation of PS CC 2022, neither the body (Z9) nor the 55 micro are in the dropdown lists. The most current body is the D5, no Z bodies at all. Thanks again...
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Dec 31, 2021
01:45 AM
‎Dec 31, 2021
01:45 AM
Yes, I suggest you to create a new user and install fresh photoshop and the minimal staff you need on it.
This practice have helped some other users.
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‎Dec 13, 2021
04:12 AM
1 Upvote
I'm not sure why you're sighing. What did you expect? You posted into a thread with obviously frustrated people, trying to figure out a problem to denigrate their problem. The what-you-might-see-as-OTT-reaction from me, is not a measure of your response. Its a measure of the frustration courtesy of adobe. And not just for this issue, but for all the other hundreds of niggles and snafus across their product line.
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‎Dec 13, 2021
04:12 AM
1 Upvote
I'm not sure why you're sighing. What did you expect? You posted into a thread with obviously frustrated people, trying to figure out a problem to denigrate their problem. The what-you-might-see-as-OTT-reaction from me, is not a measure of your response. Its a measure of the frustration courtesy of adobe. And not just for this issue, but for all the other hundreds of niggles and snafus across their product line.
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‎Feb 02, 2019
12:52 AM
Sure, people have been churning out such advice since the turn of the century. But look carefully at what that writer actually says "If you do nothing else... rename your images". Well, what kind of idiot does nothing else? He does at least refer to exporting, so he is saying rename as part of export, but people easily overlook that distinction and I recall one well-known marketer who used to advise photographers to rename their photos. Search algorithms are continually changing, but There's no need to do any special renaming for SEO, and you can leave WP to do the good old fashioned stuff for making web sites work reliably - in general, things like replacing spaces with underscores, no special characters, lower case filenames etc. Focus instead on adding text such as titles and captions on the face of the web page, not in hidden tags - ALT, for example, is as much about providing text for people with visual disabilities as it is about search.
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‎Feb 01, 2019
12:27 PM
Which is a little way from being by WP themselves, Conrad. I'd only describe it as a proof of concept, but the important thing is the official XMLRPC API. I wouldn't give any one plugin any more credence than others that are unequivocally from third parties, and they all strip colour profiles and apply questionable sharpening routines to thumbnails and other intermediate sizes.
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