‎Oct 23, 2024
01:20 PM
yet photoshop not have a one-click way to do this.
By @Emily389090105y9y
Adobe InDesign has both vertical and horizontal alignment. Photoshop's core function is an image editor, although it does have basic text features.
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‎Apr 29, 2024
05:30 AM
Any news on this bug? It still persits in the current Photoshop version: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/moving-multiple-layers-doesn-t-update-layer-mask-correctly/m-p/14543869
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‎Aug 17, 2023
08:10 PM
have you tried the Regedit string method? it worked in 2018 and 19 , maybe it would work for you in this version too
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‎Mar 24, 2023
02:46 AM
Nick thats a whole different problem. Try and transform a shape, and before you finish transforming that stupid box pops up and finishes your transform. That checking constraint path dragging fixes that horrendous bug too.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
@ClaudiaR99 why doesn't it esc dismiss a window without a cancel button anymore though? It used to, for example the 'no pixles selected', that didn't have a cancel button in the 2022 version and esc cancelled it fine? Why was that feature removed? escape has worked for years and I push it automatically, seems stupid to make a change to something that worked perfectly well before.
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‎Mar 08, 2023
01:26 AM
Ok, I've finally had some time inbetween projects to look into this issue in depth. As suggested, I completely removed the drivers for the GPU (with DDU) and did a fresh install, but no joy. So, I swapped out the GPU for another card (a slightly older 2080 Super) and put the 3080 into the other machine. Even with the replacement card, the issue still persists and as before it's wildly exacerbated when I have other applications open (even just Chrome). I was ready to strip the RAM out and test each strip, when it occured to me to uninstall the Wacom drivers. I use a Cintiq, which runs fine with my other system, so Wacom drivers are a must for my work. However, once I uninstalled them (I'm just using a standard monitor for all these tests) the problem vanished. Photoshop works as expected, no lag or slowdown in the UI or when opening/saving documents. I even tried working on a 10k multi-layered PSD *whilst* rendering in 3ds Max (somethging I would never normally do) but it still worked well. So, it seems I've identified that the Wacom drivers are the issue. I know that the Windows 10 system works perfectly with the Cintiq + Wacom drivers, so for now I'm going to swap the two around BUT I will need to use a Wacom with the Windows 11 system at some point, so I will now speak to Wacom and see what they say.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jan 24, 2023
06:06 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 24, 2023
06:06 AM
1 Upvote
Easiest option is to create a new document in Photoshop to the size you want (350x100px, 72 ppi).
Save your logo as an .ai native format and use File>Place in Photoshop to bring it in.
No reason to go through the efforts of extra file formats, etc.
Keep it simple.
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‎Jan 08, 2023
03:41 AM
Tu peux aussi combiner les scripts d'action avec une automatisation plus poussée : Fichier > Scripts > Processeur d'lmages
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‎Jan 05, 2023
03:29 PM
So this is still an ongoing issue. Any fixes??
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‎Dec 07, 2022
10:10 AM
Can we also see the options bar for the Brush tool?
Instead of taking a photo of your monitor, please take a screenshot. The Snipping Tool comes with Windows OS.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
@ClaudiaR99 why doesn't it esc dismiss a window without a cancel button anymore though? It used to, for example the 'no pixles selected', that didn't have a cancel button in the 2022 version and esc cancelled it fine? Why was that feature removed? escape has worked for years and I push it automatically, seems stupid to make a change to something that worked perfectly well before.
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‎Nov 09, 2022
12:12 AM
Hi Brett, Thanks a lot for your help, I reinstalled the last version and this time the legacy export dialog showed. Only difference from last time is that I rebooted my computer after the install. The system info shows that the extension was indeed properly loaded. Rds,
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Oct 25, 2022
04:37 AM
1 Upvote
‎Oct 25, 2022
04:37 AM
1 Upvote
As others have mentioned, you need to use a displacement map to achieve this. But it looks like whoever mad this started with an image of the couple. For the next step I would use a gradient map adjustment layer to give the brown tones and luminosity range of the rest of the image. It looks like the darkest brown color clips the shadows and highlights to give a high contrast image, but then the actual browns selected for the map gives the flat appearance. I would then create a duplicate of the image and change the browns of the gradient adjustment layer to black, and adjust to get a strong black and white. Save that as a psd for your displacement map. Next, back to the main file, I create a alpha channel to isolate the person on the right. I would apply this alpha channel/mask to the gradient adjustment layer, so that the person on the right is a normal image. Next you need a file with the writing. Add that to the main image. Extend it outside of the canvas. If you placed that image as a smart object, raster it then crop the image to make sure there is no longer any parts of the hand writing layer outside of the canvas. Then convert the hand writing layer back to a smart object. The reason you need to do this is that the displacement map and the layer to be displaced must be the same size. Next apply the displacement map to the hand writing layer. Use the alpha channel to apply a mask to the hand writing layer.
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‎Oct 17, 2022
11:16 PM
Merci pour toutes vos réponses. Bonne journée
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‎Sep 30, 2022
01:04 AM
greaty dear
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‎Sep 27, 2022
10:43 AM
@anne25561752spwi @olivierd42825091 si vous trouvez que ce menu devrait se trouver aussi dans la barre d'options, merci de voter ici: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-ideas/add-legacy-shapes-patterns-gradients-swatches-in-option-bar-contextuals-etc/idi-p/12834769
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‎Sep 17, 2022
06:58 AM
ok Thanks for helping and sharing how to resolve the issue
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‎Aug 25, 2022
02:58 AM
Yes, the logic of "saving a copy" is that you are exporting a file that does not have all the characteristic of the original: less bit depth, no layers, etc. (for Word, a save to .txt would be an export)
The logic of Save as is to save an image with all the original characteristics or features, but under a different name.
In short, Apple wanted to prevent a save as degrade a document capabilities.
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‎May 22, 2021
01:37 PM
@JeffreyTranberry I have 22.4.1, and the last two days PhotoShop has been crashing non-stop. Is there a way I can back out of this update and go to the previous version? This latest is a disaster.
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‎Dec 11, 2020
03:43 AM
Hi, I'm having the same issue on Win10 with latest graphic drivers (RTX 3070). A quick workaround I found is to delete the faulty layer that prevents the file saving (usually the latest layer added before the save attempt). To help finding the bugged layer, you can duplicate all your layers in a new document and try deleting some to see if you can save your document. Regards,
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