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New Here
‎Aug 15, 2024
01:06 AM
I encountered the same problem, the shortcuts are panel based as opposed to it being global, at least that's what I think. I mean it activates on the panel being selected. The most basic shortcut in my opinion is this (being able to jump prev or next on keyframes) while being maximized in the program control. I needed it to make micro adjustments in the masking up close on the video, while only keeping it to a few keyframes. Sadly this doesn't work.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
09:29 PM
So I am on .Net 4.8 and my coding environment is VS 2015, also this is a MVC 4 project in which I am using the Adobe API. The file is locked as long as the current function call exists (via the webbrowser request). In a consequent request I can delete the file thus indicating that code within the request, which I isolated to the Adobe API - the only new code I have written in that function is locking the file. Please note the code to delete the temporary PDF was always there, but after doing a PDF to word conversion started failing. I can delete the file in the second call, but I don't have the file names and this is a client-server application hence there could be other requests also happening simultaneously, and hence can't just delete all files on server, rather at the time of function call, I would need to delete just the one temporary PDF file that I created.
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‎Sep 30, 2021
11:03 PM
I have followed the code reference (ref: https://www.adobe.io/apis/documentcloud/dcsdk/pdf-services.html) needed for converting a PDF to DOCX, and that works as expected. However the same code also locks the PDF file and I am unable to delete the PDF file during the same function call. I am attaching both the code that I have written as well as the error that I get on trying to delete the PDF file that is opened by FileRef sourceFileRef = FileRef.CreateFromLocalFile(fullFilesPath + pdfFile); I checked for a dispose method for any of the objects that are initiated from the Adobe Services API, but there are none, I have (if you see the screenshot named PDF to word code) also set all objects to null, but that also does nothing. Regardless there should either be a close method to close the PDF file that was opened or a dispose method to do the same. Requesting a quick reply on this.
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