‎Feb 25, 2025
06:17 PM
Thanks, I'll do that. Seems like adding what I asked about would be a good thing!!
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‎Feb 25, 2025
03:18 PM
Is there a way to set a preference in Elements to tell it to which directory I want it to start when I ask it to open a file or save a file? I can do this in Microsoft Word and it is a huge time saver. I don't use Microsoft's default file structure.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
06:31 PM
You are right. The problem with not doing a preview is that the scanner does its whole bed, not just the photo. For some reason, the preview is able to close in on the photo on the bed. ???? I don't know if it makes a difference in how the photo ends up if I have to crop the image heavily after doing the scan or not (if I don't do the preview). I just am baffled why I can't change this behavior. If you or anyone has ideas, I'd appreciate them.
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‎Jan 23, 2025
08:06 AM
Yes, but on that screen I always change the file type to .upgrade and give the file a new name..And I'm still getting a file saved as a .bmp.
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‎Jan 22, 2025
01:59 PM
Thanks for your reply. I use Windows 11. I have Elements 25. My first scan screen looks like what you posted as "WIA support". However after that my screens are completely different. I will attach them. I am using a Brother printer/scanner. And I don't want to convert the .bmps to .jpgs as that is how I saved them! I'm ending up with two copies of the same photo.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
07:07 PM
I'm scanning a bunch of photos into Elements. I always do a preview first so that the whole flatbed isn't scanned, just the photo itself. For some reason, Elements is saving the preview with names like "img_001.bmp". I never save my files as .bmp files but as .jpg files. Why is it doing this? I will have to go back and delete all those .bmp files. Is this a setting? If so, I couldn't find it. Thanks for your help.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
02:10 PM
By searching for how to get to a real person via the chat (type in Agent), I got to a real person who looked at my issue. The problem is annoying but at least I have an answer. My Photoshop Elements 12 is too old. It certainly worked with my Windows 11 but I guess reinstalling it was not possible. It would be nice if ANY single one of the help answers I found even mentioned this.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
05:30 PM
I'm pretty sure that I replied to your post. However, that article did not help me. Elements wants me to sign into my Adobe account with the link provided and I do that and after signing in, that screen says go back to where you were. I go back and try to get into Elements with the exact same result. I am very frustrated. I went to Adobe's Elements Help and tried the chat. It brought up articles about signing on to Windows "Hidden Administrator". That is frigging complicated! I'm afraid of losing access to my regular administrator account. Isn't there any way to get help here!!!???
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‎Dec 11, 2024
07:27 PM
I had to re-install Photoshop Elements 12 (I had the serial number) due to having to reinstall Windows which deleted all non-Microsoft apps. It seemed to install fine but now when I try to open the Photo Editor, it keeps asking me to log into Adobe to register it. I keep logging into Adobe but that doesn't help. I really appreciate your advice as to how to fix this!
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‎Nov 16, 2024
06:17 PM
Thanks so much. Since I had already signed in to the website, it took me right to that page and had my information. Whew! Some good news is nice!
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‎Nov 16, 2024
05:44 PM
Thanks to Microsoft, Windows had to be reinstalled after a Windows Update screwed up my PC. I lost most of my applications, including Photoshop Elements 12. I have the serial number for it. Can I restore it from Adobe? Thanks for your help.
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‎Aug 06, 2018
08:58 AM
OMG! Thank you so much!! That worked!! I still don't really understand why selecting the contour and then doing the fill layer didn't work. The other thing that I don't understand is why when I did a save as to a .jpg file then I was completely unable to get the magic wand tool to select the edge of the leaf. It would only select the outside square of the whole image.
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‎Aug 06, 2018
08:21 AM
I really appreciate your help! But I simply can't get this to work. I followed your instructions exactly. What happens is that the outline of the leaf changes color but not the inside. Do I need to change the file type to something else? .jpg? I do know how to do a fill layer and I have used it on other images. Is there some other setting that I am missing here?
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‎Aug 05, 2018
08:50 PM
I have a .png image which is a line drawing of a leaf. I want to fill the inside of leaf with a color. I would like the color not to be totally opaque in order to see the lines inside the leaf. I can select the outside border of the leaf but I simply cannot find the answer to how to create a fill of color inside the leaf (inside the selection). The problem seems to be that what I consider the "inside" of the leaf is transparent and so isn't part of the selection. I have searched and searched on-line to no avail for how to create that fill. I will be very grateful for any help!
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