‎Feb 19, 2025
11:06 AM
The issue is still there after the latest LRc update to 12.2. (Also one or two minor Windows update were installed in the meantime.) It might got a bit better with 12.2. 🤔 But I'm not sure as the intensity depends on the images. At least it is still not good when the text is really bright. And the font transparancy looks still reeeeally strange. It's harder to read as it sometimes looks speckled.
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‎Jan 25, 2025
02:52 PM
The bug still exists. @areohbee To be positive: It was not exactly deferred until Lr9. The downside: It was also not fixed in LR6 either. 😅 Just as I stumbled over this thread by accident and remembered that I also encountered this bug several times in several Lr(C) versions, I tested this with LrC 14.1.1 2-times each with two Nikon NEF file. The fractions vanished after changinge time of two files by 1 hr in the dialog to modify capture time - either via time zone correction as well as via free target time... doesn't make a difference for this bug. But at least in this small test the order of photos stayed correct.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
01:27 PM
@robert36972564: "Searching/Filtering and also creating Smart-Collections based on fields like Model Release Status or Property Release Status would be appreciated. Also Event and Job ID / Transmission Reference would be nice." I also think it's unlikely this will ever be implemented. Meanwhile, you could use the Any Filter plugin: or the Search and Replace plugin.
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‎May 26, 2024
09:48 AM
My last answer was meant to be an anwer for @TiggerCWP . Regarding the main topic I still support this feature request, as I would use it for other scenarios. (applying specific category and situation tags, not people names. Doing this by mouse or keyboard shortcut would be way more efficent than code replacement by third party software as I don't want to select the keyword input field first each time.)
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‎Feb 03, 2024
07:07 AM
I myself (LRc user, not experienced with the new enhancing features nor with DNG workflows) assumed so, because 1. the Lightroom settings offer this option and 2. the denoised DNG files are 4x as huge as the RAW files.
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‎May 04, 2022
04:44 PM
For the direct import from SD card I just found a "TempParent" folder within the target folder with over 100 temp subfolders. Never saw this before.
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‎Nov 29, 2021
08:02 AM
Lightroom default is not selected as I have customized my labels. I didn't described that as it shouldn't make any differences. But I can try this later on when I have time to do all my settings again.
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‎Feb 07, 2021
11:50 AM
Also a good hint but it only works for keywords and within very strict limits. Usually for sports photography it's even (way) more important do populate this information to the caption. Furthermore it basically only works for pure names of top VIPs, while often substitutions like "MU1" → "David de Gea (#1, Atletico Madrid)" are needed; Problem: less famous people change numbers more or less frequently and also clubs from time to time + you often want to be able to reuse codes like MU1 for new events without thinking about past usage. And you definetly want to use this whole scenario really fast and hassle-free as the main point is to save time and effort. Editing Lightroom's keyword hirachy is (in general a really nice feature but) eventually a bit slow.
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‎Feb 05, 2020
09:41 AM
"Only "problem" is that one always has to check for the metadata fieldnames that are affected by the settings in Lightroom (because Lightroom names them differently and for easier editing combines several fields in one)."
The Exiftool MWG composite tags make updating the multiple fields easier:
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‎Jul 18, 2018
10:24 AM
I just upgraded from LR 6 to LR Classic CC (LR 7.4) an was pleased by the improved performance. But the more I use it, the more frustrating it gets. With Lightroom 6 it was possible to edit presets within an text editor. One could just remove one code line that way and Lightroom ignored the respective setting when the preset was applied. Now – with Lightroom 7 and XMP presets – this doesn't work anymore if one uses such a modified preset as import preset. The missing value now is reset to Lightroom's default value (mostly to 0), not even to the configured "defaults specific to camera ISO setting". It also doesn't makes a difference if I remove a code line or if only the value within the "" is removed in the xmp file. If one reassigns such a preset, it still works fine and the removed settings aren't touched anymore by Lightroom. I suppose, the import setting behavior is a bug, since the preset acts like before when applied later on. The old behavior gave the option e.g. to only change the overall sharpening value without changing the other values (and thus it was able to combine presets with Lightroom's camera/ISO-specific base values). This "trick" in general e.g. was described here: - Custom preset that modifies RGB channels but not the main curve? - Of course one could modify his workflow from: 1) Import with development preset & generate previews ! to: 1) Import without preset -waiting-> 2) manually assign preset -short waiting-> 3) manually start preview creation This workaround at least works until Adobe maybe changes the behavior of development presets also when they are manually applied. Until then it only costs more time and you need to wait in front of your computer. If this was an intentional change, then Adobe really just managed to make the presets even more useless. How is this even possible?! For years customers ask for better preset-features (like relative presets), but now Adobe even reduces the possibilities. I will continue the test period but I already consider downgrading again. If a software attempts to manage all my photos from many years, I'm really sensitiv for bugs and inconsistent behavior/possibilities.
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