‎Aug 21, 2024
03:53 AM
1 Upvote
Yeah, that's what made me rethink my assumption, thanks for the effort it did help in the end. 🙂
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‎Aug 21, 2024
03:47 AM
1 Upvote
thanks, yeah, I worked it out when I tried all the options. at first I admit I was seeing + and the plus key and the . as a full stop at the end rather than the key. I have just been doing it all manually but that's a great tip. Thanks.
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‎Aug 21, 2024
03:44 AM
1 Upvote
Oh, I just realised what you meant in your last line. Option/Alt + , Option/Alt + Shift + . does the job I'm looking for without having to convert the background layer. Thanks. That's perfect!
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‎Aug 21, 2024
03:20 AM
Thanks. I'm surprised I never noticed that before, maybe I've always done it manually and just assumed the shortcut would do the same job. Seems odd that you can do it manually to make a smart object but not by shortcut. I'll have to put in an action to convert the background layer to an regular layer. Thanks.
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‎Aug 20, 2024
08:03 AM
Hi, I just noticed that my action which selects all layers and makes a smart object from them is no longer selecting the background layer. I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed if that had always been that way. What's happing. I stepped back a version thinking it was a bug but it's just the same. Any ideas? Thanks.
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‎Feb 04, 2024
08:59 AM
thank you so much. That works perfectly. :clinking_glasses:
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‎Feb 04, 2024
07:44 AM
so what do I do with that information? As I said, I don't understand javascript. The files I'm dealing with are "name.psd" and I was hoping for 'just stick this in on line two' or something. Thanks.
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‎Feb 04, 2024
07:12 AM
Hi, I've been using a script that came from here: var Name = activeDocument.name;
var jpegfile = new File('D:/folder1/folder2/' + Name);
SaveAsJPEG(jpegfile, 10);
function SaveAsJPEG(saveFile, jpegQuality){
var doc = activeDocument;
if (doc.bitsPerChannel != BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT) doc.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT;
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
jpgSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
jpgSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
jpgSaveOptions.quality = jpegQuality;
activeDocument.saveAs(File(saveFile+".jpg"), jpgSaveOptions, true,Extension.LOWERCASE);
} and it works great, but I wanted to adapt it to a different file that's saved already as .psd file. So, I changed: var jpegfile = new File('D:/folder1/folder2/' + Name); to: var jpegfile = new File('C:/users/me/Documents/folder2/' + Name); The problem is now I'm left with '.psd.jpeg' as the file extension. Other than adding a Duplicate document action in a can't fix it. How do I strip '.psd'? I've searched but, I'm dyslexic and the answers given to other questions seems very specific to their issue. Thank you.
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‎Dec 03, 2023
05:47 AM
Photoshop is crashing for me at least once a day regardless of what tool I'm using or not using. It crashes if left idle for a while too. I'm stepping back to 25.0 again. 25.0 never crashed for me on windows 11.
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‎Nov 20, 2023
04:16 AM
I just had to open Adobe on my old computer I'd updated it to 25.1 when testing before. If you still have the bug on your colour picker in the public release then remove your 'AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Adobe Photoshop 2024 Settings' folder and put it somewhere safe/handy like your desktop. Back it up. downgrade to 25.0. Replace your Settings folder with a copy of your back up with everything except the file Adobe Photoshop 2024 Prefs.psp. Restart PS from the CCDesktop app. If this doesn't work then try restarting using ctrl+shift+win+alt and put your replace your Settings folder again. The stop where you restart with CCDeskopt app definitely seems to be important.
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‎Nov 12, 2023
08:21 AM
and you've mentioned me and told me to waste a load of time today signing out restarting my computer and having to open up again all the work I had open for a wild goose chase. I said in my reply above that I DON'T USE BETA and I was more than happy using the version I managed to fix. I have no need of an update. I'm using CAPS because you set the precedence for it in your uncalled for reply to me. I'm really tired of being spoken to this way. I'm the customer! I thought Americans were known for the customer service skills. Clearly not at Adobe. Who do you Adobe forum staff think you are? Please don't CC me in on any more replies on this subject unless it's a genuine apology. I didn't ask for my time to be wasted today nor did I ask to be rubbed up the wrong way yet again by Adobe Staff thinking they have the right to boss their customer around. I have having a nice afternoon until I came to this forum! You all need to go on a customer service course! Remember who's paying here!
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‎Nov 12, 2023
07:46 AM
I just googled the issue I was having with my Adobe software, this is where the solution was. Frankly as long as I got my Adobe Software working as I need it I don't care what the forum is. Without looking right at the top of the page you can't tell which forum it is and as an Adobe customer I don't think I should be ticked off not not noticing a tiny bit of text. thanks for the ticking off though. Nothing warms your heart about a company than a good telling off.
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‎Nov 04, 2023
02:29 AM
I'm in the UK, it's still showing as 25.1 for me but, as soon as I see 25.2 I'll update and let you know. I'm fine with 25.0 though, after fixing the update and it's color pane issue which was a problem. I'll let you know. (I don't use beta anmore)
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‎Nov 03, 2023
08:11 AM
He said 'fixed with the release of Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.2.0 20231101.m.2385 38bb2d3 arm64' I'm not seeing that update available yet, however if you read my other reply above I fixed it by stepping back to a working version and removing one of the preferences. see above.
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‎Oct 31, 2023
08:21 AM
Long story short I can now select colours and my Colour Pane updates. So, back your preferences folder, removed the old one following the locations and instructions on previous page then restart PS from the CCDesktop then replace all but Adobe Photoshop 2024 Prefs.psp. This is the only thing that's worked for me. To be honest I tried everything I could thik before and even went back to 24.1 so I've tried a lot of things. I'm pretty sure it's the Adobe Photoshop 2024 Prefs.psp file that is the issue.
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‎Sep 11, 2023
10:44 AM
you could stick to giving technical advice. I didn't ask you to coach my life choices. I expressed that I don't like turse messages from software that I pay for. I don't like turse replies that were not asked for either. You could stick to giving help rather than telling poeople off! You are representing Adobe, like it or not. I for one think your replies makes Adobe look bad! I resent it. I don't epxect you to tell me what decisions to make with my life thanks!
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‎Sep 11, 2023
03:42 AM
I agree. This grumpy, rude message is really out of order. I resent being told off by software that I'm paying for. It's well out of order!!!!
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‎Jul 11, 2023
02:34 AM
You really are the inflamatry one aren't you. Why have I annoyed you so much you feel you have to attack me? I'm just a random person that felt frustrated with the tools I've been using for 23 years with no improvement to the one feature I use all the time. You know creative people outside of computing can just make the tools they need. I know I don't have to use Adobe. I'd have thought this 'well sod off' attitude wouldn't be the kind of help people can expect from someone ranked as an expert. You are expert at not being understanding and actually helpful for use. You are an expert at taking everything personally. You are an expert at inflaming people that are simply wanting to give feedback to the people whose software I've been paying for for 23 yeears. Is this really all I can expect for 23 years of paying for a service? Abuse and 'if you don't like it sod off'? Charming. Very worthy of your expert ranking. You know, I can't say my 'r's so for an English person my use of 'ranking' has a very apt sound meaning for someone so spiteful and aggressive. As a small business owner I actually appreciate the feedback my customers give me especially when it's a criticism. It's by listening to my customers complaints that has made me a better business owner. If I just told all my customers to go away if you don't like it, you don't have to come to me if you don't like it, I wouldn't be in business at all. Somehow I don't think you are deserving of the status you obviously give yourself. You are certainly not helpful. You are certainly not understaning. You are certainly not appreciated or wanted by this questioner. You have done nothing but cause me a headache. Please, stop replying. You are NOT helping.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
02:19 AM
yeah, why waste effort on people that haven't got programming skills. You know the majority of artists. It might surprise you to know that people that developed as creative, free thinking artists don't spend a lot of time learning about rigid scripting languages. You are an expert at trying to put people down rather than genuinely trying to help. Not everyone has that rigid, narrow thinking of of mathematics and scripting where meaning has to be pinned down to one thing and one thing only. Some of use artists where possibilities for new and surprising things are at your fingertips all day everyday. We don't want to be put into a tiny box where X has to equal Y+n for ever and a day, where Y has a strict definition that isn't free to change and evolve. Some of us would rather spend our time creating rather than putting others in their place. I didn't reply to you because I thought you weren't very kind of understanding of the issue I had. I din't reply to you because you basically said, it isn't because it isn't. Why bother. I didn't reply to your edit because as surprising as it obviously is to you I didn't learning scripting because I'm an artist, I only use photoshop now because the oil pants I used to use made too much mess and the fumes damaged my health. I'm sorry this makes me a lesser person in your eyes but, your unkind were not worth a reply. I really don't know why my question made you so angry. You didn't have to reply. Maybe if you focused more an actually helping people rather than improving your rank at Adobe you'd have more appreciation.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
02:00 AM
sorry for the typos, Adobe has tarred everyone with the same brush, not pun intended, ie. assumed everyone is corrupt and blocked the edit function for anyone except the 'sepcial' few deamed worthy enough. God forbid they should deal with those individuals that have 'abused' the function and maybe addressed the reasons why people feel they need to 'abuse' the function. No, people get treated like cattle as usual. Yes, 'cattle' meaning property, something just to be used an exploited. The users of these apps are the ones that pay the wages of Adobe staff afterall, god forbid you should treat them accordingly.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
01:48 AM
I'll give this the answer I think it should have had. Sorry Jim, Adobe, hasn't realised after 33 years that 2D artists use the Brush tool more than any other tool. Adobe introduced Blending Modes which are great but, doesn't understand that 2D artists will want to take advantage of those Blending Modes when painting, I mean, if you want to select from the Blending Modes rather than guess the colour from the colour palette it would make sense to have that option within the tool you're using. Adobe understands how useful that is in the Stamp tool, Quick Selection tool, Mixer Brush, History Brush, Eraser Tool, Gradient Tool, Blur Tool, Smudge Tool, Sharpen Tool, even introduced this option into the new features of the Healing Brush Tools and I should mention the Eye Dropper tool, I mean it's only an Adobe convention to have that option in Eye Dropper Tool. Adobe could have decided to make selection options a tool in itself that affected everything. There's no reason not to if you aren't going to have it in the Brush tool. I'm really not sure why Adobe doesn't see why having to select the Eye Dropper tool, change the selection mode and then switch back to the Brush tool is a bit frustrating especially if you've found yourself locked in the brush search box and shortcuts are just typing away and doing nothing so you have to hit another key to get yourself out of that box. I probably only use the Eye Dropper tool 99.9% of the time for changing between how the Brush Tool selects. Yeah, the Eye Dropper tool has some useful functions, it's just the one of which that I use the most to change how the Brush tool selects. I can understand why you wouldn't want to waste your time submitting a feature request to Adobe for this, I mean if they haven't listened to how people use Photoshop features in 33 years they probably aren't going to listen to you now. People like me and you that use the Brush tool in Photoshop, you know, for painting, making art, and take advantage of Blending Modes are obviously the tiny minority. Probably not surprising though since having to switch to the Eye Dropper Tool, change the selection mode and back to the Brush tool can get pretty annoying. Ironic though since the word 'phtoshopped' kind of meant airbrushed for a long time to the 'lay' community.
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‎Jul 02, 2023
06:14 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I am constantly changing between select same layer and select all layers, when using the Brush tool that is not efficient. Firstly why is this option not just there by default with the Brush Tool and secondly is there a way I can set it there so I can just click same layer or layers below etc.? Having to change to the eye dropper tool is so frustrating. I'm either choosing a bad workflow or Photoshop needs a fix and everyone is having this issue. Any help? Thanks
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‎May 27, 2023
01:52 AM
thanks for the info. I ended up just making them again from the bitmaps. I'll try your way, I'm sure I'll encounter it again. Thanks
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‎Mar 09, 2023
01:55 AM
that's a bit vague and just made me waste a lot of time. Don't worry. I think I'll live without it.
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‎Feb 24, 2023
06:31 AM
1 Upvote
It says on Github in the readme. Close your host application. Place Av1Image.8bi in the folder that your host application searches for file format plug-ins. Restart your host application. well, I downloaded the zip file but there is no file inside with that name. I tried just putting the whole unzipped file in my plugins folder but it still didn't work. Half the time I get a link to github I just don't bother because I just never understand what I'm supposed to do with these files. Nothing makes sense! Thanks
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‎Feb 11, 2023
02:07 AM
thank you. I will do that. Thanks Jim
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‎Feb 10, 2023
05:42 AM
this is from a separate thread that's been moved here. I didn't add this. TBH, if I'd know it was going to take this long to get an answer I wouldn't have posted. I'm here because I was going to post another question but, I won't bother.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
03:25 AM
Hi, I've got sbsar files that I made last year, I made them from images I'd created in photoshop. I made sbs files but, didn't add presets. After a serious crash on my computer I lost the sbs files and I wanted to add presets to the sbsar file that I use in Marvelous Designer. I opened the sbsar file in Sampler and exported to Designer added the presets but, it won't publish the sbsar file. It just gives errors that just seem wrong. If I create image files from Sampler or Painter and then import those images to Designer I create presets without any problem whatsoever so it's obviously nothing I'm doing wrong. So why can't I publish presets as sbsar file from a Designer file exported from Sampler? Is this a bug?
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‎Feb 06, 2023
08:18 AM
Hi, I've exposed parameters and created presets in the past with no problem and if I create a graph from scratch I don't have a poblem creating presets but, I've exported a Sampler file to Designer, exposed a colour node and made a preset. When I publish it as sbsar file I get an error message. [ERROR][Cooker]Parameter: Unknown parameter type [WARNING][Cooker]Input type is unknown in parameter normal_format of preset white. [2] [ERROR][Cooker]Compositing: Input bridge not found ... (repeated 15 more times) [ERROR][SBSCooker]Input type is unknown in parameter normal_format of preset white. [ERROR][SBSCooker]Cooking fail [Error 13] I don't really understand why since if I make the graph from the same image files in Designer and create the presets it woks fine. I have to be honest that error log doesn't really help me at all. So how can I fix it? I'd really like to be able to export from Sampler and create presets because I created a lot of graphs that got lost, I'm only left with the sbsar file that don't have any custom properites. Thanks
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‎Feb 06, 2023
06:38 AM
1 Upvote
I don't know if it was glitching or if I'm making an error. It worked fine when I exported from SS to SD today but, I'm getting an error when I try to add preset today. Since this is a different subject I'll look into it and open a new thread if needs be. Thanks.
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